Staying Outside.

Bea Daniels

Well-Known Member

Since starting Hogwarts Bea had spent most of her time outside despite the cold winter air. Bea was used to this growing up in England, sometimes it was worse weather than this, cold wind and rain!. It was definately an improvement.

Bea was walking along the edge of the lake, the wind whipped her face so her cheeks grew pinker and her ears grew numb. She threw her hood over her head and tugged on the sleeves of her coat. Bea looked around her and there was no-one in sight. Well no-one that she could see and she couldn't blame them, it was pretty cold. She was sure that their common rooms were really warm with the fires on. Bea longed to be in there but she would probably get bored easy. At least out here she had the scenery.
Angela had been excited to explore Hogwarts inside, and even more to explore the outer area. That urge to explore is what brought her out there on a chilly winter day.

As she walked around outside, she found that her outfit was not very practical. Seh shivered a bit under the breeze, but tried to ignore the feeling of coldness. She had only been walking for a little while when, through her black hair, she spotted someone with blond hair. She could ask them to walk with her, or if she could walk with them; even though she was a bit scared. She approached the girl, and noticed that she knew her. "Bea?" She questioned, coming that much closer.
Bea turned round at the sound of her name. Her eyes fell upon a girl who looked vaguely familiar, she racked her brains for the right name. "Angela?" Bea said "is that you? How are you?" she asked the girl, hoping it weas Angela or she would be in a right pickle.
She watched as the girl seemed to think. She felt in a good mood, so when the girl said her name, she looked confused. "No, not Angela." She said in a convincing tone.
Bea looked horrified "wha, what?!" she said confused. "Your not Angela?". Bea could of sworn that it sounded like Angela, the girl even looked like Angela.

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