Closed Staying on top of the game

Monday Weeks

sda president • what's sleep?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
13" Rigid Yew wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
May 16, 2044
There was a lot on Monday Weeks’ plate now with all of the classes that he was taking, and he wanted to continue taking all of the classes. All of the electives. Monday decided to try to get a head start on his studies. He took out his books once he got to a table and started to read up on them, review what was done last year and everything. He had Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Divination, and Transfiguration out. It was odd with him having so many books out at the same time, but it was enough for him to stay busy, as he twirled his pencil in his hand and worked to keep the numbers method, as well as the runes. Maybe he should have gone to a store and bought some runes. Or make some. Monday put the tip of the eraser to his lips as he studied. He needed to get out more though, really. Monday could study Muggle Studies, but he really did not need that. That was why he was in the library, but like Muggle Studies, he did not need people being loud and distracting him.
Abby knew she wanted to get a start on her studying. She knew that next year was going to be an important one, and she knew she needed to do well. Abby had a few of her classes textbook in her hand like Divination, Herbology and History of Magic. While she didn't take Divination last year, she thought that maybe the subject wasn't too bad and wanted to at least give it a go. Abby entered the library, she noticed it was a little busier than it usually was. She looked around to see if there were any spare spaces around, though she noticed a familiar face from classes, but had forgotten their name. The Gryffindor shyly made her way up towards the boy. "Hey, is it alright if I join your table?"
Monday glanced up as he saw a silhouette of someone standing at his table, which had all of his stuff just scattered on it. Thank goodness that he was not a rude person and deny them some time to study. "Yeah, let me get some subjects up." Monday closed his Transfiguration and Arithmancy books, keeping Ancient Runes and Divination open, even though he still thought that Divination might have been a joke. It was just who he was. He could not help it at all. Some of the methods seemed too far fetched for him. "That should clear up some of the room for you to study. Assuming that is what you are here for." Monday could never be certain with how many people wanted to get an early start. Many of them were socializing, but Monday was too introverted for that. Even being in class was exhausting.
Abby shyly smiled at the boy with appreciation as he cleared some room for her. She quietly thanked the boy before joining the table and gently placing her books on the table. "Yep, just trying to get an early start on some stuff for classes," Abby said softly. "What are you currently studying?" Abby asked. She knew she was taking a few more classes than she should, but she wanted to at least do well. She had quite the selection of things she wanted to study for and wasn't really sure where she wanted to start.
Monday nodded when she confirmed that she was trying to get an early start, like he was. He knew that she was not taking every single elective and class like he was, but still, it was nice to see others trying so hard. Monday gave her a smile to understand what she meant, but then she asked what he was studying. "Currently, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Divination. If you mean overall, I am studying all of the courses." Monday gave a small shrug of his shoulders since he felt that it was not that big of a deal, though it took up majority of his free time, if he was being honest. "I don't recommend it unless you are new to this world."
Abby nodded when he was explaining what he was studying, though her eyes almost bulged out of her head when he told her that he was taking all the subjects. "All of them? Well good on you. I could never, to be honest" Abby said genuinely. She had mad respect for those who could do all of the subjects, though she was always surprised when someone told her that they were doing all of them. She didn't want school to take most of her free time. "I'm sorry, what was your name again? I'm very bad with names" Abby asked the boy, she felt bad about it too because she genuinely forgot about people's names quite easily.
Monday shrugged his shoulders when she seemed like she was going to blow a gasket when he said that he was taking all of the classes. At least she was not trying to make fun of him for doing so. He put the work in, so he thought it was worth it in the end. "It is a lot of work. I don't have much time for socializing." Monday wondered if Aine had a lot of time to socialize, but it was possible that she did not. She asked what his name was, so that smile of his slowly vanished. "Monday Weeks." Monday thought about hers, and vaguely remembered it from classes. After all, his memory was part of his quirks. "You are Abigail Payne, right?"
"Oh, that's right! I'm sorry, I'm really bad with names" Abby explained as Monday had told her his name. It finally clicked when he told Abby his name. She felt really bad when she noticed his smile disappear. Abby smiled a little and nodded as he asked the question. "Yeah, that's me. You can call me Abby if you like though" Abby says softly with a small smile. She much preferred being called Abby. But she also didn't mind being called Abigail. "I've never met someone who was named after a weekday. Do you have any siblings that are named after the other weekdays too?" Abby softly asked with curiousity. She hoped the question she had asked wasn't rude or anything, otherwise, she would've felt twice as bad.
Monday wondered if she would say something about his name but it did not come. Instead, she just stressed on how bad she was with names. That was better than having to explain his name. "Abby is a good shortened for your name so I'll use that if you prefer it. Abigail is fine." Monday didn't think that there was a way to do his name in the same manner. Mon? Nah, that sounded horrible. "Probably because there's not really except Wednesday after Wednesday Addams from the muggle comic and show back in the 1900s. But I do. Wednesday and Thursday are in their second year. Friday will be sorted next year. Saturday and Sunday will be sorted in another three years. If they have magic. We came from a muggle family." Monday had a feeling that she might not mind that he was muggle-born. He had yet to come across anyone that did mind, or make fun of his name. Yet. "I'm sure you have siblings, so we can talk about them as well."

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