Starting again ...

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Eilleina Myer

Yep, I'm starting to have time again here as school just got done. I again, made a new character that will have a twin sister (Not yet created but will be controlled by me). So, i was wondering if Eilleina (Yes, the name sounds familiar but the spelling is weird) could have some starting relationships like friends and lovers or even enemies.

Eilleina is some what mean looking, always has a mad expression and doesn't want to talk to anybody but the truth is; she is kind, sweet, smart and gentle to the person she likes and knows her more. Eilleina will work as a college professor in the United States but then again, she will visit New Zealand for her daughter, who will go to Hogwarts New Zealand at the next school year.

Sorry, I'm getting used to explaining things like this again, its been years since i did this again. Hope ya'll understand and ya'll always can pm me for more info.
she could always meet Chay. I am looking for one or two plots with him just to get the feel of him.
he is just 17 but as he is part giant he is rather tall (like 8'9 tall) however despite his size he is rather meek and wouldn't say boo to a bat (as a figure of speech, why one would want to say that i don't know). he is rather shy as he thinks people are always looking a him as he stands out a lot.
something like a meet and greet is what I am looking for. nothing major.
I have Johanna Murray here.She is a ministry official and she is twenty.She used to be very quiet and shy but she has really come out of herself.She is fun loving,sweet and funny.She loves music and what not.She lives in New Zealand so they could meet there? But she loves to travel and when ever she gets of work she could go anywhere in the world so they could easily meet up in the States..I can offer her as a friend? Anymore info is in her bio.
Johanna will be alright, and meeting in New Zealand will be okay. actually, anywhere would be fine. If you want me to start the topic it will take one day after before i post it, very busy.
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