Start the Juice Pumpin'

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Danielle Gates

green eyes 💍 harpies keeper 💍momma to twin girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Damien ❤️
Straight 14 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
23 (05/2027)
So,I am easing myself again to the world of magic so I am in need of someone,and I mean anyone, to establish connections with...Gotta have to break from the boring routine of work right???

You can check my character background if you feel up to some threads...

Anyways,hope anyone is up for some RPing since as of the moment,I need some time to retrieve my Auror account which was forgotten for a loooooong time already..

Cheers! :D

Hey Arle!

I have a third year Durmstrang student who can rp with your character :)

Aleister is conspicuous, loud, flashy, and striking in both attitude and appearance. He always makes a point of asserting his presence, even if it isn't exactly necessary. He speaks his mind and does as he pleases, not unlike a spoiled child. He is easily bored and it is also fairly easy to make him angry. But as easy as it is to get him annoyed, it is also fairly easy for him to forgive. Overall, he's pretty friendly.

Do tell if you're up for an rp with him :)
Hey Raze!

An rp with Aleister sounds great! I don't what their connection will be seeing as he is a bit of this and that..Kenz is...hmmmm...I don't know a little reserved and shy but who knows what influence Aleister can bring right?
Yeah,that would be great..You can start a thread anywhere and I'll be there..Thanks!!
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