Open Stars in the night.

Elizabella Drake

Professor Castillo assistant🌿 photographer dad's
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 8 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
17 (27 January 2042.)
It was a little fun tonight stay all nigh with Louis. She was bring some a little many snacks. Chips. skittles yelow
, sandwiches and some limonade. She hoped that soon see mermaid and why not together spend time lake and mayby see animals in the night to? Bella smiled Louis and told him. '' I bring some snacks to, becouse all night is long. My brother will be mad if he know that i bring only yelow skittles and some his favorit Haribo. What you think, we will see mermaid at night? It's almost 18:00'' She asked Louis.

@Louis Alcott
Louis was excited for the adventure of staying outside overnight, it would be fun to hang out with Elizabella and make tell some ghost stories. He made himself comfortable and tossed a pebble into the water, it was finally getting dark which made it a bit more interesting. "I brought some snacks too." He said, holding up a bag of chips he had brought with him. "But that sounds cool. Why would your brother be mad?" He grinned. "Did you take his candy?" Louis then shrugged. "Maybe we will. Maybe they only come out at night."
''No, i don't take his skittle. becouse i always by my self and he just don't like if i eated all alone without him. He is realy obsed with yelow skittles. '' She giggled to Louis. '' I hope so! Do you think our professor will be mad if we are out from shcool? But this is realy so excited.'' She asked.
Louis laughed. "Well, we'll just enjoy them extra for him." He joked, though he personally thought the red skittles were the best. Yellow was still good. Louis shrugged, glancing at the castle. "I don't think they'll notice. But if they do, they'll probably be mad." He admitted. "Maybe we'll get detention." He said, wondering how she'd take that.

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