
Robert Kain

father 🎉 live for the experiences
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
9/2009 (52)
After finding the corridors were starting to get over-crowded, Robert offered to take a walk outside. It was a nice day, and as the weather was begining to brighten again it was much more pleasent than it had been in recent weeks. He smiled to Shalamar, wondering if it would be too foward to straight out do what he wished he could.

The masses of the students died down again, and soon there were just the few stragglers again here and there. "I hope your friend won't mind you being out here, after supposed to be meeting her" he teased smiling to her.

Leading down a small path at the side of the school, he soon cut off, to walk across th grass, heading for the great lake. He was suddenly reminded of something he'd told Rhianne. Oh well. he distracted himself from the thought by glancing sidewards to Shalamar again, something he found himself doing quite often. "Do you want to take a seat?" he asked, gesturing to the grass by the lake they'd approached.
As they walked in companionable silence she could not help but feel the contentment that washed over her. Shaking her head at his question she assured him that it was alright.
"Artemis was not expecting me at all. I had just received the picture of Kino and had wanted to show her. She came with me during the vacation to Mongolia to see him, we had so much fun" her head hung low then and she became thoughtful. It would be quite some time before Artemis would be experiencing fun of any sort again. The thought made Shalamar feel unquestionably sad for her friend, knowing there was not a lot she could do for her other than be there when she needed her.

Feeling guilty that she was now enjoying herself in the company of a boy, when her bestfriend was mourning the loss of one Shalamar wondered if perhaps she should indeed go to find her. As she thought this she caught Robert glancing at her and she smiled at him. The decision to return to the castle and hunt out Artemis was taking from her as she automatically nodded her head in relation to taking a seat.

"Ok" she would find her later and make it up to her, granted Artemis did not have any idea that Shalamar had been looking for her and the fact that she had tried most of the castle by the time she had come upon Robert led her now to believe that Art just didn't want to be found. When she did, Shalamar would be there. They made their way to the lake and carefully she sat down, bundling her legs to her side in a graceful and very ladylike posture. She had been taught well for many years in the etiquette and graces of the rich.

Picking up a daisy she looked out across the lake absently plucking the petals from the flower as if playing the old game of 'he loves me, he loves me not'.
"I'm glad we came out side it is beautiful out here" she turned from the lake to look at her new friend and the thought that the day was not the only thing beautiful crossed her mind as she looked at him.
Robert nodded to her, hearing her friend wasn't expecting her anyway. "If you're sure" he smiled, his hands out on the grass now as he sat cross-legged, his fingers playing with the blades. After a moment he sighed, running one hand through his hair again, before looking up and giving Shalamar another classic smile. "Yes, it is." he replied. "So are you." he added before he could stop himself.

He turned to look out over the Lake again. Dispite the fact they'd not known each other very long, Robert thought he would be able to be in the company of Shalamar for some time, as it was easy to talk to her, not to mention interesting and enjoyable. Robert wondered if there was someone out there now, wondering where Shalamar was. Weather or not someone would be angry with him for being around her. Apart from the inncident with Hoshi involving a boy, Robert had no idea what was going on in her current life.
She was suddenly startled by his words, as if he had read her own mind but unlike her spoke it instead. Shalamar continued to look at him with a mixture of shock and delight creasing her face into a smile that seemed to light her up. As he gazed out at the lake she took great pleasure in staring at his profile for moment. She could understand fully why this Rhianne and Larissa fought over him, he was wonderful. Complimentary, polite, charming without being blatantly flirtatious. He was exactly what she should have been looking for if she had, had the choice to look at all.

Her feelings for Henric had surprised her greatly, fate had constantly thrown them together at one time as if bidding her to like him, to care for him and deep down she knew there was a part of her that always would care but this ... what she was experiencing with Robert having just met him such a short time ago, was utterly different. There was a calmness there between them as if they had known one another for a long time, there was an interest there because truly they were only discovering one another. As her head turned to gaze out across the lake she put her hand down to pick up another daisy only to touch his hand instead as at the same time she thanked him for his compliment of her.
He looked down when her hand touched his, and clasped her fingers so she wouldn't let go. He turned to look at her straight in her eye, "I was just pointing out the truth" he explained seriously and quietly. He looked away for a moment, so as she wouldn't feel uncomfortable about him staring at her, so close.

"So about that wedding?" he started again, wondering if she was still going to come with him, or wether the idea he knew Hoshi had put her off completly. "Still up for that?" he asked casually. He wasn't going to make a scene if she didn't, he would understand. He would have just been pleased if she did. Plus it would give them an oppotunity to talk outside of school.
She had expected him to move his hand or at the very most to simply leave it still while she moved her own. Shalamar was once again delightedly surprised when he clasped her hand in his, their fingers meshing together. Turning her face so her gaze was firmly fixated on their hands she smiled. This was the second time they had held hands and she did not pull away. Was she getting over Henric already? Was it really that easy? Knowing full well that it wasn't and that she had a long way to go before her heart could truly admit not only defeat where he was concerned, but that she was completely and uncatagorically over him.

Robert seemed to be the ointment, the healing potion she required for this strenuous task. But wouldn't that be using him somehow? Shalamar was so new to all of this, having never even dated anyone. She had the decency to blush when he stated he was only telling the truth, she gave his fingers a gentle squeeze as way of a thank you.

"Yes" she smiled eventually turning to look at him again, "I'll go, if you're still up for having me?" he could just as well have changed his mind since he had last asked her, boys were just as prone to it as girls were of course.
Robert nodded, "Of course" he answered simply. He was thinking of Rhianne, how that just a few weeks ago they'd been happy together. He had no idea how she was doing, or wether she was okay. It was true he'd never meant to hurt her, but she'd become different since they'd first met, and he still had the point they never got a chance to talk.

Robert was caring for his friends, even those whose done wrong to him in the past, he would forgive. His friends were the most important thing to him. He would defend anyone needing it, no matter their past. Sometimes that made him look bad against others, but he had decided long ago he really didn't, care what others thought. He no longer felt anything to Rhianne. The last time they spoke Robet was reminded just how much damaged he'd done to them already, and he knew she could find someone better. He was still quite suprized Shalamar was still here.

"When's your birthday?" he asked her, almost out of the blue. He had a thing about dates. Like birthday's and important events. And he seemed to be able to remember them all too. His hand was still around her's, and currently he was had no intention of letting go.
Shalamar could not believe that she was sitting by the lake holding hands with a boy. A very cute boy at that, one who was smart and kind and intelligent. He had asked her to his brothers wedding and it was the second time in her life that a boy had asked her to anything. The first had been Daniel who had asked her to the Yule Ball the year before. She had been so apprehensive about that, but this was different. She felt completely at home here, enjoying the feel of her hand in his.

"When is the wedding?" she asked him, knowing she would have to get an outfit for the occasion but also knowing she had probably a hundred suitable ones to choose from already. It helped when your family ran one of the largest silk companies in the world. Supplying the magical and muggle world.
"My birthday? It's the 16th of September when is yours?" she turned to look at him and willed herself not to make any comparison's with Henric again. That chapter in her life was closed completely.

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