Spish Splash

Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜 temp charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
Lyra was taking advantage of the fact that classes had not yet resumed to enjoy the beautiful summer weather. She had promised to actually try in her classes this semester, and she was going to try to keep that promise this time. So, Lyra was taking today as the last hooray before classes resumed. The Gryffindor girl had spent several days scouring the lake for mermaids during her first year. She hadn't ever had any luck, so eventually she gave up. Even without the temptation of mermaids, the lake sounded like the perfect place to spend the day. The brunette wasn't one hundred percent clear on whether swimming in the lake was allowed, but she hadn't been in trouble for it yet, and she assumed that if it was against the rules someone would have already caught her.

It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies as Lyra dressed in her swimsuit, throwing on appropriate clothing over it. Walking through the school in nothing but a bathing suit would certainly attract attention, and not all of it would be desirable. Lyra made her way out to the lakefront without being stopped by anyone. She took a deep breath of fresh air and grinned. She loved being outside in the summertime. Lyra tossed her things on a giant rock, peeling off her clothes, before diving head first in to the water. It was chillier than expected but the third year didn't care. She loved it.

Not even Silus could conjure up a genuine complaint about the weather. It was truly lovely, and while he didn´t want anyone aware of the fact, he was in quite a decent mood. Taking in the sunshine and the picturesque sky, he made his way down towards the lake. The boy crossed his fingers in the hopes that no one else would have had the same idea as he started down the slope. He groaned, spotting someone´s things. A girl student, he speculated. Hmm, maybe he could ¨convince¨ whomever it was to leave.

He was contemplating tossing their things in the water, and then he widened his eyes. Was that Lyra? Ḧe left out a cough, trying to forget the fact that he was about to fling her things into the water, and called out her name.

OOCOut of Character:

So sorry this is so, so late! This past couple of weeks have just been chaotic. :cry:

Despite the fact that she was swimming alone in the water and probably looking like an idiot, Lyra was enjoying herself. She loved the sunshine that came with the summer and spring days. Too soon, fall would be here, bringing cooler weather back to New Zealand. She wasn't expecting anyone to join her out here in the water and was surprised when she heard her name. The Gryffindor looked back at the shore and saw a familiar face. Silus. She hadn't seen him since the Yule Ball where they had shared a few dances, and a brief kiss. It had been her first kiss, and one she wasn't likely to forget anytime soon. He was gentle and kind to her in a way that he wasn't with anyone else. Heat rose to her face as she blushed slightly at the thought, not entirely sure why. She hadn't seen him since, and they hadn't discussed the kiss that had caught the Gryffindor girl by surprise. Lyra waved a hand at him and began to swim for shore.

The brunette was soaking wet when she climbed out of the lake. She was suddenly aware of the form fitting swimsuit and the lack of curves on her petite frame and felt the urge to cover up, but she didn't. "Si! What are you doing out here?" she asked him curiously. "Come for a swim?" she asked, thinking that sounded very unlike him.

Silus settled himself on the grass and crossed his arms over his knees. He hadn't seen Lyra since they'd shared a kiss at the yule ball, and the memory was now fresh in the boy's mind as he watched her climbing up out of the lake. The tips of his ears tinged crimson, at the combination of the memory, and the sight of her in her swim suit. He suddenly felt nervous. She was so beautiful. Truth be told, he'd been avoiding her since the Yule Ball. Lyra made him feel like a new person, and while Silus would never admit it, that scared him quite terribly.

He smiled, he'd forgotten how good it felt to be around her."No," he began "I just came out for some fresh air." He knew he didn't need to have his guard up, but her knowing that he couldn't swim was unnecessary.
Lyra decided to take a break from swimming as Silus settled himself on the grass. She thought they were probably long over due for a talk. She picked up her towel and laid it down on the grass next to Silus before sitting down on it. She leaned back on her hands with her legs stretched out and looked up at the sky, feeling the warm sun beat down on her, drying off the water. Sitting next to him now, Lyra realized she had missed Silus in the last month that she hadn't seen him. "I'm glad you did. I've missed you, Si." she said with a smile, glancing over in his direction. She hadn't told him about the event at the Borley or the incident with Maddie yet, and she wasn't sure if she should. She knew how protective he often got of her and how much he disliked Felix though she never had figured out why.

"What have you been up to? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. In fact, I haven't seen you since the Yule Ball. Been avoiding me?" Lyra half teased. She was normally a very direct person. No point in beating around the bush now.

Silus smiled down at her and shifted to lay on his side, head propped up on one arm. He mentally berated himself, realizing how stupid he'd been in avoiding her. The boy was quite aware that Lyra brought the best out of him, and maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.

She'd missed him. He couldn't help but grin at that as he gazed into her eyes. They were always bright, but they seemed even moreso with the sun out and shining. "I've missed you too." He admitted. Silus felt his pulse quicken at the words which she spoke next. "Of course not." He chuckled -- though quite nervously, and dropping his gaze, he began to tug at a seemingly interesting blade of grass. "I haven't really been up to much... But what have you been up to?" He asked after a while, desperate to change the subject. The boy was also genuinely curious to know what she'd been doing while he'd been "away". It sure seemed like she could get into her own fair share of trouble at times. He smirked. After all, she did hang around with him.

A slight blush crept on to her cheeks as he said he missed her too. She wasn't one too blush and didn't know why it was all of a sudden happening now. "Good because I thought you might have been avoiding me because of the kiss." Lyra said, looking straight at Silus. She suspected he had been avoiding her, but she couldn't imagine why unless he was embarrassed, or possibly disgusted, by the kiss. She often had a hard time deciphering his thoughts and behaviors. She liked to think she was getting better at it, but Silus often surprised her. Lyra shifted her weight, mimicking the way Silus was laying on the grass.

"I don't know if you really want to know the answer to that question, Si." the Gryffindor said as he asked her what she had been up to. Suddenly, she was nervous as she bit her lip. She figured she might as well tell him about the Borely, otherwise his imagination might make the situation worse. "Right before the end of last term, I went to the Borely with Felix. Just to check it out. We didn't really think it was haunted, but it definitely is. Something nasty lurks in there. It broke my leg. Promise me that you won't ever go in there?" she asked him, her tone tinged slightly with fear, not for herself but for him. "Oh and then, Felix was stupid and told his girlfriend. She yelled at me about it and acted as if I spent too much time with him and maybe something else was going on. Ridiculous really." she said, leaving out the part where she made Madeline cry as she wasn't exactly proud of that.

Silus did his best to meet Lyra's gaze -- which seemed a tad bit accusational to him --, but he was sure it was a weak attempt. "Of course not." He said, mentally beating himself over the head as soon as the words left his mouth. He'd already used that excuse. Lying came naturally to the boy, but when she was around, it was exceptionally difficult, and he was certain she could see right through it.

Silus' icy blue eyes hardened. "I most certainly would. He said trying to remain calm. If anyone had messed with her...
At tge mention of Felix's name, he winced, knowing the story wouldn't end well with that asshat in the mix. And after listening to the rest of the story unfold, his thoughts were well confirmed. He just sat there in silence for a while. He didn't have much to say, but boy did he have much to do.

"I promise." He said softly, looking at Lyra with concern. He felt a pang of guilt. While Felix would certainly be getting what was coming to him -- Silus would make sure of that, had he not have been avoiding Lyra, she would've never gotten hurt or yelled at. He made a promise never to do so again, and he rose from his spot on the grass. Udoing the button at the top of his robes he slipped it off his arms and held it out to Lyra. "You can be a Ravenclaw on your war back." He teased with a playful smirk on his lips. Oh, how he'd enjoy giving Felix another black eye...

Lyra wasn't sure what reaction she was expecting from Silus as she finished her story about the mansion incident, but she hadn't expected him to remain so calm about the situation. He looked concerned for her, but really she was fine now. The Gryffindor girl let out a breath of relief as he promised her he wouldn't enter the house. Lyra liked to do dangerous, reckless things, but the house was more than that. It was alive and pure evil. She couldn't bear the thought of Silus getting injured or worse. "Good. I want you to be safe, and that house is not safe." she said with a shutter. He had to know it was really bad if she was afraid of it.

Lyra smiled at Silus as he stood and offered her his robe. "Thank you." It was a sweet gesture that surprised her slightly. She slipped in to in and instantly felt ridiculous. Lyra was a tiny girl, and Silus was much taller than she was. She felt like the robe swallowed her up. She wouldn't refuse it though since she had a policy of rewarding good behavior from Silus. She hugged it close to her. "Do you already want to leave me? Am I boring you?" she teased slightly. She didn't have any lessons today, but he might. "At least walk with me back?"she asked, slipping her slender hand in to his.

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