Sora Love

Sora Love

OOC First Name
Full Name: Sora Michael Love

Date of Birth: October 30, 2013

Current Age: 12

Basic Appearance: Blond hair, blue eyes, his banges come down to cover one eye.

Personality: nice, good singer, will stop and help people.

Family: Sora’s family
Alice Love: witch, died when he was born,
Jacob Love: muggle, died in a car accident
Brothers: DIED BORN still from his dad’s second marriage
Aunt Lucy: living with her right now till he goes to Hogwarts is his mom’s sister.

Pets: None

Area of Residence: Sydney, Australia

Blood Status: half blood

Heritage: Australian

Special Abilities: N/A

Interests or Hobbies: Singing

Additional Skills: N/A
Strengths: School and singing

Weaknesses: Family and making friends

Describe your character in three words: Nice, Calm, and outgoing

Favourite place to be: woods
Friends: N/A

Hogwarts House: don’t know yet doesn’t really care

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: to pass the years

Best school subjects: don’t know yet

Worst school subjects: don’t know yet

Graduation: not sure yet

Your Patronus: Coyote

Your Patronus memory: Getting his first pet

Your Boggart: his parents

Your Animagus: Coyote
Mirror of Erised: his life normal

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