Sophie Andrea March

Sophie March

OOC First Name
--------the basics
fullname -------- sophie andrea march
nickname -------- soph, munchkin (by parents)
birthdate -------- july 6 2025
bloodstatus -------- half blood
sexualorientation -------- too young to care
relationshipstatus -------- too young to care
phobias -------- water (mild aquaphobia)
fightorflight -------- fight
wand -------- n/a
educatedat -------- n/a
hogwartshouse -------- n/a
currentschoolyear -------- unsorted
yearsattended -------- 2036 - ?
specialnotes --------
favouritecolours -------- pink
familymembers -------- devon jonathon march (father), myra daisy march (mother)

-------- appearance
face claim -------- [in progress]
hair --------
eyes --------
height --------
style --------

-------- personality
Sophie is a very trusting girl with high expectations for herself and her standard of work. Her moral compass stands against cheating and all things cruel. She is highly intelligent but messy, especially under stress. She knows she can do well and is quick to temper when she can’t get something right. She works very hard for her achievements and often finds herself over achieving. Her levels of trust for others are exceptionally high, and Sophie is commonly walked over like a human doormat. She sacrifices herself for others often to her own detriment. Sophie handles stress well, but when she gets stressed she is very, very overwhelmed. She shows low levels of orderliness, and often loses items when she's under a heavy workload. Her high levels of intellect are complimented with an intense level of focus. Sophie will literally work herself into the ground if she has to. She is an omnivert, enjoying large crowds and socialisation but also enjoying time to herself with a book. She has medium levels of depression, indicating that she has normally regulated moods. She is one to over indulge, especially when at home in the muggle world and with access to a computer. She is strongly politically minded, preferring a liberal approach to a conservative one. She has a considerable appreciation for the arts while struggling to actually contribute to them herself. She isn't a very creative person. When someone struggles to complete a task Sophie finds simple, she may lose her temper or raise her voice in frustration with them.

-------- history
Sophie has a French and Australian background, with her maternal grandparents French and paternal grandparents Australian. She has lived in Cairns her whole life, speaking a mixture of French and English at home and being educated in the Muggle system. Her mother is a Pureblood while her father is a Muggleborn. Sophie was initially going to be named Sophia, but family friends kept mistaking it for Sophie and the name stuck. She has an infant sister, Grace, who was named after their paternal grandmother. Growing up in Cairns you would expect a girl to be able to swim, but Sophie has an intense fear of swimming and large bodies of water. She prefers instead to explore the rainforest and do charity work for different Muggle organisations in her spare time. Sophie's family live within a Muggle community, despite both parents being magical. Her father prefers to do household chores the Muggle way, while her mother has a charm for everything. Sophie is very studious, taking after her mother - a former Ravenclaw. She also has the kind heart of her father, a former Hufflepuff. Sophie had two pet rats, Nibbles and Squeak. They both passed away a few months before starting at Hogwarts New Zealand.

-------- astrology
starsign -------- cancer
symbol -------- the crab
element -------- water
rulingplanet -------- the moon, mercury
birthstones -------- ruby
flowers -------- lackspur

-------- name

sophie -------- sophie comes from the french form sophia, which translates to wisdom from greek
andrea -------- andrea is the feminine form for andrew, which literally means man
march -------- a month

-------- familytree
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