Sophia Starling

Sophia Starling

New Member

Full Name:
- Sophia Amelia Starling

Date of Birth:
- Eighth of May, 2014

Current Age:
- Seventeen

Basic Appearance:
- The first thing most people notice about Sophia is her bright orange hair. She likes her hair, but dislikes it when people compare it to fire. There are so many more ways of describing the colour. She has a round face with roundish brown eyes to match it. Her height isn't anything unusual, she is smaller compared to the majority of people she knows, but not by much.

- Sophia has all the traits of a typical Gryffindor, "daring, nerve, and chivalry" are all traits that could apply to her. She is brave, loyal and everything a Gryffindor should be, which explains why that was the house she was sorted into before she dropped out of Hogwarts in Scotland. Ever since her magical schooling, and hope of a career, went down the drain, Sophia has become a lot more withdrawn and less like the rebellious girl she used to be. She used to be bubbly and cheerful, but She is, and has always been, impulsive, and moved to New Zealand on a whim because she hated being stuck in her parents house until she was of age.

- Both of Sophia's parents are studious ex-Ravenclaws who met in the Hogwarts library and dated for a long time before they married. Sophia's mother is fond of rules and doing what is expected of her, and Sophia's father just follows that. Sophia finds both her parents awfully dull and feels stifled when she has to be around them. Sophia and her parents do not get along in the slightest, but they were the only people who she could go to when she needed help. And, Sophia needed help. She dropped out of Hogwarts in fifth year to give birth to her daughter, Naomi. Sophia doesn't know the name of Naomi's father, as she only met him once, but she doesn't care. She only got involved with him to convince herself that she could get a boyfriend, even if the plan didn't go exactly how she wanted it to. She doesn't want to remember that part of her life, and left Naomi with her parents when she moved to New Zealand.

- None

Area of Residence:
- Nowhere at the moment, Sophia has been crashing in motels or in her car since she arrived in New Zealand.

Blood Status:
- Mixed.

- Scottish

Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:
- Sophia likes to read, a hobby picked up from a wizarding family with a passion for novels. Cinema is something Sophia has always enjoyed, especially because her parents hated films. She also really loves archery and music. She plays the guitar and the flute, the latter not very well. Sophia used to be a Quidditch player at school, but hasn't picked up a broom since she left.

Additional Skills:
- She's good at darts from her archery training.

- Brave, inventive, adaptable, friendly, means to be a good person

- Failed school, little career prospects, impulsive nature, hot-headed.

Describe your character in three words:
- Reckless, indecisive, fanciful

Favourite place to be:
- Her car. It's Sophia's only constant place, and she treasures the vehicle.

- None to speak of

Hogwarts House:
- Ex-Gryffindor

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- She hoped to graduate. That wish didn't work out very well.

Best school subjects:
- Astronomy. She liked learning about the stars, and it was the only subject she actually passed.

Worst school subjects:
- Everything else. She failed everything else.

Extracurricular Activities:
- She was in the school choir, and a part of the one-girl book club.

Current Job:
- "Between jobs". She has been working as a waitress for multiple restaurants, but is searching for a job in the wizarding community. She has been engaging in a few side jobs that aren't strictly 'legal'. Sophia has no qualms about the things she does, as long as she doesn't hurt anybody specifically.

Plans for your future:
- Get somewhere permanent to live and pay the rent.

Your Patronus:
- A dragonfly. She has only cast her Patronus properly once and hasn't been able to manage it since.

Your Patronus memory:
- Receiving her Hogwarts acceptance letter. Even knowing it was going to happen didn't make it any less of a happy memory for her.

Your Boggart:
- Something bad happening to Naomi. Sophia doesn't want anything to do with her daughter, but she still cares about her.

Your Animagus:
- A cat.

Mirror of Erised:
- Sophia wants a family. A proper family with a husband and children like her parents wanted her to have. Naomi would be there with her.

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