
Danielle Warbeck

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
James {Main}
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Ryan Moon. Danielle Warbeck's boyfriend. They have been going out for a while, and they haven't seen eachother since, Danielle's sickness. She wondered if he had looked different... I bet we will seem like strangers to eachother! She thought playfully. She picked a rose by the Lakefront, and sat at a tree, close to the bank. She sniffed the rose. "Hmm." She hummed in delight, the rose smelled amazing. Danielle was very excited to see ryan she had slipped him a note in the Hallway.
It read:

10:00 Am.
Danielle. <3
<FONT font="Georgia">

She smiled, as she looked at her watch.
9:58 AM
Ryan walked down towards the lakefront where the note had told him to go from Danielle. He was a bit excited to see her. He hadn't seen her in ages he wondered what had happened to her. He wondered had she changed a lot like himself. He was half ways down to the lake when he saw her. He hurried up a bit and when he was behind her he stopped "Hey"he said a smile on his lips..

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry Its the wrong person I forgot!
OOCOut of Character:
Haha no worries Johanna!

When Ryan came towards the Lakefront she smiled. She got up, and looked at him, with a puzzled look. "Uhh. Hello I know you?" Danielle said playfully, she laughed and gave him a hug, followed by a kiss on the cheek. She point to the ground, using that as a signal to sit, but she pulled him down anyways. "Ahh. So how have you been? Its been ages. I feel like I went from 19,000 B.C to here in 2028.... Man i hate that stupid Vanishing Sickness! I feel like a missed so much!" She shrugged. "Either way, how is Sara, and Kate? Are they doing well?" She asked him happily. She twiddled the rose in her fingers. Danielle listened as the Songbirds started singing. She smiled.

OOCOut of Character:
If your not sure about what Vanishing Sickness is look, HERE.

Ryan laughed and returned the hug.He had missed her hyperness without realizing it.It was weird being around her because he had been by himself for so long.He was about to sit when she pulled him down.He smiled. "I know.I'm grand.How are you"He asked smiling as he said it."What is that?"He asked not knowing a thing about wizard illnesses."They are grand,though they are not really talking anymore"He said with a sigh. He couldn't believe they weren't talking anymore but it wasn't his business. "So how have you been other than your illness"He asked putting an arm around her
"I'm pretty good, thanks for asking." Danielle smiled towards Ryan. Her perfect white teeth showed. Danielle laughed when Ryan was confused about the sickness. "Don't worry I didn't know what it was either. But basically, its a disease, where parts of you body start to vanish away.... its very scary, but the people in the infirmary, acted quickly. I must have been touched, or bitten by some magical bug while in the Forbidden Forest." Danielle said, sighing, a sigh of relief that it was over. And, since the disease was contagious, (except for the healers who used an immunity spell) Danielle could see no one, and was on lockdown. "Aww, thats sad." Danielle said, looking down. "I've been Well, thanks. I'm recovering, but I'm not contagious anymore, but look at my toes!" She Pulled up her foot and everysingle one of her toes, were half-way gone. "They are slowly regenerating. Thats the last ones." Danielle smiled.
Ryan smiled "That's good"he said looking down.His confidence had taken a serious blow since first year.He was also a small bity more selfish and quiet but after spending time at home he wasn't as bad now.After Danielle had explained the disease Ryan must have had a face of pure horror."Your serious?"He asked amazed that that disease even existed.He admired Danielle he couldn't of faced that sort of disease.But even though he was seriously not liking the sound of the disease he smiled when Danielle showed him her toes. "How do you balance?"he asked curiously looking at her toes
Danielle nodded in agreement with Ryan's statement. She was glad it was over. She used to be prone to getting regular, sicknesses, but its pretty bad that she got them in the Wizarding World too! "Yeah, its pretty crazy." Danielle laughed, putting her head on his shoulder. Ryan was always so good to her, she may have some serious feeling for him, now. "I got special Flip Flops, and Sneakers. But I mostly just, walk barefoot, as they are regenerating." Danielle smiled, giggling a bit, as her toes look like they got bitten off!

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for late reply. Internet has been bad.
Ryan smiled.He couldn't help smiling when he was around Danielle.She was just so hyper and happy.She was actually good for him.He was so used to being around cold,mean people it was great to have a break and be around nice people for a change.Ryan automatically put his arm around her when she put her head on his shoulder.He didn't realize and when he did he was going to move it but he then realized that it felt right,like his arm should be there.he then decided to leave it. Ryan nodded "Cool"He said smiling again. "So when do they think they will be fully regenerated?"He asked suddenly very happy.
Danielle looked up at him. Ryan Moon was such a great person. So people may call him rude, mean, annoying. But to Danielle, a hero. She smiled at him. She also felt very safe around him. He would protect Danielle. "They said about 2, 3 or 4 days. I'm so happy its over." She paused and looked out at the lake. Beautiful She thought. Suddenly she had to say it. The thing on her mind "Ryan Moon. I..I I think I love you...." She said, looking him straight in the eye, with her twinkling, Amber eyes.
Ryan wondered what he really felt for Danielle.It was obviously much more than friendship proven by the fact they were together but they had been going out for so long we wondered was there something else.He wasn't sure and he didn't even know if Danielle felt it.It was slightly annoying because he couldn'yt pin point what he fully felt for her.His thoughts were interuppted when she spoke again "That'ts great"he said giving her a squeeze.He looked at her as she was looking out at the lake still trying to figure out that emotion.She surprised him when she looked back and straight into his eyes.But what she said shocked him and he then realized that was what he felt towards her.He loved her too.He realized it was stupid to think that because they were only twelve years old but he just knew it was right.Though some people would say its because its your first love and blahdy blady blah but he didn't care.It wouldn't matter if they were seperated or went out with other people,he knew she would always have the first place in his heart.he just looked at her for a few minutes before he could say it "I think I love you too."he said a big grin forming on his face .
Danielle nodded and kissed him. She did love him. No matter what, she could would love him. He could become a death eater and Danielle would still love him. He, went into the house of Slytherin, yet she still loved him. This was a type of passionate love, that could never be broken. Like a promise, that will always be kept. Ryan was someone, she could rebound, and bounce off of. If she was in a bad move, he would cheer her up, and vice versa. She stayed quiet for a long while. She knew, that at that point, no talking was needed. "And I will always love you."

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