Somjai Lamai Thanachart Wu
สมใจ ละไม ธนชาต Wu
Somjai (Som-chai)- The name is one of the popular baby girl names in Thailand and the meaning really does suit Somjai as it goes "living up to heart's desire". Her parents had desire for her as she's the only girl in the family and the youngest.
Lamai (Laa-my)- A name that originated from Thai with the meaning "soft" and "a caring person".
Thanachart (Tha-na-chat)- Meaning "Wealthy Family". The Thanachart family isn't rich. Although, the last name is very common in Thailand.

Birth Date | 26th of November, 2045 |
Hometown | Chiang Mai, Thailand |
Residing | Ratchaburi, Thailand |
Blood Status | Halfblood |
Ancestry | Thai and Chinese |
Nationality | Thailand |
November 26th is the month and date when the Curiosity rover took off to Mars and landed at its point of target, the Gale crater. Chiang Mai is of North West of Bangkok near the border of Myanmar while Ratchaburi is of South West of Bangkok. Just a few miles from Bangkok itself. Somjai has a dual citizenship from China and Thailand.

- Scorpio- Scorpios are passionate and assertive people with determination and focus you rarely see in other zodiac signs. They will turn to in-depth research to reach the truth behind anything they find important. Great leaders and guides, Scorpios are resourceful, dedicated and fearless when there is challenge to be overcome. They will hold on to other people’s secrets, even when they aren’t very fond of them to begin with and do anything they can for those they tie themselves to.
- Element of Water- This is the element of constant movement, but slow and steady, swirling inside each of us and holding on to its mystery. This is the element of conception and death, of illusions and fairytales, holding the secret to our Soul - its beginning and its end. In the element of Water we literally deal with matters of life and death, of our genetic inheritance and all of our ancestors. Strangely, this is also the element of emotions. We all have to understand that our emotions have already been lived through by someone in our family tree, and they are passed on from generation to generation, mostly through the role of the mother.
- Ruler Dwarf Planet Pluto & Mars- Pluto is the ruler of all destructive choices and taboos in the world, speaking primarily of the human need for sexual repression that leads to deep unconscious frustration that tends to set itself free. It rules the sign of Scorpio which is, after all, the sign of sex and war, and Pluto is all of this comprised into one point where things explode, burst into flames, standing for the point of nuclear energy that cannot be contained. It can hold a lot, everything we shoved under the rug and under our mattresses in search for unrealistic instinctive fulfillment. Still, there comes a point in which Pluto can’t contain any more repression, and it simply spins out of control, leading to all sorts of destructive circumstances and choices. Apart from our beliefs and social norms, Pluto will take us into an entirely new whole, where justice is simply what it is, found in primal needs we don’t want to face. Mars is a planet that rules the sign of Aries, and traditionally Scorpio. Its main paradox hides in the fact that it is in charge of our first breath and the last one, the beginning of life shown through the start of the zodiacal circle, and its end in the deadly sign of Scorpio. Although it is always seen as responsible for war, hurt, destruction, and fights, Mars is simply an unconscious animalistic nature we don’t give enough freedom to. Restrictions in our (primarily sexual) expression of energy will lead to inhibitions of all sorts and accumulation of anger and frustration below our surface, beyond the face we show to the world. Mars represents our basic energy, our first chakra, and speaks of fears that tend to control our lives. If we are brave enough to live up to our full potential on planet Earth, Mars is the one to help us find our grounding, resolve any material and existential issues, and provide us with the energy we need to follow any of our plans and reach any goal we wish to.
Scorpio Traits
Strengths: Resourceful, powerful, brave, passionate, a true friend
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, manipulative, violent
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, talents, teasing, passion
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, superficiality, small talk
Strengths: Resourceful, powerful, brave, passionate, a true friend
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, manipulative, violent
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, talents, teasing, passion
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, superficiality, small talk

Born to a Thai Mother, Yatida Thanachart, a former Actress and a Chinese Father, Ming Wu, an airline company owner. Somjai is their third and only daughter. She grew up with two other brothers; Jiang Wu and Guang Wu, both older than her in great numbers. The reason of the age gap between siblings is that Somjai was conceived through surrogate, her mother wanted a baby girl but her age was the factor she can't carry a fetus nor deliver the baby safely without putting her and her baby in danger. So, Somjai's parents opted to have a surrogate. Nevertheless, she was loved and adored by her family, her brothers are her protector. The little girl grew up in Chiang Mai, a mountainous province in the Northern part of Thailand. They lived there until she was six years old and moved to Ratchaburi just West of Bangkok, there she started her muggle primary schooling at Anuban Ratchaburi School while her mother teaches her the history of magic all around the world. A very curious little girl, she was all over doing normal kid stuff; playing outside and getting into mischief. A different life from her only cousin, Naomi. Somjai started having interest in piano and harp, and was average by the time she turned eight years old. She currently still plays the piano and harp in some occasion but not frequently; her parents, specially her father isn't strict when it comes to extra curricular and didn't force her brothers which career path they took. Magic hasn't been prominent in their household but never forgotten, whenever magic was used, Somjai was always fascinated by it. Of course, she would accidentally a magic or two but not willingly. By the time her magic was getting a recognition from the guise of what muggles thought a Ghost haunting (Thailand is a very superstitious country), they took Somjai out of school and homeschooled her one year before getting her acceptance letter from Hogwarts New Zealand. She was, of course, excited to go and learn more about their culture as a magical being. Today, Somjai is currently enrolled at Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted into Hufflepuff with her cousin Naomi.

Face Claim | Kitty Chicha Amatayakul |

Muggle School | Anuban Ratchaburi School |
Wizarding School | Hogwarts New Zealand |
Future Occupation | |
Graduating Class | |
Wand | |
Extra Curricular Activities | |
Religion | Buddhist |
Sorting Reaction | Somjai was very excited once they touched down inside the castle. She had meet his cousin on the train journey coming here and had to separate due to the fact Naomi was already a student here and was sorted. While Somjai was only a new student and hadn't had been sorted. Her parents and brothers weren't alumni of Hogwarts in New Zealand, rather they all went at Mahoutokoro in Japan. The girl had to relay at Naomi to know about the sorting. She sighed just admiring the Entrance hall of the castle where on the side it goes to the moving staircase "Nī̀ mạn h̄elụ̄xcheụ̄̀x māk! (This is so incredible!)" She said enthusiastically to no one her Thai accent strong. As the group moved on and came inside the said Great Hall, she felt her jaw hanged as the view of the ornate Great Hall came into view. She'd seen very magnificent ornate Buddhist temples, she could say the Great Hall lines with them. Somjai was busy looking around that she didn't noticed the line had stopped and she collided at the person in front of her. "K̄hxthos̄ʹ c̄hạn k̄hxthos̄ʹ (Apologies, I'm sorry.)" Somjai had to apologise in a Thai fashion called Wai, where she has to make the prayer hand and bow. Thankfully, the person in front of her was kind enough to brush it off. The sorting was on its way when they paid their attention back up front. She clapped excitedly for the people who had been sorted already. The Thai girl didn't have any preference on the houses, she would be okay getting sorted with her cousin in Hufflepuff. The person who she bump into was called and Somjai was surprised that he has the same last name as Naomi. Her eyes widen, he looks cute though she thought and happily cheered when he got his house. "Wu, Somjai!" called the Headmistress. She almost yelp but compost her features and walked to the front, sat on the stool and the hat was placed on her head gently. Phracêā thuk s̄āytā mxng mā thī̀ c̄hạn (God, all these eyes looking at me). Oh! heck! I should start talking in English it's not like they'll judge my accent or anything. Omg! would they? Are there judgmental students here? Somjai was starting to worry. She knows English; to read, write and speak but with speaking comes with her strong Thai accent. Her parents didn't mind the accent but other people did, specially foreigners that comes and visits them. Somjai didn't want to cry, she just thought that there will be a magic to rid of her accent and she'll be fine. "There are all types of students here at Hogwarts New Zealand. I would know, I've sorted them all. So don't be scared. You'll find your people in due time. First, I have to sort you so you can begin. Now let me take a look. You've got all of the right traits for...Hufflepuff!" |

A family is a unit composed not only of children, but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold.
![]() The cool dad that always throws dad jokes when needed. Ming and Somjai are the ideal father and daughter duo. Born in an affluent neighborhood in China, Ming grew up in a slightly strict environment. Him and his sister always gets the best of everything. Although, Ming didn't like his parents parental out put, he promised that his future kids will have a laid back upbringing. | ![]() The prim and proper mum and former drama actress, Yatida glues the family together. Growing up in Bueng Kan, Thailand where they have a rubber tree farm and still do, she learned early labour and hard work. The farm is also a family run and that's why Yatida is into family sticking together. Yatida has three other siblings and all have families now. She attended Mahoutokoru for her Wizarding studies where she met her husband. |
![]() Jiang, the oldest of the three. A bit uptight when you first meet him but he's really laid back. He was most the excited brother when Somjai was born, always babysitting. Jiang works as a game developer at a triple A video game company in Japan. Occasionally coming home to Thailand to visit his family. | ![]() The goofy middle brother who likes to prank everyone. Married to a pastry chef, they have three kids ages six, four and one. If you want your party to liven up, Guang is the man to call. Family reunions with him were never dull. Guang is a resident doctor at Singapore General Hospital |

Credit as follows:
Thai translation provided by Google translate
Astrology information
Quote information (Ogden Nash, as quoted in Think, 1958)
Family tree provided by Familyecho
Aesthetic board provided by Pinterest
Title cards and design provided by Canva
Note: This biography template is made by yours truly and is subject to approval if needed to be borrowed. PM me on discord.