Closed something to tell you

Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

🍬 honeydukes sweets tester & mum of 4 🍬
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Kelsey looked at the dinner she'd made up, she liked the look of it. Now with Elio in school and she home from Spain (after having to deal with her parents) she was able to settle in properly. She hadn't liked having to send Elio to school after spending the last five years homeschooling him, but it would be nice to have him there for Rhys when he starts next year, Elio loves being a big brother after all. She'd had to utilise her friends for help less and less over the years and she'd been able to rely more and more on Bryce and after the initial awkwardness of being in a relationship or not being in a relationship, they'd finally gotten to a good place - and now she was pregnant again. It had taken her a little longer to figure it out this go around, since she'd been so busy with everything with her mother, and now she was home and she was ready to tell Bryce. She wasn't entirely sure how he was going to take it, but she'd left it a little later than she would like, because she was already starting to show. She was already nearly five months along and that was an embarrassingly long time more than it should have been. Still, now was the time, because Bryce needed to know before she could tell the rest of the boys. She turned to him and gestured to the meal she'd made. She'd become very fluent in sign over the years. "Bryce! I missed you!" she signed as she spoke, running to launch herself into his arms. She'd been gone for two whole months.
Bryce Chamberlin wondered if he was the oldest Auror in training in the team, but he did not mind it either. He never worked in a manner like that. He taught mainly, and wanted to use his gift for something good. So far, he had great control over it. And, he had a couple of them recently while Kelsey was gone. While Rhys was doing a puzzle, he saw the light from the side and saw Kelsey running in. She signed to him, which he just beamed, as he hugged her, though her running almost caused him to fall backward. He definitely knew that something was off about her body. He would have been surprised about her stomach - but he had the vision a week after she left. They were going to have another baby. He wished that they had done this sooner, but timing was never right. He pulled back from the hug and signed back, "I have news for you. I'm an Auror in training." Bryce was proud of it. He was also sure that she might want to tell him that she was pregnant. So, he could let her have it for now. And, he already knew what they were having. Should he say? He could. He might have already bought a few things for a nursery after all.
Kelsey is a little surprised honestly, he had mentioned he was going to apply, but it hadn't really occurred to her that he would be successful, not that she doesn't believe in him, she loves Bryce and she wants him todo whatever he wants to do with his life, but, honestly, a part of her is a little concerned about being the partner of an Auror, what if something happens to him? Just because he's a seer doesn't mean he will always know ahead of time if something is going to happen, and honestly she's a little worried about what having him around less will do, especially as she's coming into her term of pregnancy. Still, she grins at him and clasps his face in her hands, pulling him in for a kiss. "I'm so proud of you my love, that's so exciting!" And it is, even if it will cause her to worry, she's not about to put a dampener on his feelings about the situation. She hopes they're all nice to him because she will be very upset if they aren't. Just because he's deaf doesn't mean he doesn't know when people are talking about him. "My news is a bit different, I'm pregnant! We're having another baby!" She tells him, moving her hands to his and placing them over the tiny bump she now has. She's left it a little long, she's already further along than she would have liked to be to have told him. She can see Rhys as a good big brother, and Beau and Elio will love it too. Elio has been pretty good about all of it, Beau has had plenty of practice with cousins and such since the Chamberlin is such a large family anyway (outside of Bryce at least) it will be nice to put a nice little bow on their story together.

@Bryce Chamberlin
Bryce could hard"ly contain the happiness and joy he felt when he saw her. For years, he felt butterflies in his gut about Kelsey, and not a single one died. They probably multiplied in there instead. Her sudden affection would always catch him off guard, but he always kissed her back when she did. There was no surprise about the pregnancy when she announced it, even putting his hands on her stomach. The bump was there, and he would never get used to the feeling of having another child. Always made him nervous. Always made him wonder if the child would be born deaf like Beau, or hearing like Rhys. He knelt down, moving his hands around her waist as he pressed the side of his head to her bump. There was one flaw about Bryce though. He was honest, and blunt. So, hiding news was hard for him. Very hard. He let out a sigh and said, a little louder than he intended, "He is going to be happy and healthy, just like our other ones." Oh course, he considered Elio his own by now. He loved the Gryffindor the same, even if he could hear. There was just a special bond between a step-father and a step-son, even if Kelsey had yet to have a ring on her finger. The vision was still the same. A nice, Autumn wedding.
She was so happy to hear that news... and then it dawned on her exactly what he'd said. "You... he?" she sighed, she didn't know why she kept trying to keep this kind of information from him, he literally just needed to look at her and he'd get a vision of something she was trying to hide but she'd hoped a little that the time apart might have meant he wouldn't have gotten a heads up, apparently that was not the case though. She shook her head a laughed a little. She placed both of her hands on his face and pulled him into a kiss. "Do you happen to know what we decide to call him?" She had a couple of names, but she hadn't picked one properly yet because it was one of the things she had wanted to run by Bryce first and it appeared she might not have had to. The list wasn't particularly big all things considered, but it was something she had enjoyed making out. She could discard the list of feminine names at least, since she wouldn't need those for a boy, but she was curious what they would choose. Sometimes being with a Seer did have its perks, even if it also came with some disadvantages. "One day I'll pull the wool over your eyes my love."
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Merlin's beard, Bryce had done it again. He could not keep a secret, especially over something like this. Rather than be mad, she just pulled him to a kiss, and asked if they had decided on what to call him. Unfortunately, he did not know that much. "I didn't see that far, but I know he will be a handful." Bryce wondered if their new son would gain that from Kelsey or from himself. It was hard to say. Bryce wanted to know what options she had because after Beau and Rhys, his favorite names were used up. The only names he had in his mind were possible daughters. "I doubt that. But I can try to pretend not know everything. Not that I do, but just some things." Bryce had great control over his ability, which he relied on since he did not have one of his senses. "Do you want to see the nursery? I remade Rhys' crib and tables."
“Ah well, then I suppose I will have to make a list, at least I can exclude girls names this time around. You know trying to figure out what to call Elio came so naturally, Rhys was fairly simple too. Perhaps baby number three will be just as simple,” She hadn’t intended on her babies having themes to their names, and they still didn’t, but accidentally they did all have four letters. Beau, who was not hers but she claimed him, then Elio, Rhys and now she wouldn’t feel right if baby number three didn’t have a four letter name, which might help to narrow it down a little. “I would love to see the nursery,” she couldn’t wait to see what he’d done. She was looking forward to having more time to spend with Bryce now that she didn’t have to worry about her parents anymore. She’d left that all behind in Spain, and Elio was out of the house, Rhys would be soon, they could have a lot of time to themselves, even if Bryce was working as an Auror. “I love you, you silly man.”

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