something to dream of...

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Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
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Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
So, we need someone to control this little guy. Registering him right now is definitely
not necessary. Who is he? He is Nataliia's and Alphonse's son, the youngest of the quads
which makes him pure-blood, from two approved. The thing with him is, he is the nicest of
his siblings, not overall but his siblings from the two parents. He is supposed to be brave,
and noble, which when sorted, he would be a Gryffindor. His playby is, right now, Tom F.
so it could very well change. He was born on May twenty-second, year of 2024, making
him six years old right now. He is living at the Snow Manor, and is subject to the Snow
family laws as well as the Zhefarovich laws. However don't let that discourage you!

Another Snow charrie, only this one is totally different from Jean. She is the daughter
of Theodore Snow and Aleyha Snow, two Death Eaters. She would be a quarter Veela
thanks to Theodore's genes. Her playby would be Miss Mosh when she gets older. She
is currently two, and there'd be no need to register immediately either. Just stick about
for when it comes time. She has her own guardian snake, a white python. She would
probably end up in Slytherin like her parents when she is in school. Her attitude more
than likely would be harsh and mean. She has a little brother on the way too, and she
is currently a brat. She too would be subject to both family laws, Zhefarovich and Snow.

Chacen is Alyssa Chevalier's and Vincent Chevalier's firstborn son, one that is a lady's man
as he is growing up. He is one quarter Veela, thanks to his mother. I would imagine him to
be a good alliance, and he would probably be one of those that have many girlfriends, even
when his parents kind of advise against it. He is about two now, about three, so no need to
register immediately! Since he is the son of the estranged Alyssa, he might not be bound to
any laws at all. He is the oldest of future siblings that will come much later. We need some
one to play him, since we have so many others that we will need to portray anyway! Chacen's
future playby, uh, is Chris Hemsworth, a handsome fellow for the future. His personality is
free to play with, so if you are interested, you will just have to follow the directions below!

Last but most certainly not least is the youngest son of two Death Eaters, Kalif Styx and
Nicolette Styx, making him a young pure-blood. He is supposed to be rather cold, like his
dad and his future playby would be Cory Knauf, although it is subject to change as well.
He is three right now, so no need to register him, and he would be bound by Zhefarovich
laws. So everything else is free to roam around with, and since not much thought has
been thought into him, just that he is the youngest of the Styx clan, in that generation.

So, that is all that we have right now! If you are interested in any of these four
children, just post here, or throw either Jessye or I a PM! We will also contact you
if we both agree (which we agree on everything), that you would be the owner of
any of these babies. So, come on peeps! xx
Oh and do be patient with us. XD
Hallo girls!
After my big character cull, I've got room to breathe and time to spend on a good major/minor character. I expect that playing one of these guys wouldn't be a full time gig yet, but I'd be happily active in family plots as a youngin' until he/she got a bit older. I've put all of my students to the side so I can concentrate on small, private rps, but as time goes on I'll likely settle on just 3-5 characters on rotation, including a student. If you were like to offer me one, I wouldn't mind playing Jean. I'm not very good at playing chilly characters, but I'm familiar with Alphonse and Nataliia and with most of the laws of both families, so I'm not daunted by that. Any of the others are acceptable to me, but if you're willing I'd love to play Jean.
No rush :)
Hey girls,
I saw this and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to say something. I dunno if you guys would agree, but I would love to play Astarte. She seems like a very different character than what I am used to, so I think this could be a great opportunity for me to learn to play other characters. I've had harsh and mean ones before, but not usuaually because of a family background like the one of Astarte. I have greatly improved my rolelplaying capabilities if that sort of thing worries you guys and I am capable of matching posts when I really want to. Just most of the time I am too lazy. But I would ensure that Astarte's posts are as long as you want them. I know a few laws of the family, and would only need to be told a small overview. But otherwise it should all be good. Let me know what you guys think.
No Rush.
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