Something I'm sure you want to know

Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Teddy walked determined towards the younger Slytherin he had spotted across the lake. It was because of the midget guy that he lost his little play thing and so he will hurt, so will she. Of course, the hufflepuff boy didn't do things physically. No, where was the fun in that? Nah, Teddy played with their feelings.

The third year approached the second year and put a friendly look on his face. "Adam yeah? Hey, I got something you should know about Angela." He looked sheepish, like he was guilty. It was all part of the plan, sure, she'd probably hate him for life but it was worth it.
Adam had been sitting down by the lake when he heard a familiar voice from behind. "Oh, hey Teddy." He heard the last part and a look of concern spread across his face. "What about Angela!? Is something wrong?" He looked at Teddy, he figured it was something he didn't want to hear, or at least that's what his gut was telling him.
Teddy scratched the back of his head and, convincingly, looked sheepish. "This is kind of hard for me to tell you, and I know you'll hate me but i thought you should know. It's just, me and Angela have been, well, sneaking around behind your back." He lied through his teeth but it looked so real that only someone trained to spot lies could tell. Adam certainly wouldn't know. "But, I broke it off today, I just, well, it didn't feel right knowing you would get hurt. I'm really sorry mate. I just, I didn't realise she could be so, so, vindictive and so good at lying."

Teddy took a steep back, as though he was about to leave before looking at him again. He knew this would get her in deep trouble but, then again, no-oone slaps Teddy and gets away with it. "I don't know if this means anything special to you but she also mention she kissed someone else and told you he kissed her. Something like that. I'm really sorry mate, I'd totally understand if you hate me for it." He shook his head and began to walk away, hoping Adam had eaten it up.
Adam listened to Teddy and clencthed his fist to keep from doing something stupid. He thought back to when he had confronted Angela about Darian, he couldn't believe she could lie to his face like that. After all they had talked about and the love he thought they had shared. He had always suspected she would do this to him again, and he had never fully believed her the first time. He looked at Teddy who was already starting to walk away. "I don't blame ya Teddy. I hope we can still be friends. I respect that you told me." He would be having a long painful talk with Angela as soon as he saw her though. He was going to end all the lies tonight.
Teddy looked back at the boy, smiling sadly. "Thanks mate. You're a cool kid, you deserve someone better than that lying b!tch anyway." He nodded at him before walking away properly this time, a grin on his face. He had convinced Adam she was lying so now he couldn't believe her when she told the truth. Man, he was so good, he was practically untouchable.

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