Someone's Got Some Explaining To Do

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (26/07/2046)
Dahlia had had a lot of time to think over the holidays. Which was a dangerous pastime, of course, but between having Zinnia still barely speaking to her and her parents being at work she'd been considering things, good and bad. Number one, still try out for Quidditch but spend time doing other sports anyway. Number two, put more effort into classes, especially Charms and Transfiguration. Number three, spend more time with her dormmates, be a better friend, and reconsider loyalties.

The third was mainly in regards to Terror, and she wouldn't have said she was especially loyal to him or a close friend. But he'd been sensible and reasonable, and fun to talk to at dances. It had been hard to wrap her head around what Cassius had told her, and she'd been wavering on believing him as she thought it over. But she'd eventually decided (especially after talking to her mother for guidance) that Cassius had no reason to lie to her, and that Terror could well have been a manipulator. She knew Gregory would never tell her the truth about Terror and his twin had done, so she could only go on Cassius' word. Perhaps foolishly, she just went straight to the source. She'd followed him from Defence class, waiting until there was enough quiet around them to approach him without making too big of a scene. Hopefully. "Hey!" she cried, eyebrows furrowed. Dahlia leaned in, glaring. "What the hell did you and your brother do?"
Terror Zhefarovich had a lot of time over break to come up with other short term plans in order to entertain himself. He thought over the smaller schemes, which, so far, none seemed to entertain him as much as the ones last year. Terror just enjoyed manipulating people to the point where he damaged relationships. He could hardly wait to keep doing it. He walked out of his class after a successful day when he was confronted immediately by Dahlia Doherty. There weren’t many people around, and it was unfortunate that there weren’t. That meant that if he decided to do something, there would be limited witnesses. Terror turned around to face her, and she had some words. His red eyes rolled as he folded his arms across his chest. "You're going to have to be a little more specific than that." Horror and Terror both have done some pretty bad things, sometimes together and sometimes separately. His dad often claimed that the twins were responsible for turning his hair silver. And it was likely true.
Dahlia supposed she shouldn't have been surprised that Terror didn't seem to know immediately what she was talking about. Of course, he probably did, but Dahlia wasn't exactly thinking clearly and didn't at the best of times. She didn't really pull off looking mad very easily, but she folded her arms and looked at least somewhat affronted. "I mean to Gregory. Like, oh my god, no wonder he went all weird when you showed up at the dance?" It wasn't exactly the clearest explanation of what she was trying to express. "Weren't you all like, oh it's not worth my time? Then why...?" Mostly, Dahlia just hated that she'd let herself get caught in the middle of this whole thing. Though she really didn't like bullying.
Terror figured out that she was most certainly talking about the incident with Gregory. Now, he could lie and make it seem like he didn't do anything wrong, but keeping up with lies would be too hard in the future. So, he might as well be honest. Terror could not help but snicker as he recalled it so vividly in his mind, "Ah, the prank on Halloween, that was fun. I just chased him through the mirror house with a mask on." Terror left out what he said, because honestly, he didn't remember what he did say to him, other than the fact that Gregory was just weak. And he was. "My twin was the one that dumped red paint on him. I warned Gregory not to go out the exit but poor guy didn't listen." He shrugged his shoulders as if what he had done meant so little. And to him, it didn't mean much. "It is not worth my time to get physical. I'm not a brute."

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