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Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
This is Shaylah. She hates her life and has no friends. She separated herself from her mum and siblings and her dad's in azkaban so in the holidays she lives at the Halfway House with her owl, two cats, dog and house elf. She's a cruel girl and she likes seeing other people in pain. Shay wants to follow in her father's footsteps by graduating with good grades and becoming a death eater.

What I need is someone who could be a close friend to Shaylah. They need to be cruel like her but it needs to be someone who knows when something's going too far so they can keep her back before she does something she'd regret. Shay would need to form a trust with this person as it will be the only person she can talk to about everything.

If you need any more information feel free to post and ask or send me a PM

Well, I'm not sure if you're still looking for a friend for Shaylah, but I have this character Laura, she's a third year Ravenclaw. I adopted her from a friend that was too busy for her. Anyway, here's some stuff about her:

Laura is originally from Argentina.
She speaks fluent Spanish and English.
She likes reading.
She is really imaginative.
Laura likes school and tries to focus on it.
Her imagination can get the best of her.
She likes to live in her own little world.
She can open up to people easily.
Laura is honest and loyal.
She can keep secrets easily.
Laura likes to focus on important things

I hope Laura and Shaylah can be friends, I want to do as many RPs with Laura as possible. Let me know if you want to RP with laura or not.
Anna ♥
I can't really see Laura getting along with Shay. She doesn't like Ravenclaws and Laura's a bit young but I have another character she could make friends with. Angelica "Lily" Green.

I know we were going to do Jessica and Shaylah, before, but then we stopped... Sorry about that, it wasn't at a very good time, but I'm free now, so if you'd like to continue that?

And I'd like Alyss and Shaylah to be friends, Alyss is a third year Slytherin, she's older than most of her year but and would've been a fourth year, but she turned eleven too late, and first years and second years fear her. She's a leader of a group now of younger Slytherins, and she's a part-veela, so she likes her fashion, but she's still willing to fight. She'd pull Shaylah back if need be and she lives at the Hogwarts Halfway House as well as her father is dead and her mother is a muggle that doesn't want her. Her father died in her first year which made her toughen up especially since her mother told her plainly that she doesn't want Alyss so Alyss is abandoned. She doesn't really have any friends, only acquaintances, but there's one girl Koboshi who she's fond of, but won't admit it to anyone. She would also form a trust with Shaylah if you'd like. What do you say? :)
We could have them meet up again if you want?? There could be something there but I don't know what because Shay's changed since they last met.

That sounds great. The only question I have is would she be able to hold Shay back from a fight as she's still a bit younger and though Shay is very short, she's also strong. The rest of it all sounds like it could work as the two of them have similar backgrounds and live in the same place.
Alyss is strong, and she'd do her best for sure. :)

Would you mind starting Jessica and Shaylah's topic and I'll start Alyss' and Shaylah's if you'd like? Just PM me the topic link if you want... :)
I barely use Milena but now I was hoping to make her active once in a while. Milena is French and bittersweet, don't let her bubbly appearance fool you. Inside her is demon wanting to unleash herself. (That's why she's a Slytherin right :p ) She loves Music, plays the guitar. Loves to bully girls from the other houses. She's much of a loner since no one seems to understand her nature. So what do you say? I can tell more details if you want :shifty:
Mel: Sure. I'll get right on it.

Milena: That sounds like it could work because Shay has a passion for guitar and singing. One question; it says she's third year but 11. Is that just because you haven't changed her age??
I forgot to change/fix that..will do it now.
Kewl. Do you want to start then?? Or shall I??
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