Someone To Talk To.

Jazmine Della-Robbia

part-veela ♦ concord inc. president
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2018 (37)
It was anniversary of that day today. JazzyMae sat near the the lake with her knees to her chest. She didn't know how Kennedy and Klaus handled it each year they'd been at Hogwarts, but she knew how she was going to handle it. She was going to sit by the lake and reminisce about the times her father was alive. JazzyMae remembered when her and her brothers were closer to each other. When they would still manage to communicate with each other though each of them were far apart.

JazzyMae laid back and spread out her arms and legs. She closed her eyes, and tears slipped down the sides of her face. "I miss my father. I miss his smile and his words of encouragement. I miss him making my mother laugh, and I miss him telling the twins and I not to argue so much. I miss the happiness my father brought into our home." JazzyMae whispered to herself. JazzyMae hasn't told any of her friends that her father is deceased. The topic of dead family members never came up. She needed to talk to someone; other than her brothers of course. "Will that someone ever come?" she asked the air as she opened her eyes.
Thorn was walking towards the Rosebush to do her daily pruning, cleaning and watering when she heard a girl talk to herself it seemed. The small elf tip toed towards the voice and saw a Girl lying down talking to herself, there was a water like substance running down her face and the small Elf was curious, she thought the girl had gone to sleep so she quickly held her basket closely and scampered quietly down to the girl.

The Small elf stood close by before hugging her small hand woven basket of small gardening tools close to her small chest and took small steps closer, she made sure her long blue hair was still tied up behind her and leaned over the girls face looking at the water coming from her eyes.
The Elves blue eyes looked curiously but then the girl opened her eyes and she froze for a second before turing around and running back up the lakes edge. Thorn dropped her basket by accident and went around to collect her stuff but decided she could get it later and turned around again and ran back up the hill, she ducked behind a small tree and hid.

Thorn took some deep breaths, her little heart pounding in her chest like crazy. The small elf looked around the tree to see the girl and quickly ducked back.
JazzyMae jumped up at the of a small creature. She only got a glimpse of the creature running away while dropping it's basket on the way up the hill. JazzyMae wiped away her tears and walked to the fallen basket and it's contents. She knelt down and started to pick up what looked like gardening tools. "It seems like you have dropped your gardening tools." JazzyMae said loud enough for the creature to hear. She placed all the tools into the basket and walked up the hill. "Where are you?" JazzyMae asked. She stopped at a tree and waited for a response.
Thorn heard the girl walking and peered out from behind the tree seeing the girl with her gardening instruments, she ducked back and took a deep breath before creeping out behind the tree, her long blue hair making her look very odd. The small Elf brushed her hair out of her face and smiled weakly as she looked at the ground and approached the young Girl.
'I'm sorry for being Clumsy and scaring you master' the small elf begun with her head down 'I Promise it won't happen again and i deserve any beatings you shall give' she continued tensing up waiting for the Girl to Strike.

The Small Blue Elf looked at the ground and at her feet her small hands ringing together.
A house elf appeared from behind a small tree. JazzyMae knew about house elves because her mother had told her about them. Her mother tried to convince her father to let them get one but he refused. The house elf looked at the ground as she apologized. JazzyMae smiled. "It is alright. Here are your tools." JazzyMae got on her knees in front of the blue haired elf and offered the basket back.

House elves must be used to cruel and mean masters, or the sight of humans scared them. "You don't have to be frightened. I am not going to hurt you. My name is JazzyMae; what is your name?"
Thorn took the basket greatfully 'Thank you Miss' she said as she dusted the sand off her basket, she saw a little tear in it and sighed softly to herself, it took her ages to weave the basket how she wanted it.
Thorn was ready to run away when the girl said not to be frightened 'My Name is Thorn' she said but quickly added 'If it pleases you' making sure she didn't offend the girl.

Even though most students say they won't hurt her she was hardly surprised with how many turned and gave her a kick, either showing off or realise how degrading it was to be friends with a little house elf 'Thank you' the small unusually blue haired elf said her voice sweet.
"Thorn. I think that is quite an interesting name." JazzyMae smiled. Just like JazzyMae's name in a way. Except Thorn reminded her of thorns in a garden. She had noticed the house elf had sighed. "Is there something wrong with your basket? If there is I am sure I can fix it." She said with worry. JazzyMae hoped that she hadn't ruined Thorn's basket.

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