Someone to Confide in.

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Kim Rae Sung

OOC First Name

K i m R a e S u n g

• Personality •

Rae Sung, around strangers, can appear shy and overwhelmed by his acquaintances. However, once he is more familiar with his surroundings and his friends, he opens up and can become one of the best friends they will ever have (even if he is a bit of a gossip). He is caring, sweet natured, eager to please and enjoys nothing more than making people laugh. Unfortunately, his feminine personality and looks can cause him to make enemies quickly, too, and he will become very shy and upset when confronted by such a person.
Though he enjoys a good bit of sports, Rae Sung is not particularly bright. In fact, he struggles to keep up at school and handing in his homework on time has always been an issue. He becomes embarrassed when his work is not of a high enough standard to compare to the other children in class.

As he has been brought up by his displeased parents, Rae Sung is very reserved in his attitude. Though once he has made friends, they stay that way forever, he is very cautious of others. His parents had high hopes that he would be not only a talented young man, but also.. A talented young man. They had forbidden Rae Sung to wear anything feminine whatsoever, however soon realised that this would not be possible, as he had ways around their strict rules. In the end they accepted his ways, however they are still extremely hard on their child. He is the youngest of four children, all of whom are extremely hard working, ambitious and talented. Rae has always felt as though he is the odd one out in the family, and that his existence embarrasses them.

For this new hopeful Hufflepuff I would like to get him a couple of best friends. Of course it would take a while for him to warm up to them but once he does he can be very outgoing. Plus he needs someone to confide in! I would also be interested in enemies, as not everyone will appreciate his unique style.

Thank you for reading this! Look forward to creating some plots.
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