Someone old and someone new

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Lillian Griffith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey guys I have some carries here who need you're help.

Stefan Glass
Yes this guy is back and he is here for vengeance. He has finally got over the death of his father and is out to party and focus on his career prospects. But he's also looking for friends and maybe a love intrest.

Lillian grifth

Ok so this is my new gal. She's being sorted ATM and I'm hoping for here to be in slytheryn. She is a spoilt rotten daddy's girl. (a bit like malfoy) she can't wait to start. She's looking for a entourage that will do her bidding for her she's also looking for a love intrest and a couple of people to bully. She will be friends with stefan as I have a plot I'm working on for them for next school year.

I hope to here from you soon

the original David

Well, I don't know about follower, but I have Hayley Jones (11). She is the cousin of Abel Smith and she is a First Year Slytherin. Hayley's Mother is a Pure-blood, but her Father is a Mixed-blood, which of course causes her to miss out on the Pure-blood lineage, something she greatly wants. This isn't to say that she hates her Father, she adores him, she just hates his blood status. This of course makes Hayley alittle bit bitter. However, she associates with other magical kids, as long as they are not Muggle-born as she harbours her Mother and Grandmothers ill feelings towards them. (This differs from Abel who just doesn't understand them, Hayley doesn't like them) When she is amongst friends, Hayley is kind, she is smart and she likes to present people with gifts, however, put her with a Muggle-born and the claws come out. Yes I know she is a Hypocrite, but that is just the way she is. Her Father is not prejudiced and tries to sway his wife and two daughters, but so far he has been wildly unsuccessful. Though he still lies in hope. I don't know if she would be good to you, but meh, figured I'd ask xD
Teig she sounds amazing Lillian reley needs friends that are part of her entourage. So she could work.
That's great. Just let me know where you want her and when and she will be there :)
ok will do
Damn well that sorting buggered that up. Ok so she's gonna be a spoilt gryfindor. Still looking for a few followers if possible also a boy friend and of course some enemy's
I think I might be able to help out. I have a spoilt first year that goes by the name of Angela Van Laar Veth. She is a first year Slytherin and is a bit of cow. She has been spoilt rotten by her father and because of this expects nothing short of perfection. She expects things to be her way or the highway. I don't know if Angela is someone that could be friends with Lillian but she's there if you want it.

~ Melissa.
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