Closed Some tea and cookies

Bryce Chamberlin

deaf ❄ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15" Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Bryce Chamberlin, dressed in dark blue robes, descended all the way down from the towers into the kitchens. He had a craving for some tea and cookies. He could not help but get his cravings and to get a mass supply of tea so that he could make it himself rather than walk down here every time he needed a cup. He also needed some coffee grounds, so he better get some of those as well. Kitchens had a small supply that he could borrow until he could go out to buy some. He did want some cookies through, and he was rubbish about making them himself. Bryce asked politely for the elves to make some chocolate chip cookies before settling down into a chair next to the wall. The seer smiled as he watched the elves bustle. The water in the kettle still had a whiles to go before the tea could be ready. He could not wait until his chocolate craving could be over.
Sapphire was miserable. She had skipped food all day and her rumbling tummy wasn't letting her ignore it any longer. Hands in her pockets, she trudged to the kitchens. She entered and shuffled over to a nearby elf. "Excuse me?" She mumbled, crouching down so she could talk to the elf on their level. "I haven't eaten yet today. Could I please get something hot to eat?" She asked with a small smile. The elf agreed happily before hurrying off. Sapph sighed and stood, shuffling over to the wall. She slid down it, pulling her knees up to her chest and laying her head in her arms while she waited.
Bryce normally paid attention to his surroundings, so it was definitely odd when he noticed a Slytherin girl come in. Since he only taught upper years, and was only an elective professor, Bryce did not know too many students. She seemed absolutely miserable just from looking. He frowned, but looked at the kettle to see it steaming. He walked over there, and poured two cups of tea while his cookies were in the oven. Bryce carried the two cups over to the Slytherin girl, knelt down and set one at her side. “Hey, what’s going on?” Bryce asked in his normal monotone voice, typical for someone that couldn’t hear.
Sapphire hadn't felt this way before. She was used to pain- but not like this. This was... dull, a constant ache in her chest. It got stronger at the weirdest times. One minute she'd be okay, the next her heart would move up to her throat and she would find tears in her eyes for the millionth time. She groaned a little. How long before this was over? She started a bit as she heard a voice nearby. She raised her head to see some older professor there. He must be for the upper years. Elective, maybe. "Why should you care?" She blinked dully at him before laying her head back down. She realized after she'd said it that it was probably disrespectful, but she couldn't bring herself to care.
Bryce felt more sympathy as she raised her head and demanded why he would care. From what he read anyway. Bryce crossed his legs in front of him as he sat down on his bottom. “I care because I’ve been upset before, and pushed people away. I know what it is like, and I would like to be able to help.” Bryce genuinely cared about students and it showed. He still had so much compassion from what his former wife taught him.
Sapphire looked back up as he continued speaking. Something was weird with the way he spoke. She really didn't want to talk about what was upsetting her, because it was pointless and stupid. She just shook her head, eyeing him quizzically. She heard what he said, but she chose to ignore it. There was something about the way he talked... "Are you deaf?" She asked bluntly. There had been a girl at the Home once, for a brief amount of time, and she'd sounded kinda like that. Sapph hadn't paid a lot of attention, so she couldn't be sure. She was probably wrong, but it was too late to take it back now.
Bryce pursed his lips before biting on them as he read her lips about her question. He was trying not to laugh, but it was evident in his eyes. This Slytherin girl really had a mouth, but it was still somewhat humorous to him at the very least. He nodded, "Yes. For as long as I remember. I don't think that disqualifies me from wanting to help, does it?" The seer grinned, now able to at least contain his laughter from the previous question.
Sapphire nodded as he said he was deaf. He was a bit of a cheeky bugger, she'd give him that. She couldn't help but chuckle a little. "I suppose not," She told him, making sure to look at him. "I'm just... not very... help-able? right now." She shook her head, irritated with how stupid she sounded. "I was just looking for something to eat. I'll be fine after that." She lied smoothly. If only food could fix all her problems. "No need to worry," She told him, hoping that she had effectively dismissed him. He had no reason to care.

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