Some Professional Companionship

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Maeve Silver

OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 12 Inches Essence of Dragons Whisker
So i do have another one i would like to bring out into the world.


Maeve Silver.
Maeve is Cleo's Aunt and her only best friend.
Maeve works as a Librarian at Hogwarts NZ and i am look for some... Professor Companionship maybe?
So if you're Interested please give me a yell :)
I have Professor Le fey who would frequently visit the library, looking at old scrolls and parchments. I am busy at the moment but will be on uni break soon and when the holidays close we can have a plot. I am pretty sure you know who professor Le fey is. the divination professor.
Sounds good! yes i know who she is hehe, We have a Similar.... Like...
I have Professor Elodie Kesslar.
I haven't really plotted with her much so it would be nice to have her plot with some other staff. She's the Charms professor and she could very easily go to visit the library. Let me know.
and share a twin/best friend. :r
what is Maeve like?
Maeve is very bright, She was a Ravenclaw at HNZ.
She is Man less, she had a man once but it didn't go well.
She is Lonely i guess in a way, she loves writing books (Factual type books) She has written some about the different houses which she gave to Cleo to learn from. Very Studious person.

Her time is taken up by tending to broken and damaged books, she likes her Library to be nice and Tidy.

A Ray of Sunshine really
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