Stefan had returned back from his home in a state worse than ever. It was difficult for him to even be a little happy to have returned to school. After a small visit to the local village, Stefan had seen a new level in angry from his father. He had no idea where this new rage had come from. He was sure, it wasn't from any women. His father didn't have many skills when it came to girls. Or so Stefan thought. However this new rage, was not good news for Stefan. He had been beaten more times in that week before school, more times than he would've in two months before Hogwarts. Stefan had more bruises and cuts on him than ever before. He was sure, that he had also broken a rib. And his left arm had be hurt so many times Stefan could barely move it. In short the colourblind boy, was very pleased to have final been able to leave. At School, he did not want anyone to see, and though it was the height of summer, Stefan wore his dark long sleeved jumper all the time, he only ever took it off to sleep. His black eye, was a dark colour, it had gotten slightly better and then worse. Stefan hurt all over. But he was glad to be away. His mind was at rest, and so was his body. Stefan hoped however that his father would calm by the time summer came or else Stefan...Well, in honesty, Stefan didn't know what he was going to do apart from get a school owl to come to his house so he could write letters of goodbye to the people he knew. Stefan was not an optimistic person. He had reason to not be. Magic was the only thing that was keeping him from being killed. Stefan had cried almost every night while at home, praying he would be able to return. He was very thankful to have been able to.
Oddly enough, the fact Stefan was in pain did not stop him from going out. He knew he had to keep up an appearance. So, the colourblind boy went out of Slytherin every so often to walk around the school. He wore his dark jumper, always. Hood up. He wore his dark, old jeans always, and an old faded grey t-shirt. Stefan by doing this was able to hide most of the scars and bruises he had. The bruise to his eye and cheek however could not be hidden. And the fact Stefan stood upright straight, and didn't bend without wincing, and the fact he held his arm in the same position careful to not move it were the only real signs something else was wrong. Stefan sighed to himself as he walked up to the north tower. What possessed him to go up there was beyond him. But Stefan didn't need to explain anything. He had wanted out and be far from Slytherin, and where better to do it, than the highest point of the school. It was late, and it was getting dark outside. It meant that it was getting harder and harder for Stefan to see. But, he pushed through. It was as he reached a corridor he noticed a familiar looking girl sitting at the window staring out. Stefan was curious, not only to what she was doing but who she was, and why she looked familiar. Soon he remembered it to be a girl he had met before, at the beginning of term. "Tara?" Stefan's voice was quiet. He had lost all confidence he had gained at Hogwarts, and though no one was around he feared what would happen if he spoke to loud. Stefan walked closer to her. Hoping she'd heard him. He took one quick look out the window before beginning to feel unwell.
Stefan hated heights. He didn't like them at all, which was why he was now even more curious as to why he'd come up to the North Tower. Tara as he remembered had almost cried upon hearing about his colourblindness. It had been odd, and Stefan had had no idea as to what to do. He figured now, that she was up here to draw because, although Stefan couldn't (and would refuse) to see it, it would look Beautiful. Beautiful to him, was something different. It was not as much the world, but the way it was shaped. And the people within it. If Stefan only knew his eyes were the perfect example of something amazing. A clear blue. But, Stefan didn't. And it didn't matter if someone told him, he still wouldn't know it. "What does it look like?" Stefan asked her in his quiet voice, standing up against the wall, making sure as to not look out, and looking at the ground and her.