some pictures cant be drawn.

Tara Sitara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
This evening Tara had made her way up to the north tower, she hadn't been there yet, and she had heard that the view was something worth seeing, she made her way up to the stairs carrying her bag however when she got there he realized that the view was too vast for the amount of light that was left. so instead of drawing it she just sat and admired it, each of the colors fading, until the colors had left and the world was just grey, she knew that she could turn the lights on but she liked the dark, it meant she could see out of the window and not just get a mirrored reflection of herself. the grounds were now all shades of grey, and the stars, just started to come out.
Stefan had returned back from his home in a state worse than ever. It was difficult for him to even be a little happy to have returned to school. After a small visit to the local village, Stefan had seen a new level in angry from his father. He had no idea where this new rage had come from. He was sure, it wasn't from any women. His father didn't have many skills when it came to girls. Or so Stefan thought. However this new rage, was not good news for Stefan. He had been beaten more times in that week before school, more times than he would've in two months before Hogwarts. Stefan had more bruises and cuts on him than ever before. He was sure, that he had also broken a rib. And his left arm had be hurt so many times Stefan could barely move it. In short the colourblind boy, was very pleased to have final been able to leave. At School, he did not want anyone to see, and though it was the height of summer, Stefan wore his dark long sleeved jumper all the time, he only ever took it off to sleep. His black eye, was a dark colour, it had gotten slightly better and then worse. Stefan hurt all over. But he was glad to be away. His mind was at rest, and so was his body. Stefan hoped however that his father would calm by the time summer came or else Stefan...Well, in honesty, Stefan didn't know what he was going to do apart from get a school owl to come to his house so he could write letters of goodbye to the people he knew. Stefan was not an optimistic person. He had reason to not be. Magic was the only thing that was keeping him from being killed. Stefan had cried almost every night while at home, praying he would be able to return. He was very thankful to have been able to.

Oddly enough, the fact Stefan was in pain did not stop him from going out. He knew he had to keep up an appearance. So, the colourblind boy went out of Slytherin every so often to walk around the school. He wore his dark jumper, always. Hood up. He wore his dark, old jeans always, and an old faded grey t-shirt. Stefan by doing this was able to hide most of the scars and bruises he had. The bruise to his eye and cheek however could not be hidden. And the fact Stefan stood upright straight, and didn't bend without wincing, and the fact he held his arm in the same position careful to not move it were the only real signs something else was wrong. Stefan sighed to himself as he walked up to the north tower. What possessed him to go up there was beyond him. But Stefan didn't need to explain anything. He had wanted out and be far from Slytherin, and where better to do it, than the highest point of the school. It was late, and it was getting dark outside. It meant that it was getting harder and harder for Stefan to see. But, he pushed through. It was as he reached a corridor he noticed a familiar looking girl sitting at the window staring out. Stefan was curious, not only to what she was doing but who she was, and why she looked familiar. Soon he remembered it to be a girl he had met before, at the beginning of term. "Tara?" Stefan's voice was quiet. He had lost all confidence he had gained at Hogwarts, and though no one was around he feared what would happen if he spoke to loud. Stefan walked closer to her. Hoping she'd heard him. He took one quick look out the window before beginning to feel unwell.

Stefan hated heights. He didn't like them at all, which was why he was now even more curious as to why he'd come up to the North Tower. Tara as he remembered had almost cried upon hearing about his colourblindness. It had been odd, and Stefan had had no idea as to what to do. He figured now, that she was up here to draw because, although Stefan couldn't (and would refuse) to see it, it would look Beautiful. Beautiful to him, was something different. It was not as much the world, but the way it was shaped. And the people within it. If Stefan only knew his eyes were the perfect example of something amazing. A clear blue. But, Stefan didn't. And it didn't matter if someone told him, he still wouldn't know it. "What does it look like?" Stefan asked her in his quiet voice, standing up against the wall, making sure as to not look out, and looking at the ground and her.
OOCOut of Character:
wow that was a long post

Tara heared someone comeing up the stairs, however she didnt look around, chineese tradition states that you should never sit with your back to the door, it has something to do with being stabbed in the back. however she heared someone whisper her name, she turned around and saw a boy, fter a couple of moments she saw that it was Stefan. "Hello Stefan, how are you, I havn't seen you in ages" she said. she had met stefan at the start of the year in the garden, and she had liked him, he seemed quiet but nice. last time she had met him she had drawn him and Erased the bruises, around his face, saw he was glad that they had faded over the last term. when he asked what he looked like, "well over there are the mountains, usually in the morning they are covered by a mist, and between us and them is the lake, over there is the forest and that way is the path that leads to brightstone, and that doorway leads to the owlery, thats why it smells slightly of owls here" she said pointing to each of the places as she said them.
she smiled even though it was probably too dark for him to see.
Stefan nodded at her greeting. He felt somewhat bad for the fact they hadn't spoken in half a year. But he had been somewhat busy, and so had she. It was unfortunate, but it didn't really matter. They were still somewhat friends. He felt somewhat more cautious around her. She was different from most others. Stefan got an impression of someone younger from her. He didn't think that a bad thing, but it gave him a feeling that she was still growing in knowledge about the world. Like he was, but in a sense, Stefan would seem older. He'd been through more in his 11 years of life than anyone else. He assumed. He was sure that he was the only one who went through that much. Stefan just nodded as she described it. He did not look round, to actually see, it didn't interest him. He was just curious. He wanted to know what it looked like, without actually looking. It helped therefore, that he was colourblind, and could not really see anyway. Stefan however did smile. He could imagine it. Colourless, but he could see what she was describing. It was quite easy. Although in Stefan's image there were no heights. "Sounds magical." Stefan muttered a smile upon his face. He was happy. He was no longer thinking about the bruises, or cuts, and most likely broken bones. He was just happy to be in the company of a friend, who neither asked, or even (seemed) to take into notice all that Stefan knew was wrong with him. "I wonder how the muggles can miss a huge castle like this. Seems silly on there part?" Stefan looked to Tara. He wondered if she had gone home for the holidays, or not. He knew that people in India, did not actually celebrate Christmas. But, surely she might have gone home to her family. Stefan didn't really know. He hated the fact that he had had to go home. He hated going home. Now more than ever.

"Did you go home for the holidays?" Stefan asked. Curious. He subcounsiouly put a hand on his chest and even this small touch made his bruise hurt. He didn't even apply pressure. But Stefan knew that he should go see the hospital wing. But, Stefan didn't even know where this place was. And he didn't want to have to go, He had no idea what to ask for, and feared if the nurse or doctor saw the other bruises they would report it. And Stefan didn't want to go. He knew he would have to eventually. He would have to get bandages of some sort. Something to support his rib so they got better for the next holiday.
Tara saw that stefan was a little uncomfortable but she didn't know what do, so she smiled and thought of something to say. "I guess it is magical, seeing as we are here, here are probably thousands of charms between here and there." she laughed slightly as she leant back in her seat. as for the muggle problem, when i first arrived here, i could only see a ruined castle for a while as a walked up the drive, but as a stepped up the step it was restored. so that may be one of the muggle deterrents, as i am muggle born so it must have taken a while to lat me through. she said giving her theory on the matter.
she looked around the room, and saw that it had gotten dark. she pulled out her wand. "Lumos" she whispered shielding her hand from the glare. "I stayed here over the holidays, It was iterating seeing a different culture, the ball was fun and christmas was an experience" she said, she had obviously heard of Christmas before, but she never quite knew what it was like, the food looked delicious, but she couldn't eat it as it was almost al meat based, roast turkey, vegetables cooked in dripping, she had spent the break eating salad, which was not her favorite food, she preferred curry and rice.
Stefan just nodded. he had figured it would have to be something magical. But it was curious to him, why no one had ever said, and why no muggle had ever, even crazily spoken about this secret magical world. Stefan didn't really know, since he did barely any research, and he didn't leave his house outside of Hogwarts. But it just seemed logical that someone, somewhere had seen magic. Or knew about it. Not just those that had relations that were magical. It was a curious thing to Stefan. "The ball was quite something." Stefan nodded in agreement, he had never ever, been to something like that before. It was completely different from everything that he was used to. He had not even had anything fancy enough to really wear. He'd worn the same as what he was wearing with Tara. Stefan looked down to his hands. It had been odd, the ball. Stefan did not celebrate Christmas. He didn't even know what it was until he'd overheard it a few times, and been curious to look it up. Stefan still had no idea what Christmas itself was like. To him, it was time he had to spend at home. And Stefan hated his home. But then, with Tara, it didn't matter. Apart from the pain he felt Stefan didn't want to think about it. It was part of something that he didn't want to be part of school. He wanted his home life to be one thing and his school life to be something else. And Stefan knew he could get this, as long as he got peace every so often.

"Christmas is a big thing for me and my dad. His favourite day of the year." Stefan lied, he knew he had to. It wasn't great and it wasn't a very well hidden lie, but he lied anyway. "What celebrations do you celebrate?" Stefan asked. He was curious, and asking about others, was always a good thing to do, when he had nothing else to add. Stefan moved slightly, changed his footing and had to fight hard as pain shot through his body. He closed his eyes for a brief second then looked back to Tara, a small slightly forced smile on his face. "I don't know much about anything really. It's all new to me." Stefan added. "I'm curious though." Stefan's voice was still quiet, but he felt like he was friends with Tara, so the confidence, was slowly returning. His voice however was still very low. And hard to hear. But, it was better. Stefan need to get himself straight so that he could go through with his plan of life and School. "Really curious" Stefan repeated.
Tara smiled as Stefan said christmas was his fathers favorite day of the year. she had heard that people over here often celebrated Christmas even if they weren't christian. she supposed a similar thing happened in India, most people had the hindu holidays off even if they weren't hindu. "back home We celebrate many times a year. my favorite holidays are Diwali, festival of lights in october, and Holi, the festival of colours, in march she said before thinking, she knew that Stefan was colour blind, and she didn't want to hurt him. sorry she apologized. "Its okay if you dont know much about it, I held a small ceremony for diwali, and no one really dot it. one other person came down but she didn't know about it before. she paused and smiled, before continuing. "what else do you celebrate over here? she asked, she had obviously experienced christmas and Halloween, but she wondered what else she had to look forward to.
Stefan realised that both the festivals would be difficult for him to celebrate. Since light was too bright and colour was non existant to him. But Stefan didn't both to say anything. Instead he just thought of what it would be like, to celebrate such things. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine. He could see why a festival of light would be good. Stefan could see the sense in it. He knew times grew dark in a literal and metaphorical sense. He was sure all his father really need was a little light. Stefan wanted a little light. Someone to see what he was to his father. But Stefan knew he could never muster up enough strength to actually tell anyone. He needed to someone to ignore his words, and help him. But it wasn't going to happen, Stefan knew this.

Stefan opened his eyes again and looked round to the girl in front of him. In that moment he wished nothing else but to be her. To see the world like she did. To be allowed to witness it, as a great place, instead the one the say, where danger and mistrust lived strong. Where there was a fear of everything and everyone. Stefan knew it was hopeless to think and be in such a fashion, but he couldn't help it. He had tried to fix things about him the year before, but as he stood next to the girl, a hand upon his chest, where it hurt most, and pain in almost all parts of his body, this year, all he wanted to do, was be able to say, Hey, I'm normal. I'm exactly like everyone. Despite my sight. Stefan wasn't sure what else they celebrated. He knew little of what was meant to be his traditions. But how was Stefan meant to know, he had never celebrated any until now.

"There is Halloween, and Christmas, and Easter. But I don't know what else" Stefan said thinking out loud. He knew a little of Easter, not what it actually was, but that it existed. Stefan could not be to blame for this, he hadn't even known of it's existances until the start of the year. "We don't celebrate much. Me and my dad. Birthday's and christmas." Stefan said, stretching the truth. He had never celebrated his birthday, not in the happy sense, his father liked to remind about how it was his fault his mother was dead and that it was his stupidity that meant he was colourblind. And Christmas, seemed like a logical thing to say that they celebrated. He did know that it was a good thing his father reminded him on his birthday, or Stefan knew he would've forgotten, and that would've made for a very interesting conversation. Stefan looked at Tara.

"When's your birthday?" Stefan asked. "I mean, I want to be able to get you something for it. Since we're friends, and that's what friends do." Stefan said somewhat unsurely. There was no real way of telling if it was or wasn't, he'd just seen it happen before. So he thought it was the social norm.
Tara looked out of the window, it was fully dark now. so all she could see was her and stefans reflection. e was looking at her funny. she wondered what he was thinking, but she guessed she never would he never really said much about himself. bur he seemed notice just a little reserver, she wondered briefly why he was that way, but it really didn't matter to her.
"I have heard of easter, it is in april, isn't it, and involves chocolate" she said, remembering some missionaries who had visited them one year, she didn't really understand what they were talking about but she did enjoy the chocolate. "Birthday and christmas isn't much to celebrate in a year, we usually have a celebration at least once or twice a month." she smiled and looked back into the room.
"My birthday is the 23rd March, I was born during Holi maybe thats why i like colors so much, Whens your Birthday, so i can get you something?" she said wondering what she could get him.
This was the first time, Stefan had ever heard about chocolate on Easter. He thought it was actually just the christian celebration of the return of some guy called Jesus. Stefan knew little of the day itself, it was clear he also knew little about Christianity. But Stefan knew he couldn't blame himself, it was hardly like he'd been given the chance to learn it. Hogwarts was the first real eduction that Stefan Archer was getting, and it did not actually teach him anything other than magic. It was both annoying and understandable. Of course Hogwarts assumed that a person would know the basic facts of life. Stefan was the execption to the little rule. He knew next to nothing, and this conversation was proving it. Since Tara, seemed to know more about it than he did, and he was supposed to know more. Stefan pushed the thoughts away. He gave a shrugged to her about the fact they didn't celebrate much. he thought that would be the appropriate response, he didn't mind it much. Celebrations to him seemed over rated. They left people wanting more, expecting more. At least Stefan would never have that problem. He would be able to calmly go about his business like there was nothing. But then, it seemed these celebrations were looked forward too. A plus side. Stefan shrugged again.

"It doesn't really bother me." Stefan said honestly. It didn't bother him, because he'd never really properly celebrated them, but this was not something he saw changing in the near future so he knew he had to be okay with nothing. Stefan was used so to it, it was second nature to on his birthday forget that it is his birthday. Stefan nodded to Tara as she said her birthday. The question was returned to him, and now he was blank. His father always reminded him, of what a disappiontment he'd turned out to be on his birthday, but Stefan couldn't remember the day that was. He hadn't really ever spent his time looking. He knew it was April. It was some time in the Spring month, but his memory failed him on the actual day. Stefan became aware of the silence, that had followed her question. "It's the" Stefan paused, "The first of April." Stefan said, with a smile on his face, glad he was able to remember. It would've been more awkward had he not remembered. Stefan gave a little sigh. "I tend to forget." Stefan smiled at Tara. It didn't bother him that he'd forgotten. "What do you usual do on your birthday?"
Tara understood what Stefan meant that it didn't really bother him not celebrating much, he was obviously used to not celebrating much so it was normal to him, just like she found it odd that people ate meat, because she had been brought up a vegetarian. she wished that she could share some of her culture with him, but she wasn't sure how to do it, as her past had been vibrant, and lighthearted, but he seemed serious and couldn't see colour.
"the first of april, wow, thats only nine days after my birthday. maybe we should celebrate it together, for my birthday, we usually have go to the valley of flowers, as a family, and then we go home and all of the neibours come over with a plate of food and we have a big meal, usually lots of curry, and rice, and fruit. there is not often a cake though, although there are always some biscuits." she said laughing. "do you want to come to india next holidays, It will be fun she said. she had already asked one of the professors if they could take her home and pick her up after the holidays, as she needed to go home and her family couldn't afford air fare, for her, and even if they could she didn't have passport, which would make i t interesting, she imagined walking into an airport (not that she had ever been in one before, but she imagined it a little like a train station) in new zealand, saying she wanted to go to india, and she had never had a passport.
Stefan had never celebrated a birthday before, so it seemed odd, that she was suggesting that they celebrate theres together. Stefan wondered why she would do such a thing. It was not like she really knew Stefan, or that they were close friends. Stefan was the complete opposite of Tara. He didn't see colour, he didn't see the world. He knew little, and was not at all family. And here she was, offering to celebrate together. Stefan didn't know what to say. It was weird. He wanted to if he was honest. He wanted to celebrate his birthday in the more traditional sense. It was interesting. For the first time, Stefan actually wanted his birthday to happen. His last birthday hadn't been great, nor had the one before, and although he figured it might sound selfish, he wanted to be able to properly celebrate it. Whether it was with friends, or if it was just him. Stefan knew that a birthday could be fun. And he was ready to have that fun, that he knew he deserved. It was as the girl continued speaking, about going to India. That Stefan stood up properly and in doing so pulled one of the bruises. But He ignored it, as he stared at Tara. Why was she offering. He couldn't understand why anyone would want to spend that much time with her. He didn't think she liked him as anything more than a friend. And Stefan couldn't see how any body would like him in that way. But, she was offering to take him to a different country. Of course, he knew he'd have to turn it down, but the fact is that she had asked. She had actually asked if he wanted to.

"I would love to, but I can't, I don't have a passport, or something like that, I don't have the money to be able to afford it, and my dad would never say yes. He likes having me close at hand." Stefan said, honestly. Everything he said was true. He had real reasons for not going, that and he didn't have the courage to even ask if he could. "I'm sorry. I would really love to go, but I can't." Stefan felt bad for saying no. He had never had anyone offer him such a thing. No one had ever really offered Stefan anything apart from food. He was now curious as to why she had even bothered to ask him. Him of all people. Tara seemed nice, he couldn't imagine her having few friends. And of them all, he was the one being offered a place to go. Unless she had offered others, and he was one of them. He didn't really care, he'd still been offered. Stefan wondered what it would be like to go to India. He'd never even seen pictures of the place. But, the name itself sounded interesting. Different from New Zealand. He wanted to go. To him, going somewhere new was like flying to most. The ultimate freedom.
tara nodded as stefan said that he didn't want to come. "Thats okay, I understand that you want to stay with your farther, you seem pretty close. she said, she wasn't sure why she had asked him in the first place, she guessed it was because he always seemed do sad and serious, and she wanted to cheer him up. she was looking forward to her visit home. she was planing on going to the valley of the flowers as soon as she had greeted the family and settled in.
"have you made many friends here? she asked, Tara had mad a few friends herself, but not many, sure she had many aquatences, but not many friends, really only Shiloh, Grace and Stefan.

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