Solar Eclipse

Angel Farrell

Well-Known Member
Ellerwood and semi-elder, nine and a half inches, core: fragment of moonstone
Angel was rather excited, which actually was pretty unusual for her. Not many of the other students (except the Ravenclaws, of course) knew what a solar eclipse was, but she had researched it, and found that there was to be one on June the 18th, 2021: which was this days date, of course. The time the solar eclipse was apparently supposed to happen was at 19:31 - which was exactly 11 minutes away.

Fidgeting uneasily yet staring into the sky with anticipation evident in her usually cool steel eyes, Angel thought over her time at Hogwarts so far. She was a first year, and a pureblood at that, belonging to the rich and well known Farrell family. Although her family was loving and accepting, she'd felt immense pressure to go into Slytherin, because their family name had a long line of Slytherins spanning just over three decades. And her father certainly didn't want that spoilt.

She hadn't really made many friends - she was casual friends with Nellie Edwards, of course - a half blood Slytherin, from an even wealthier family - but apart from her, and a few other girls, she hadn't really met anyone else and had a friendship growing between them ... but it was early days, of course.

It was now five long minutes to the eclipse, and Angel couldn't wait.
Toni was just about bored out of her mind. She hadn't been able to find Sam around, or Knight or even Beau. Anyone that Toni liked would have done but no. You would think at least one of her friends would be about. It seemed an hopeless cause. Instead of sitting in the common room, Toni decided she would walk around. That way she had a chance of bumping into someone to talk to. She just had to. Toni was not one to be anti social for long at all.

As the school seemed to be completely empty except for the few people Toni did not care for. Oh yes she saw those people all the time though knew better than to even waste her boredom on them. Finally Toni found herself at the lakefront which was her favorite spot in the school but her third favorite spot in the overall area.

There Toni noticed a young girl about her age. For some reason Toni could picture the girl from the sorting ceremony. Slytherin almost came to mind but Toni wasn't sure. As she walked over assuming that if the girl was in Slyther as Toni thought all would be well and good. "Hey" Toni said greeting the girl.
Angel looked around, in mild surprise, as a confident voice greeted, "Hey." The girl who was speaking had blonde hair, like she did, and she really admired the girl's outfit. She recognised her from the Sorting Ceremony. "Hi." Angel smiled rarely. "Toni ... Addison? I'm Angel Farrell, first year Slytherin. You might remember me from the Sorting."
Toni was a bit taken back that the girl knew her name but she didn't act it at all. Her smile was calm. "Yeah Toni Addison it is" Toni said as she took a sit in the grass. How Toni loved the lakefront though she wasn't sure why. Toni usually hated the outdoors yet there was just something about this place.

"Angel" Toni said repeating the name hoping to remember it for a later day. "I remember you" Toni said "Slightly" She added truthfully. Thank God another Slytherin Toni thought. So far many of the Slytherin girls turned out to be good on Toni's list except for the fair few. Toni wasn't yet sure which side Angel would take, they would just have to wait and see.

"So what are you doing all alone at the lakefront?" Toni asked
"Well ... apparently there's going to be a solar eclipse going on here, in say, a couple of minutes. I'm not usually that bothered, but these are rare." She shrugged. "And it is a beautiful moment, especially out here, so I thought I'd come watch it." She raised her eyebrows at herself imperceptibly. "And you?"

Oh, thank God for another Slytherin, Angel thought. So many of the people she had already met were Hufflepuffs, and God knew that she got really sick of all that lovey dovey fluff after it assaulted her a thousand times.
"A Solar Eclipse" Toni said "I guess I missed that memo" She added though a smile came after her words showing that by no means were they meant in anything but jest. A solar eclipse Toni thought as she tried to remember who spoke of them often. Oh it was her sister Miley who always seemed to talk about the solar eclipse.

"Bored out of my mind" Toni said smiling when she was asked why she was here. "I couldn't find anyone and the common room was like bare. Only annoying people seemed to be about" Toni said rolling her eyes as she sat on the grass her dress following into the perfect spot flowing over her knees.

"I guess I might as well stay and watch the thing" Toni said implying the solar eclipse. After all there was nothing else to do. "So have you meeted and greeted with a lot of people yet?" Toni asked.
Angel sighed and smiled. "No, I've only really talked in depth with another girl - Kida Frost. But she's a Gryffindor, and, well, Slytherin rocks." She grinned.

Angel supposed that she and Toni were pretty alike - they loved to look good, pretty stylish, Slytherin all the way. Angel did have a bit of Ravenclaw in her, but apparently the Hat said she had far more Slytherin traits.

Angel supposed it was nearly time for the eclipse to begin. She found she was rathr taut and tense, to her surprise, and loosened up a little. God knows why she was always stressed these days.
Toni thought about the girls name, Kida but nothing came to mind. "I haven't met her yet" Toni said laughing a bit as Angel said that Slytherin rocks. Toni couldn't help but enjoy the company of this newly met girl. She seemed rather the same as Toni which was always a good thing in Toni's mind at least. Pity they hadn't met early and the friendship been created back when but still there was time. At Hogwarts Clicks didn't seem like a huge thing decided on the first day like it was back at Toni's private school.

As Toni sat there she wondered when the eclipse was going to start wondering if it really was as amazing as Miley had stated so many times. The thought of Miley sitting watching the same thing popped into Toni's mind though she really did not like to think about family. With this she pushed the thought out of mind not helping the small engraved smile that appeared on her thin lips.

"Well we do have a good house this year though. I've met most of the first years in the house" Toni said as she looked up waiting for the eclipse. Why not at least make small talk why she was waiting.
"I haven't, really, at all," Angel smiled. "I've heard of some, and obviously I remember some from Sorting, but I haven't really spoke to anyone in depth much."

Then, the solar eclipse began. Angel had never witnessed one before; it was captivatingly breathtaking. All went eerily dark, except for the ring of burning, fiery light that seemed to appear out of nowhere, but Angel knew it was the sun, just peeking out on the edges behind the moon, which had now disappeared into the darkness.

Angel could now hear some of the students outside squealing and yelling, but she didn't care. The moment was amazing.

"Cool, huh?" Angel tried to sound nonchalant.
Toni nodded as Angel spoke to say that she understood though she couldn't help but realize that Ton's own hands were curled up almost in excitment for an eclipse. That excitement was odd for her but still somethings you couldn't help. As Toni watched the Solar Eclipse begin she heard some voices in the background. Lots of squeals and laughs. Usually Toni would have rolled her eyes but she couldn't help but watch trying extremely hard to wipe any amazement off her face.

Though it didn't last quite long enough for Toni, she was still glad she had witnessed it. Amazing She thought but did not show it on her face. Only a small smile was imprinted there. God she almost wished Sam was here to experience it with her. Or anyone else of her other male friends though at least she did watch it with Angel who Toni could almost tell would be a friend someday if not soon.

"Yeah" Toni said looking at the sky for a moment longer knowing that it wasn't just going to happen again. "Very cool actually" Toni said soon turning to Angel. "Though the sad part is my sister told me these things would be amazing. I hate when she's right" Toni said adding a small laugh.
[Sorry I was so late in replying. My mother made me do the washing up. :p

I might have to go suddenly, because my brother is whining to go on the computer. :p]

Angel chuckled. "I don't have any siblings, but I can imagine what it's like, since I have a cousin the same way." She snickered. "She knows everything. I swear, when she comes to Hogwarts, she'll be a Ravenclaw through and through."

Angel studied the sky. "My cousin said this eclipse should last for three and a half minutes, apparently. So the unnecessary squealing shouldn't stop 'till then, either." She rolled her eyes at a pair of Hufflepuffs who were playing Zombies in the Dark, who kept tripping over eachother.
Toni smiled slightly as Angel said she had no siblings. Lucky her. Though Toni really didn't have any cousins so she didn't know if they were like siblings or not. "oh a Ravenclaw" Toni said rolling her eyes letting a small laugh escape her lips. Though Toni really only knew two Ravenclaws and she liked both of them she really couldn't speak. Both Knight and Jake were both the best. Knight was one of her best mates and Jake saved Toni was getting a black eye from Hoshi.

Though as Angel pointed out the squealing in the background, Toni turned around for a minute. There were a few students acting like complete children. In a way Toni was jealous of them, she never really had that chance. It seemed like Toni had matured so much faster and missed out though she wouldn't admit her sadness in that area. "Well they should stop soon enough" Toni said rolling her eys as well as she turned to the sky. "I wonder how many other people are watching this at the same time as we are" Toni said wondering mostly if Sam was somewhere catching the same sight.
"People like fooling around in the dark," Angel sighed, "But if they do that they miss the actual solar eclipse, which is actually quite beautiful.

[Oh, no, I think I have to go. Post back if you like. I might sitll be here. :p

EDIT: Yay, I'm going to be around a little while longer. :) ]
Toni smiled slightly "Yeah I guess they are just having fun though" Toni said still looking up at the sky. The solar eclipse was actually beautiful. This is made the lakefront more of a place that Toni would enjoy coming to. Maybe she was turning into a nature lover. Don't even think that Toni thought knowing that she would never love nature never. It just didn't fit her girly way of life in many ways.

"So have you been about the school yet?" Toni asked trying to keep up some kind of conversation
"Not really," Angel smiled. "I mean, I've been in the Great Hall, Slytherin commonroom, and everything, but I haven't really looked very far." She grinned. "I'm going to do loads of exploring soon, though. There will not be an inch of the castle that I have not stepped on by October." She laughed lightly. "Have you looked around much?"
It actually surprised Toni at the number of students that hadn't looked around. She was combing the castle head to toe the first day she was here. After all this was going to be her home for the next seven years. Toni was determined to know it hopefully the best. She was not going to be that one that got lost to class and she was going to be the one that found a new passage way or something like that. It was just another step on Toni's list of things to do to make her mark

"I've looked around a bit. Covered most of the corridors though I haven't found anything too exciting which means I haven't been looking hard enough" Toni said smiling slightly though her attention was still turned to the sky.
Angel chuckled. "I just arrived here, a few days back, so I haven't really had chance," she explained. "But I'll be having a good look around. I'm not going to get lost all the time. I'd feel like such a fool, and, well, that is not how Slytherins feel." She grinned.

Suddenly, the image in the sky began to fade, though there was still a burning ring of light and it was still pretty dark. "It's fading a little," Angel said somewhat resentfully at the sky.
[ Dammit, I gotta go. I might be online tomorrow. :) ]
Toni smiled as she said she had only arrived a few days back. Toni really had nothing better to do than wonder around the castle. Well at least not until she found somone to hang out with. Usually she always did but there were days like today when she didn't find anyone. Well she guessed it was just meant like that so that Toni could meet new people. At least this time she hadn't meant a total loser like a few other people she had met recently.

"no I hope I don't get lost getting to classes. Though it would always make a nice entrance" Toni said as she did a small flip of her hair and looked up at the sky. "Pity" She said as it began to fade. "But it can't last forever" She commented knowing that most things couldn't last forever. Mostly things Toni wished that could.

((That's Fine. ))
"If it did, we'd be stuck in eternal darkness," she grinned, "Which usually suits me just fine, but the Hufflepuffs would die." She rolled her eyes. "I wonder if that's a good thing ..." She laughed.

The sky was now turning a pinky-orange colour, staining the sky, just like it always did at sunset. The blazing sun had nearly disappeared. It was ten past nine in the evening.

"Oh, bugger, our curfew went ten minutes ago! I'm no goody goody, but I do not get caught. We'll need to go back to our dorms."
Toni smiled slightly to the comment. It was just like Slytherins to hate Hufflepuffs. Toni was supposed to. It was like destiny. Though she could like a few Hufflepuffs right...well at least one. Maybe Toni would just keep that on a need to know basis and at the moment no one including Angel needed to know. "Well the nonexistance of Hufflepuffs would through the whole system of houses out of balance" Toni said "Who would be on the bottom level then" She asked laughing a bit. Probably Ravenclaws She thought knowing very well she had a friend in Ravenclaw as well.

Though Toni glanced up at the sky. It was late and the sun was setting. Though it wasn't as nearly as nice as the sunset Toni had watched with Sam. Still pretty though. "You worry about curfew" Toni said smiling slightly not wanting to get caught either. "Well we might as well head in anyway. Getting points taken away this early would surely leave us being not the most popular of first years" Toni said standing up.
"Definitely," Angel laughed with raised eyebrows. "Well, I'll see you around sometime." She grinned. "Nice to meet you."
"Yeah We will bump into eachother again" Toni said pretty certain of it. "See you later" Toni said as she pushed a piece of her blonde hair behind one ear and walked towards the castle. She would probably head to the common room, not yet tired she would probably sit there for awhile. Maybe Beau was still up and she could bother him or just talk to him. Either way.

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