Sofii Wolfe

Sofii Kyle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Poculi Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Sphinx Remains

Full Name:
Sofii Verilina Wolfe


Date of Birth:
February 21st, 2020 at 9:40am.

Current Age:
11 years old.

Basic Appearance:
Hair - Sofii has light blonde hair. It's close to being platinum but it still has a golden tinge to it which keeps it from being platinum. Sofii's hair is very thin and quite long. It stops at the middle of her back. Sofii often keeps it up in a messy bun. Particularly while she's painting.
Eyes - Sofii's eyes are bright blue. They are light in color but pop out in comparison to her skin and hair color.
Skin - Sofii has porcelain pale skin. She doesn't go out into the sun much so that is why she is as pale as she is.
Smile - Sofii is fairly serious so her smile is subtle and very slight. It can be a little cute if one really does get her to grin.
Height - 5"0.
Weight - 102 pounds.
Build - Sofii is petite. But she is also only eleven years old so it is expected that she is nothing more than small. It is believed that she may be quite short all of her life because neither of her parents are very tall.
Tattoos - Soffii has no tattoo's.
Piercings - Sofii has her ears pierced but none other than that
Closet - Sofii normally wears dresses that are covered by cardigans. Sometimes she will wear jeans but that isn't too often. Sofii's clothes are often covered in paint splatters or clay because of how often she works with art. Sofii also doesn't like to wear shoes.

Sofii's personality can be split up into the follow categories.
Serious - Sofii is very serious. Her parents raised her up in a very strict household and wasn't allowed to be very open with having fun. Sofii rarely finds things amusing or funny so it is hard to get her to crack a grin or laugh. Sofii would much rather be doing something like painting or sculpting than doing something noisy or fun.
Sweet - Despite Sofii being very serious Sofii is also very sweet and kind. Sofii likes helping others and will rarely get upset or angry at others without there being an extreme reason for her being like so. Sofii is usually willing to give advice or helps others when she can.
Artistic - Sofii can turn close to anything into art. Sculpting, collages, painting. You name it Sofii can tried it. Sofii likes turning things into art whenever she can.


Mother - Cassidera Gustav-Wolfe
Attended Menntaskolinn Vid Hamrahlid
Born on 4/4/1992


Father - Alkzer Wolfe
Attended Durmstrang
Born on 9/24/1990


A turtle named Jon Jon

Sofii wants to get an owl soon but her parents told her to wait until she was about to start school before she could get one.

Area of Residence:
Reykjavík, Iceland

Blood Status:


Special Abilities:
Sofii has no special abilities.

Interests or Hobbies:
Art - Sofii like all kinds of art. All the way from sculpting to gardening. Sofii will turn anything she can into a work of art.
Sewing/Designing - Sofii does know how to design and make her own clothing. She doesn't always wear things she has made from scratch, but from time to time she will. Sofii is better at designing clothes for other than she is for herself.
Sleeping - Sofii likes to sleep. She will sleep whenever she gets the chance to.
Traveling - Sofii has traveled quite a bit in her life. She's been to places like Japan, France, Germany, England, California, Egypt, and many others. This has brought Sofii to take an enjoyment in traveling.
Writing - Sofii also likes to write. She doesn't write as often as she does paint, but she likes to write things like poems or short stories when she has the chance to.
Chickens - Not the kind you eat, but actual chickens. Sofii has always thought chickens were really cute. But her parents would never let her get one.

Sofii also has a softness for things like snow, hot cocoa, Icelandic ponies, photography, and sea turtles. But they are smaller things compared to those mentioned above.

Additional Skills:
Sofii is bilingual so she can speak Icelandic as well as English. This makes her able to converse with a variety of people. Sofii is attmpting to learn some Norwegian but it's a slow learning process.
Sofii is good at sketching people. She is willing to draw others if they ask her.

Sofii is good at helping others deal with their problems. She is a phenomenal listener because she is serious and doesn't talk much. Sofii is also kind so aside from listening she does her best to give others advice that she thinks would help them. Sofii is considered to be a very good friend because of this.
Sofii has very good artistic ability. She is able to draw, paint, sculpt, or sketch almost anything. She is constantly practicing too so her abilities with art only continue to grow.

Sofii is very serious and rarely allows herself to joke around and have fun. So Sofii can be considered to be a bit of a bore at times. She wishes she could change it, but it was something she was raised to be.
Sofii can be a bit of a buzzkill. She will sometimes remind others of the rules or why and why not something should be done. Even if iti somehting being done for merely fun.

Describe your character in three words:
Serious, artistic, and caring.

Favourite place to be:
The pier back in Reykjavík, Iceland. It's overlooks the ocean and though it's usually too cold to do swim or be down there, Sofii likes to go down there to paint.


Sofii has one friend, who happens to be her best friend too. Svana Johan. They have been next-door neighbors since they were young kids. Svana is a muggle so she will not be going to school alongside Sofii. Sofii will really miss her and intends to write to her with every chance she gets.

Hogwarts House:
Sofii has not been sorted yet. She isn't even close to being sure what house she would be sorted into either.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Sofii hopes that she will at least be able to get good grades and stay out of people's way.

Best school subjects:
Sofii has no idea. She figures one of the more difficult subjects but she hasn't attended any classes yet.

Worst school subjects:
Astronomy. Sofii things stars aren't that interesting to study and whatnot.

Extracurricular Activities:
Sofii does not have any extracurricular actives yet.

Unknown at the moment.

Current Job:
Sofii is only eleven so she has no job.

Plans for your future:
Sofii would love to be an artist and own a chicken farm. But since she is only eleven she figures that could change when she is a bit older.

Your Patronus:
Turtle - It represents a loving but calm nature. A desire to see sights unseen, and a bit if mystery behind it.

Your Patronus memory:
As lame as it sounds, it currently would be the day she got her Hogwarts New Zealand acceptance letter. Sofii desires a change of pace and figures that her going to Hogwarts will allow her to make more friends and perhaps lose a little bit of the seriousness she has within her. Plus Sofii cannot wait to learn more about magic and how to control it.

Your Boggart:
Octopus. Sofii thinks that are extremely creepy looking and gross.

Your Animagus:
Same as her Patronus form. A turtle. Sofii would like to have be it a chicken but she cannot really control that sort of thing.

Mirror of Erised:
Sofii would look into the mirror Erised and see herself as a famous artist that owns a chicken a farm.

A page from your diary:



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