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Finnian Rosenkranz

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
So here I am again, this time I have a few more characters to well....promote... :)

So here they are...(yet again, I cannot help but make new ones. . . :) ) (I also happen to like making twins. . :) )
Sophia Leingod said:
Sophia is a fairly odd and intelligent girl. She enjoys cooking, cleaning, and basically all things that are traditionally considered "feminine". In reality though, Sophia is no really that "girly" she never considers gender as something that domineers her. She never really cared if her friends are boys, girls or anything else. Sophia also tends to appear fearless and indifferent at times, though, her greatest fear is actually thunder.
Sophia is extremely intuitive. She can sense if there is something wrong with those who are around her. That thing often gives her trouble as she always gets out of her way to help other people. Sophia also has this ever lasting smile on her face and she has this bright personality that makes everyone around her happy as well.
Maria Leingod said:
Maria is an enigmatic girl. She is also Sophia's twin though the two are polar opposites. Maria is the voice of reason in most situations and tends to be rather blunt. She is also best friends with her twin, despite their completely different demeanors. Maria is described as "just as reckless as Sophia". She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to.

Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating, but she is very protective to Sophia. She faithfully protects Sophia and is always by her side, attending to her wishes and watching out for her; her protective personality extends to those whom she cares for. She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.

Maria is incredibly irritable and slow to wake-up in the morning, which is attributed to her having a low blood pressure. Secretly, Maria is very fond of sweets and her room is full of stuffed animals, though she wouldn't let anyone aside from her sister to know that. She also has a stuffed bunny that she calls chii. Maria is actually fond of cute things despite the fact that she always tries to hide it.
Finnian Rosenkranz said:
Finnian's only existing relative is his grandmother and grandfather, who brings him to the (I haven't really decided on that yet, still searching for a place where he will work) mansion where he becomes a servant. Quiet and withdrawn, he usually distances himself from people and doesn't seem fond of interfering with others' problems when he doesn't need to. He has a kind heart though. He is shy and has a weak personality, and his "friends" often talks him into trouble.

Finnian is very calm when dealing with his problems despite some of them being almost grave. He handles situations calmly and with a smile on his face. Because he is a servant, he tends to be very punctual and doesn't like being late to his appointments. Finnian is a dutiful and dedicated servant. He follows every order even the most ridiculous one. He always tries that the (undecided) house runs smoothly.

Finnian is diligent and is a hard worker. His words are very polite. He loves studying and reading. He often likes being alone too as he can think freely when he is by himself. Sometimes, Finnian has this air about him that distances himself from others.

However, when Finnian's loved ones were in danger, his personality changes completely, he will lose the shyness and slightly takes things a little more seriously than what he would have been. He cares for those that he loves very deeply.

What I need for them are friends...or best friends...even enemies or rivals...

For Finnian, I need a place where he can work or where he can live... anywhere will do, (maybe on some sort of a rich family?)

So anyone who's interested? :) :p :lol:
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