soaking up the summer sun

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa was walking across the grounds soaking up the new summer sun. Her face was tilted up towards the sun and a huge smile had spred across her face, she was wearing shorts again and a tight fitting t-shirt. When she finally opened her eyes she found her self out on the cliffs. It was beautiful, the ocean crashed against the rocks spraying mist everywhere there wasn't a cloud in sight and flowers were blooming everywhere, it was like heaven on earth. Arisa overjoyed with the beautiful place she found ran over to the edge of the cliffs and flung her arms out at her sides while crying out in pleasure.
"Watch you step, Arisa," a voice said. Tichondrius was sitting on a rock, holding a sketchbook out before him. Hayate was perched nearby, cleaning his wings, giving Arisa a cursory glance before returning to his cleaning. Tichondrius paused from his sketching, looked up at Arisa and smiled. "It's a nice view, isn't it?"
Arisa whiped around to see Tichondrius sitting on a rock "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice you before" she said with a pleasent smile. "Yes it is nice" she replied looking around her once more "what brings you out to the cliffs?"
He waved the sketchbook before her. "Sketching. It's a nice view, better by far than anything in our own common room at any rate. I doubt I'll be able to sketch the view from the Gryffindor Tower, so I'll have to settle for this," Tichondrius answered, pretending disappointment. In truth, he was far from disappointed. The view from the cliffs was simply spectecular; with the clear blue waters crashing upon the rocks, throwing up snow white sprays that disappeared as quickly as they were created.
Neita saw was walking along the edge of the cliff, admiring the view and feeling the breeze when she saw Arisa and a boy in her house and year that she'd met but hadnt seen much of due to all the school she missed. "ARISA!!" Neita called glad to find one of her good friends around "Hi!" and Neita turned to face the boy, She waved "Hey,"
"NEITA" Arisa called back, she ran up and hugged her "Its great to see you again, this is Tichondrius" She replied qesturing towards Tichondrius, "i think he may need a nick name for him though" Arisa replied "any ideas"
Neita hugged Arisa back
"Hello"she said smiling waving again at the boy.

Neita giggled as Arisa said he needed a nickname. "Drius? Hondri? Ti?" Neita giggled again
Tichondrius blinked mildly. "Sorry, but why do I need a nickname? I kinda like my name as is," he said, turning back to the view and continuing to sketch.
Neita though for a moment "Well Tichondrius is a bit of a mouthful... but if you dont like it shortened thats fine." Neita gave a genuine smile "Tichondrius is a really nice name... its very original" She suddenly shut up hoping she wasnt annoying him and keeping him from his sketching.

She turned to Arisa "the views amazing isnt it.." She said as she looked out onto the horizon.

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