So you're with them then??

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah was stood looking over the cliff. Her toes were on the end and wind was wipping past her face, dargging her hair with it. She could feel her cheeks turning pink from the cold. She didn't care about any of this though. She just wanted to get out of this stupid school. She knew a few people who'd want to avoid her as much as possible when she did that; people who she used to consider family and those who she didn't even know. Until then, she was just going to fight against Adira for the spot of Wrath with the sins. She couldn't see what revenge the fourth year had. She didn't act like she had any so why was she trying for the mask in the first place. Shay couldn't be bothered with questions. She knew she was going to win this no matter what.
Logan was angry now. Lily had told him that a second year Slytherin had beaten her and her brother up, now Logan would teach this girl a lesson. It was very rare that Logan would be even thinking about something like this, but this time he had no choice no-one hurt Lily and got away with it. He walked up to the cliffs and saw the girl right on the edge. He thought about pushing her off but he wasnt even sure what to do. She looked distracted and Logan quietly got a little closer and pulled out his wand. "Stupefy." He ran up as his spell shot from his wand and knocked her from the cliff. " Thats for Lily you muppet. Wingardium Leviosa" He was good at that spell and decided to hang her off the cliff and maybe gove her a little scare.
Shaylah was surprised when something hit her from behind. She was usually good at knowing when there was someone creeping up on her. She must have been so distracted by her own thoughts that the world around her seemed to disappear until she got hit out of her thoughts by the boy now holding her in the air. She rolled her eyes. "Ok. I have a few things to say. 1) I don't really care who it's for. You probably don't know the full story. If you did then you wouldn't want to get involved. 2) Is muppet seriously the best insult you can come up with?? I was expecting like b!tch or wh0re or something like that and you say muppet. 3) You're not doing much by holding me over the end of the cliff because I'm not scared of heights so this is nothing. 4) What exactly do you intend to do with me now that you've got me here??" Shaylah liked messing with the minds of first years. They usually had no idea what the hell she was on about and if they did then they had either no answer or one which was really rubbish and made them sound like complete douch bags.
Logan frowned at her. Why on earth was she going on with herself like he was dumb. He thought for a secong on what he should do. " Well i know that you beat her and her brother up for no reason. Also unlike you i dont spend all of my time thinking of insults because i acctually have a life and someone to share it with becasue im not a larry loner ok Fido=. And i will think of what to do with your worthless ass in a secone you gimp." He held in the giggle that usually followed when he said that word as he found it funny. He thought again for a second, he didnt want her to have her wand as she was oder than him. "Accio." He knew that he couldnt break it because then she couldnt work in some of her lessons but he couldnt risk it. He picked it up and threw it down the hill so that when he put her down again she wouldnt be able to reach it. Logan wasnt dumb and he hewn that she would kill him when he let her down. " Locomotor Mortis." He put her over land again knowing that she wouldnt be able to run after him now. He smield slightly. " Ok, so im not really one to fight but just dont hurt my girl friend again ok. Finite" He stopped the levitating spell but not the leg locking one. He ran down the hill quickly so she wouldnt be able to hurt him. He was happy that he could make Lily proud of him now.

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