So there's this girl.....

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Jamie Holgersson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains

All Smiles is She.

However Jamison Valentine's life has been anything but normal. A family of eight or so siblings with Parents who died when she was still very young. Jamison, or as most call her Jamie, was raised by her three oldest siblings. Mostly Zander and Mara the oldest two who cared to take the responsibility. The rest of her siblings most of the time were at school, Durmstrang and when it was time for her to go she picked Hogwarts New Zealand to be like her eldest brother Alezander, though he went to Scotland. After attending the school till her third year Jamie dropped out at the death of an older sibling, Kailey. Never never got on well with Kailey but it was still a death. It felt awkard being at the school where Kailey's twin worked. He ignored her most of the time and when they did come across each other the school he was nothing but bad attitude like when Kailey had been alive. She changed her mind about school and had Zander take her out of the school to be homeschooled. That is where she is now. 13 Homeschooled in England and without a friend. She a nice girl and the captain under her avatar used to read, Not Afraid to Bite Back. This refered mostly to her actually punching Kailey when she got mad at her older sister. She had only been around 9 or so at the time when it happened but it seemed like the prefect motto for her. At home now she helps out with her youngest brother, Tyler as well as Mara's daughter Abbie. Mara isn't around much so on a typical day it's just Zander, Her and the Baby and Tyler when he gets back from Muggle school.

I'm looking for some young friends for Jamie. Students from anywhere that have a tie to England and would happen to be there to run in to her at somepoint.

She is getting old enough now to start thinking about having a boyfriend. Though I'd like her to have a few threads with him first making know each other for a year or so before anything serious happened. This guy could be her final as well or just a boyfriend passing through her life. Anywhere from 12 to 14 is pretty much okay with me for her. He would have to meet her older brother Zander at some point. Being Zander is like a father to her and she respects his opinion very much.
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