So Many Steps!

Signy Forstrom

giggly | hard worker | farmer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 9 1/2" Rigid Beech Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2031 (18)
All of the walking she had been doing was great exercise, but as she reached the top of the steps of the North Tower she began to resent that Hogwarts didn't have an easier way of getting up all those steps. She glanced about the hallway, in the direction that someone was sending her, "Flavio?" she called out, someone said he was here, "Flavio Morales?" she hoped he was and this wasn't just someone pretending so that she would take longer to hand out her roses.
Flavio managed to keep the majority of his rose deliveries in the great hall, mostly because it was the easiest place to find who he was looking for and partly because he did not want to waste energy running around the castle. When his deliveries were over he still had enough energy to walk to the north tower intending to send a letter home which was what he wanted. It was on his way to the owlery that someone called his name and Flavio turned around to see a blonde girl he did not know, realising in that moment there was a possibility his friends had sent him roses that year and being so high up in the castle would made it difficult for the people delivering the roses to reach him. Flavio tried not to show that this realisation bothered him as he approached the girl. "I am Flavio Morales." He said, waiting to see if she was delivering a rose to him.​
A look of relief passed her features as a boy approached her and said that he was the exact person she was looking for. The last few people hadn't steered her wrong, and boy was she thankful of that. The teen smiled politely at him, "I have a rose for you," she told him happily as she reached in and picked out a yellow rose. She liked all the roses, they were such beautiful colours but being a hufflepuff she felt particularly close to the yellow ones. They were such beautiful flowers, "Here you go," she said as she handed it out to him. She knew that every year, they did better and better with the flowers from the garden. It was just beautiful. She loved the flowers.
Flavio's eyes lit up when the girl revealed she did indeed have a rose to deliver to him. He watched as she retrieved a yellow rose and accepted as it was handed to him. The flower was beautiful and bright which made him smile. "Does the rose have a note?" He asked, looking from the rose to the girl, and wondering which of his friends had thought to send him something.​
The girl nodded excitedly as she fished into her basket of remaining roses and from within pulled out a note. She smiled happily at the boy as she held it out to him. "Here it is!" she told him excitedly. The girl was loving handing out the roses and the notes, seeing people's faces light up as they got the rose or as they read the note that went along with it. It was the best thing to watch.
Dear Flavio Morales,
I hope you have a nice day and looking forward to studying soon!
November Albertson

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