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Oscar Fossil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash

Okay, so this year I have quite a few little first years (mainly inherited Characters). All of whom are very different and need friends and such.

Firstly we have Oscar Fossil
A link to his bio (unfinished) and Development are below.
Oscar is trying to branch out into his own. He's been over shadowed all his life and is finally free to do what he wants. Oscar is a laid back kind of guy who appears to not try very hard but works extremely hard, even if people are telling him he shouldn't. Oscar is quite anti-social at times, but that is through habit, as he used to be bully at the dance school he was at before. He can be trusting, but at times, will be wary. Oscar speaks quite quietly unless he's with either Andrea or Sapphire, in which cause he is a very lively person. Oscar has a charming smile, but as of yet has no interest in girl apart from them being there.
So For him I'd just like friends, and maybe a few crushes. He has a final. But I'd quite like a dramatic plot for him. Skins style.

(only I'm not going to brutally kill him off for no reason like the b@stards did. I apologise, If I ruined it for anyone who might not have seen it)

Next up we have Keitaro Higuchi,
I haven't got anything up for him yet, but here is what I have.
Keitaro is a very school focused boy. He works hard and he works. He has never gotten a bad grade and plans to never. Keitaro is proud of Ravenclaw status and believes his parents will too. Keitaro feels very pressure to do well in school, because both of his parents are successful and he wants to follow in there foot steps. Keitaro, will over time learn to relax, and will become quite charming and very interested in girls. So I'm thinking in like 4th year, that he has maybe more than one girlfriend, chats up every girl type thing. He'll need a final, but I'm going to leave that for now, unless you can really persuade me.
So he needs Friends, a few enemies possibly, crushes.

After that we Have Isabella Romanes
A link to her development is Here
She's a little Italian girl, who's been split from her sister. She has no idea what anyone is saying half the time and is very quiet. She'll sit in the corner reading a book. She currently doesn't like HNZ as she really wanted to attend BeauxBatons, but she's stuck here. She is a kind person but finds it sometimes hard to get along with people as she can be quite short and a little self-centered. Isabella is the left out member of the entire family, and at home often felt the brunt of her fathers anger, and is treated like the lesser twin. Isabella feels inferior to her twin sister. And while hides who she is she wants to be perfect. Isabella has purple eyes from an accident which she is very embarrassed about. But she doesn't actually realise, for 11 she is quite pretty.
So She needs a few friends, maybe a mentor, preferably Slytherin and maybe a boy crush. A boy who helps her out. Or something

Then there is Also Ostensia Romanes
A Link to her Development is Here
She's the older of the twins, and very aware of the differences between her and Isabella. She is also the reason that they came to New Zealand. Ostensia is a very caring person. She looks out for others, more than herself. She is polite and well-mannered, and does everything to make sure people like her and her happy. However, if anyone crosses Ostensia, and breaks the trust, she will very easily turn on them. Ostensia protects her friends, and would fight for them. She has at times a sharp tongue but that is only if someone insults her or her family. Ostensia also loves flowers. SHe is better at english than her sister but still struggles. Overall Ostensia is a very sweet, well mannered girl who has claws if you annoy her or her friends. She is currently feeling permanently worried as she has never been apart from her sister.
So She needs friends, possible mentor *shrugs*, no crushes for this girl. You can crush on her, but she's not at all interested in boys.

Lastly Grace Winter
A link to her development is Here
Most of the information about her is in her bio, I wrote quite a lot on her, so check that out please instead of me writing it. Cause I'm too sleepy to do it myself.
So, she needs a few friends and maybe a boyfriend. She'd be the kind of girl, to not be very good at moving on from a boy. So heartbreakers would be good here. She is not in need of a mentor, because she has Imogen. They've yet to RP, but they are going to be friends.

And there we have it. Post here or PM me on any on of my 9 student accounts, about any ideas.

Imogen's final has kinda like vanished. And She's never really been in love, so, yeah you guessed it.
Immy needs herself a man. He can be any age, no first year or second years, anything above. And any house will do.

Imogen is generally a very happy girl, she's all smiles and loves to help others. She enjoys Reading and havin fun, along with meeting new people and practicing magic, She also loves Gryffindor. She's all round just a nice person And is very mature for her age, and gets protective of people, since she had quite the hard past.
But she recently she just lost her family. Not in the sense that they are dead but she has no clue where half of them are so the smiles as of late are forced, and every day is an inner stuggle. During the course of the year she's goin to break down even more, but for now she is just wanting to pretend that everything is okay and her life hasn't changed. Which she is doing well as no one has yet noticed, the only person who does know is Riley. Who she is currently living with. But even to Riley, Imogen will pretend like everything is okay.
She has basically written the book on Silent sufferer.

Come on other people. These guys need friends!
Zomg Emize you has many first years =))
Well all I can offer is Leonardo to be cousin with the Italian twins he's part Italian and is Shilo (Sara De La Cruz and Willow Paradox half brother) but they don't know it yet. From his mother side he's the only son his dad, well he's the 3rd 16 year his father got =))

I have Madlyn Margera, a very big and I mean BIG first year (Part-Giant) she can be friends or enemies to the evil twin not sure but whatever works for me its cool.

I also Makaylah Makwa she a fellow Ravenclaw she can be friend Oscar friend =)) since she very interest in Fossil no love interest just Fossil well you know what I mean.

PS. Will start after vacation okay cause its to hectic right now

I know lol, most were originally someone elses.

The twins aren't in need of family. But maybe they could be friends of the cousins, which not all have been made, so have like a distant friend relationship.
I think Isabella would be intimdated by the giant. So, she would probably just sit there and insult her in Italian, making it obvious that she is insulting her, but never once actually saying something. We can start something up soon.
The Ravenclaw for Oscar, sure sounds interesting for him. What is she like?
Makaylah Makwa the youngest of four bothers and only girl, I made them all but only Makaylah and her brother Seth (play by someone else) are active. Makaylah is inspired to be a paleontologist like her mom who lives in Hawaii. She wants to be one and also use magic while being a paleontologis in the near future. Makaylah a book worm, wears glasses, loves to collect antiques especially buttons. She has a very geeky snort :) and as for friends eh she has a few back home. But now she staying with Maddiie's dad +family since Seth and Jake are best friends since like forever so its like a hosting family but we know their family already -shrugs- but yeah that's basically it

Okay, sounds good, We can set those topics up whenever you want
She sounds like she would be the dorky friend that Oscar has, and he has to have one of those. lol
I think I just ruined the ending of Skins for myself o_O
Here are the lovely Meg and Kat Prescott otherwise known as Del and Indie King-Dixon.
They are both Slytherins but nice to most people I swear.

indie & oscar
Indie doesn't work. Not really anyway, she's not quite as smart
as her sister in terms of school work but wants to know everything
about Magic so she can be somebody and not just fade into the
background. Shes a bit of a loud girl and wants to be famous one day.
Katie + Freddie = future loves ?
Oscar is the guy that Indie flirts with all the time, not neccersarily as
a joke but just in fun. but then she actually likes him in a few years
yay? nay?

delphi & isabella
I'm thinking some love-hate thing going on here. the girls
are friends but as they both have short tempers they tend
to get in little petty fights a lot. It's always resolved within
the hour and everything is fine afterwards. Del is the type
of person who would find a book of italian phrases and attempt
to speak it to talk to isabella. maybe isabella can teach del some
You probably already know I am one of the biggest skins fans ever! So do you think we could somehow plot Oscar and one of my charries? When I see a skins style plot I just have to jump in there! I have Elizabeth Sturridge, she has the same PB as Andrea, but that could work. Not sure, any ideas? :D
I could offer Collin for Keitaro :p
They could be friends, Collin's also dilligent and loves muggle books. But he never really like school, fame had been his goal since he was little..

They could be roommate if you want ...

well here's his plot&Story development Collin Jin

Cap'n Criss - I did warn. Lol, anyway
Indie&Oscar - Me likes. They could maybe go out next year? But first I think they should become close friends, who develop feelings for each. But first friends.
So would you like to start something or shall I?

Delphi&Isabella - I think that would be good. Isabella would probably enjoy that since it would be quite like how her and her twin act. So yeah that would be good. I don't RP much so this would be good.
Would you like to start a topic, or shall I?

Maddy - I will post soon.

Brittney - I noticed you were a fan. I am more a fan of the first two seasons. Lol. But, maybe they should be friends, and Oscar develops a sort of protectiveness over her,but he wouldn't like her in that way, just as friends. But we can always plot. Loved to here ideas though.
Shall we start up a topic?

Collin - I had planned that Oscar and Keitaro room together, oscar is already rooming with this other guy, Claude Harris, so maybe both Keitaro should also join, and become a group of friends. The cool hot males of Ravenclaw. Lol
but Collin and Keitaro should also be friends. Would you like to start something or shall I?

Thanks for all the replies
Delphi King-Dixon said:
indie & oscar
Indie doesn't work. Not really anyway, she's not quite as smart
as her sister in terms of school work but wants to know everything
about Magic so she can be somebody and not just fade into the
background. Shes a bit of a loud girl and wants to be famous one day.
Katie + Freddie = future loves ?
Oscar is the guy that Indie flirts with all the time, not neccersarily as
a joke but just in fun. but then she actually likes him in a few years
yay? nay?
I'm just going to jump in here and suggest something :r , don't feel obliged to take it or anything. But anyways, I was thinking what if Indie and Andie (haha Indie and Andie xD ) became like close friends? And then when Oscar and her start going out she'd be all " <_< + :mad: + :unsure: + :cry: " And realise that she kinda likes Oscar so she starts (to well first of all) bash Indie and seperates from both of them slightly. She's can be all crazy jealous for a while...and thats all I got so far, it just popped into my head there so don't feel like you have to go with this! :lol:

maddy, I posted.

Collin, there is a topic in dorm 2 you can post there and I'll join with Keitaro in a few moments.

that's exactly the kind of plot we could work out. But that sounds interesting. I think maybe they should all be pretty close. Maybe all three should post together?
Okay great! Yeah maybe they should be best friends so when Indie and Oscar start going out, it'd sting even more xD
Is the topic already started for them to meet?
Robert :D

There isn't a topic yet. Maybe one of us should start one?

Collin - There is one there. Post there.

Libby - Sounds Awesome. They've met once. Shall we start something?
Yeah? Yay! ^_^ (sorry for intruding on your plot but I do think it would be fun to RP for all of us! :r )

Okay does anyone want to start? I don't mind doing it if you's don't want to do it ^_^

I can start it soon. Like later today.
It'll be in the student lounge. I'll PM you with the link soon.
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