so far from home and further from last year

Tara Sitara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
If you had seen tara this time last year she would have been in almost the same place doing the same thing. however on her second day back at school in her first year she felt like a life time since she had been standing at the edge of the lake sketching the landscape. you probably wouldn't notice the subtle differences at first like her choice of medium, charcoal as opposed to water colour, and the clader ring that she had warn since sarah moon had given it to her for her twelfth birthday had changed hands indicating that she was no longer single but engaged. she looked at the picture that she had drawn, it was simple and in one colour grey, but right now she couldn't face drawing in colour. it reminded her too much of last year when she had been as naive as she wished she still was.
she sighed as she put her charcoal back in the box. she had planed on drawing to clear her mind of what had happened since the holidays had begun but instead it had given her chance to let her mind wander over what had happened. she brushed a loose strand of hear out of her face, leaving a grey smudge past her left eye. what she really needed was a friend to talk to. her first thought was Dymetris, as he always seemed to make things better. but she realised that he wouldn't be a good idea as he has partially the reason she was left in this predicament, well in this predicament so young, it was inevitably going to happen some time.
Kate walked out into the fresh air.She breathed in the air and smiled.She had missed Hogwarts and she was happy to be back.She was now thirteen and starting her third year in Hogwarts,it was hard to believe all her friends in Ireland would only be starting Secondary school now.She walked out towards the lake and when she reached it she looked out at the view,it was funny the way it looked almost the exactly the same as home ,it made it easier to come to the other side of the year every year.

She looked around seeing if she could see any of her friends.She had missed them a lot over the holidays and could n't wait to see them.She was looking to her right when sh saw a familiar face.She ran over and hugged Tara. "Hey"She said her smiled wide on her face.It wasn't until she looked properly that there was something wrong.Immediatly the smile vanished off her face "Whats the matter?"She asked putting an arm around Tara
Tara heard a sound behind her and turned around to see who it was, a smile already plastered across her face. she was just in time to see kate Moon before she was embraced in a hug. she liked kate found she had gotten on well with the girl, they were in the same house and year, so they obviously spent enough time together, however last year she had lost some of the connections with her friends, that she hoped to rebuild. "hello kate, did you have a good holiday?" she asked, still holding on to her smile. however when she saw her friends expression drop she realised that her friend still knew her well. "I'm fine, i just have a bit on my mind" she said feeling somewhat comforted by Kate's presence. It was nice to know that her friends were still there for her, even after she had spent so much time with Dymetris last year that she hardly had time to be with her friends.
Kate smiled "They were okay"She said sighing a little bit.She hadn't had the best summer holidays ever.Things had happened between her and Sara that could never be fixed and the strange thing was Kate was a small bit happy about this but it still had ruined some of her holidays.She wasn't exactly sure how it had started all she knew was that Sara blamed her for it and that was fine by Kate because at the moment she didn't care. Shaking her head she focused on the present.Kate gave a sympathetic smile before hugging Tara again."I'm there if you need me"She said smiling.She was still a bit worried about Tara but she wouldn't be nosy Tara would tell her if she wanted. She looked over at Tara "So how were your holidays"She asked smiling.
Tara Smiled when Kate said her holidays were okay. "Thats good, ether way they probably went much worse' she said. smiling slightly feeling Kate's reassuring arm around her shoulder . She knew that kate had been a good friend. she could feel the need to share her problems with someone who wouldn't be totally mixed into the problems. she had only told one person since she had arrived back, and that person didn't take the news well, for good reason, he was on the bad end of it. When kate asked her how her holidays were she saw it sort of like permission to tell her the whole truth. "If you are ready for it. I will tell you. you know last year I was dating Dymetris Kozlov, you know from the year above us. Well neither of our families knew. On the first day of the holiday we were in Brightstone when his uncle found us. Lets just say that he wasn't thrilled that his nephew was dating someone like me. she said, pretty sure that kate knew about their relationship, and that she understood what she meant by a girl like her, she didn't want to repeat those words. "any way i was still shaken up when i got back to india. and my family could tell strait away that something was on my mind, they asked me what was up. and I was so tired and emotionally worn out, that I told them about us. and then..." she said breaking off. she wiped her eyes with her left hand leaving another grey smudge across her face. "I am sorry for unloading all of this on you" she said. hopeing that she wasn't over sharing.
Kate smiled "True"she said nodding her head.After Kate had asked Tara how her summer was she realised Tara was going to say something big and she was right.she listened carefully as Tara told her what happened.By the end of it she had very mixed emotions.Anger at Dymetris uncle and smypathy for Tara.That must of been really hard.But the story wasn't finished yet and even though Kate was desperate to know she let Tara take her time.It was hard to say this to someone. "Don't worry,Its grand"She said smiling supportivly.She didn't mind this ,she would help Tara as any good friend would do.
Tara smiled as Kate tried to comfort her. She was happy that her friend was there for her but Kate didn’t know half the story. ”thanks for being there for me but that isn't the whole story." she said, before continuing on with her Tale. ”well the summer got worse from there. My family decided if I was old enough to date then I was old enough to marry. So they told me about the plan they had. they had been arranging my marrage and engagement, since i was six. They said that they didn't want me going back to school where they couldn't keep an eye on me. They said that I had to either engage to the man they had chosen, or never return here. I didn't have any choice." she said. She wanted to go back and chance what she had done. Maybe she would still be in India but she wouldn't have had to hurt anyone, or maybe she would still be keeping the whole thing form her family.
She smiled encouragingly.The next part of the story shocked her into silence.She had forgotten about the marriage rules in India"Ohh Tara"She said before giving her a big hug.It must be so hard for her."do you like him?"She asked quietly. It would maybe be better if she liked him but if she didn't well....

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its so short
tara relt reassured now that she had gotten it off her chest. she felt the reassuring arm of kate around her shoulders and smiled, even though she felt her breath catch in her throat. "I like him, he is my brothers best friend, and is like a second brother to me, so i have no reason for not liking him, and no where near enough to get out of the wedding. but i don't love him. maybe one day i could grow happy with him, but I am in love Dymetris and don't want to hurt him" she said a few tears trickling down her face.
Kate felt for Tara. It was at that moment she again realize how glad she was to live in England and have a family like hers.But it wasn't Tara's parents fault, they were just trying to do their best for their daughter. Kate got out a tissue she (lucikly) had in her pocket and handed it to Tara.It must be terrible situation to be in. "Well at least you know and like him that makes things a small bit better.Just think there's always a silver lining to a cloud"She said with a reassuring smile. "Have you told Dymetris?"She asked giving Tara another hug.
Tara took the tissue Kate offered her a tissue. "thank you, i am sorry i am such a mess" she said before drying her eyes. she was surprised that kate had seen something good in her situation, that she hadn't seen. she always thought that she was the optimist and always saw the best in everything. that just showed how mixed up she had become. "I guess thats true, i know of people who had been arranged to be married to men much older than themselves, who they didn't know." she returning Kate's smile. "I have told him that i am engaged, but i don't want to tell him i love him as it is hard enough for both of us already" she said once again feeling reassured by her friend.
Kate smiled "Don't be sorry"She said reassuringly. Kate had thought these kind of things had stopped now but she was obviously very wrong.She had been so naive.Again she cursed her parents for they way they had brought her up. "See what I mean"She said smiling again.She was glad when somebody looked at the positive side. "And how did he take it?"She asked quietly feeling so sorry for her friend.It was almost like a fairytale except with a bad ending.
Tara tried to smile at her friend, she was glad that the girl was there as a shoulder to cry on, and her reassuring words. "He didn't take it very well. we had an argument and haven't spoken since." she said. she knew that his uncle had forbidden them from seeing each other since he discovered them together at the start of the holidays, thats what had messed her up enough to tell her family about them. that is what has caused the nightmare to happen. but she also knew that what had happened was inevitable, it was always going to happen, so it may have been for the best that it happened before they had become more serious.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry it sucks, i didn't feel very inspired
Kate gave Tara another hug and held her like that for a while.Ever since her little slip last year she was always giving especially to her friends.She was glad Tara had picked her,she would always be there for her.She would always be the shoulder for her to cry on and she hoped Tara knew that.She hadn't when she had been upset and that had got her in a bigger mess. "Well I suppose that's expected"she said with a sigh.Of course he wouldn't of taken it well but hopefully he would understand and maybe things would become better between them "Maybe you should try talking to him?"She suggested thinking that could be a good idea.

OOCOut of Character:
SO sorry it took so long!!
Tara felt comfortet by kates hig, it reminded her of when she was back at home and her mother or brother would put a comforting arm around her shoulder when she was upset, she was never upset often, or for long. "I understand exactly why he did what he did, If i was him i would have done the same thing." she said, and then she remembered something he said that day in the tower. "I don't know if we can even talk to each other any more. His uncle has gotten pretty worked up when he found us, and forbid us from seeing each other or talking to each other again, or he would take Dymetris back to Moscow. And trust me you didn't meet him, but he is someone who would follow through with his threats. he was scary." she said. She looked down at her hand and once again saw the rings, one was her engagement ring, it was small and simple. and although not a common custom in india, Preaneils Farther had grown up in england, and had engagement a ring to be given at the official engagement. the other ring was the irish ring Kates sister had given her for her birthday in the first year, she had warn it ever since, first mainly as an accessory, but last year it had become a subtle statement, both of commitment, and (she now realised) of defiance. Now it had moved again, and she wore it both out of habit, and as a message to herself, making note of what she had agreed to.
Kate was getting less and less hopeful as Tara spoke.It was extremely unfair and Kate couldn't believe it was actually happpening.Kate followed Tara's gaze.She saw the two rings she guessed one was the engadgment but she sisn't know what the second one was but she thought it looked familiar "Where did you get that ring?"She asked steering away from the other conversation for a while.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry nothings really coming to me at the moment...
OOCOut of Character:
Thats cool. some times it is just like that

Tara looked over the lake, and saw the sun break through the cloud cover. she she shivered slightly, as a cool breeze blew across the lake. she remembered sitting here last year with someone else. Kate's voice thankfully pulled her put of her rivalry. "do you mean the engagement ring, or the other one. I got hat one from Sara for my birthday in our first year. remember that day, the colours, and paint." she said remembering her twelfth birthday, the first birthday that she had spent away from home and her family, so she had tried to recreate her childhood birthdays. It had ben a great day, but it still was a lot different.
Kate suddenly remembered where it came from just as Tara said it.She didn't know what to think.The person she for some reason kind of hated had given Tara that ring.There was nothung wrong with that but for some reason Kate didn't want to look at it.Which was unfair to Tara but she couldn't help but look away.It reminded her of things like Tara's birthday which had been great fun but it also reminded Kate of Sara who she wasn't on good terms with now "Its lovely"She said meaning it but not meaning it at the same time.It was a beautiful ring but it was the fact that Sara had given it to her that made her dislike it.
OOCOut of Character:
I could have sworn i had replied to this

Tara smiled as Kate said she liked the ring, she was glad that Kate liked it even if the thought of it still made her feel a little sick. She wanted to turn the topic of conversation away form herself, or at least what reminded her of the events of the summer. she turned the ring around on her finger so that only the band was visible, and the heart, hands and crown were hidden on her palm side. she realised that kate had go quiet, and that her friends expression had changed slightly slightly as she mentioned the girls twin. "Is everything okay kate? she asked, wanting to help the girl of she could as kate had just helped her realise that she had a lot to be thankful for. She doubted that she would have picked up on the subtle change in her friend a year ago, however the events of the previous year had made her more noticing of other peoples emotions, this she was thankful for, even if some days she wanted to go back to the innocent child she had been at the start of her second year. was love really worth the heartache? she knew deep down it was.
Kate stayed quiet for a minute longer.She looked up at Tara when she spoke.She never liked talking about this.It made her feel sad but also angry when she talked about it.But Tara was her good friend and she also owed it to her. "Well things have been different between me and Sara since the beginning of summer"She began hesitantly "Things got worse over the summer until we something happened between us that can't be fixed.I don't know what it is.But we just can't talk anymore and Sara doesn't like me"Kate said with a sigh.Her family life was at a mess at the moment and Kate didn't know what to do.There was no point trying to fix things with Sara because it just wouldn't work "And Tara please don't say it will work out because I know it won't"Kate said emphasising the i know part.She wanted someone to understand that it wouldn't.Kate knew everything about Sara and vice a versa and she just had a feeling that it wouldn't work out.
Tara put her arm around her friend. she could tell that something heavy could come down, and she wasn't wrong. "I could tell that you both seem a little distant" she said and she was about to continue when Kate interrupted her, and told her not to say what she was about to. "well i was about to say that, and i think that, but just let me say this. everything happens for a reason, so maybe you have fallen out with Sara because you need to make your own way, or maybe its because Sara needs to do that, maybe you should try and not fight whats happening and let it be" she said rubbing her friends back slightly. she realised she she should listen to her own advice from time to time.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry if it is a little short
Kate felt better when Tara but her arm around her.Stefan was right.She really did have good friends and she knew they would help her.So far all she had told had been a great help and she could see that Tara would help too.She wasn't sure if anybody else had guessed the distance between her and her sister but time would tell.Kate looked up after Tara had spoken.She suddenly felt better because that's what Kate had been thinking too."Your right"She said with a smile.She had been thinking about that possible scenario for a while but now that another person thought it it seemed more likely.She suddenly felt more hopeful. Thanks Tara"She said with a big wide smile.She knew Tara would be a lifelong friend as would Stefan,Jake and Willow.As long as she had them she would be perfectly content..
Tara could feel Kate relax, and she just sat with their friend by the lake for a while, she felt a connection form between them, something that would be there for ever. it was s though them both sharing their worries had bonded them. "I'm glad that i met you today, you have really helped me, get my perspective back, and realise that I still have many friends she said just before she heard her stomach gurgle. she realised that the day was drawing on a but, and the morning was heading into afternoon, and she hadn't eaten any breakfast. "sorry i am getting a little hungry, would you like some food" she asked pulling a box from her bag containing potato curry, rice and naan bread. it had been heated to maintain the same temperature, she always packed more than she needed in case she met a friend, or ended up staying out longer than she had anticipated.
Kate felt a bond form between her and Tara,it would be there forever and she was glad of that.Kate closed her eyes for a second and just pushed everything from her mind.She felt completely calm and when she opened her eyes she realized Tara was talking again.Kate smiled at this "Your welcome,you also did the same for me"Kate said still feeling the calm with in her.Kate looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was nearly in the center of the sky.She then heard Tara's stomach gurgle and she couldn't help a giggle. It was only a short one but Kate felt extremely better after.When Kate offered some food Kate realized she really should get going.She had a lot of catch up work to do and as much as she loved being with Tara she should really get to the library.When Tara showed the food she nearly faltered but she gave a little shake of her head and stood up "Sorry Tara I'd love to stay but I have a load of catch up work to do."Kate said with a little sigh.She didn't want to leave and the food smelled lovely,but she really had to catch up. "I'll see ya later in the dorm"She said smiling before giving Tara a hug.She then started to walk away but turned back to give a quick wave before walking into Hogwarts.
Tara was glad that she had helped Kate out too. kate was the kind of girl that logic said that she should be best friends with, they were in the same year and the same house, the same dorm, and the same classes (mostly) yet she realised that she hadn't talked to her friend for a while, at least not about anything important. "glad i could help" she said. when her stomach gurgled Kate laughed, and she couldn't help it, it felt good to laugh again after what felt like an eternity of seriousness (even though it was only a few months). when her friend said that she had to go and do some stuff she nodded and said, "okay, hope its not too hard, the history of magic essay looks horrible. See you later. before watching her friend get up and walk towards the castle. she waved back at kate before she went into the castle before packing her things away and heading in the same direction, she had remembered that she still had to finish her history of magic essay. she ate the food as she made her way back across the grounds feeling a lot lighter now than she had heading out of the castle that morning.

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