Open Snitch more like a nightmare

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
(If you want to enlighten a silly second year on quidditch lore this thread is open to all after Camilla on Audrey)

Lilith had entered the library after her first ever Quidditch practice with one goal in mind, find out the reason why the damn snitch was called that. It should have been called something else like maybe, the golden nightmare. It had such a menacing mind of it's own, liked to do whatever it could to not get caught. Lilith wanted to know why it was a snitch it wasn't like it was snitching around anyone's secrets, no no it did EVERYTHING to not be caught or even seen so it definitely would not be snitching. She had gathered way too many books on the subject of Quidditch but it wasn't like she knew exactly where to look for first, she didn't dare to ask anyone either, it felt like a silly question so the easiest way was to read.... To read a lot, the books were thick and there was a pile of them. "Alright just get it over with Lilith." The second year mumbled to herself before starting on one of the books.
Audrey was finding every possible book that could tell her anything about how to become an animagus. Both transfiguration texts and history books, hoping to find some clues within ancient legends and mythologies as to how to successfully shapeshift. Perhaps she ought to be more subtle, she thought, not necessarily wanting people (well, specifically Teddy) to find out what she was doing until there was a little bit of progress, but she had to get the materials some way.

She had just picked up a book on shapeshifting magical creatures from Asia when she spotted Lilith with a pile of Quidditch books. A lot of them. At least Audrey was only taking a couple at a time - mostly to stretch her legs between reading. Audrey paused, raising an eyebrow. "Are you...trying to memorise everything ever about Quidditch before the game?" she asked, a little curious.
Lilith was a little startled when she heard a voice, looking up the worry washed from her face and turned into a slight tint of embarrassment. "Uh this? Oh no, though I suppose that'd be a plus..." She admitted a bit begrudgingly. "You are Audrey, right? Well I am looking for well see searching for the snitch at practice got me thinking right," Lilith began but paused to ponder the best way to put her thoughts, last thing she wanted was to sound absolutely silly about it, least of all to her fellow teammate and a Ravenclaw prefect for Merlin's sake. "I just want to know why is it called the golden snitch, golden I get not a very difficult one to figure out you know, but the snitch part. I just like, isn't snitch something or someone that snitches aka tells others secrets or whatever and well clearly they like to be seen and heard but the golden snitch does everything to not be caught or seen. Surely it wouldn't snitch on anyone, it is just silly there has to be a good reason behind it?" It was tearing her apart not knowing at this point. "You wouldn't happen to know, would you?" Lilith asked sheepishly, there was an odd chance the older girl would actually know something and she was taking the chance.
Audrey had sort of, gradually, over time, come to terms with the fact that her home life wasn't exactly normal. Her parents were good Quidditch players and terrible parents, so it seemed. The most important things she'd learned from them were how to entertain herself and too much information about Quidditch that was backed up in her brain somewhere. She had a memory of asking her mother why it was called the golden snitch when she was about five or so and her mother had been patient enough to actually answer. She supposed even by then she knew not to bother her father with those kinds of questions.

"Oh, right, that,"
she replied, shifting the book under her arm. "It's because they used to catch a bird called a golden snidget, but it was really dangerous for the birds so they had to come up with something else since they almost went extinct." She was a little matter-of-fact in the statement. "So someone made the snitch to look like it, and I guess the name's just like snidget but not quite. Nothing to do with snitching on people. But they'd sooooo have some weird stories to tell anyway." A lot went on in Quidditch rooms, so Audrey had come to learn when she was a bit older.
Lilith blinked once, twice, thrice before she opened her mouth and closed it again. The second time she opened her mouth the words fell out of their own accord. "I- They? They caught birds? Like actual living, breathing birds? Yeah no that sounds quite unsafe to them not to mention traumatic and unfair..." God imagine being a bird and getting snatched from your nest just to be let out in the middle of flying witches and wizards and balls and what not and then to be chased after and caught game after game... Poor little things, Lilith almost felt sick to her stomach at the thought of the fear those poor creatures might have had to experience for the sake of this sport. "That is quite insane to think about though, I am glad they stopped using them before they did go extinct." Her brain was still reeling about the idea of all of that when she gave a nod of agreement. "Yeah I suppose it does make sense to name it something alike the original but not quite also yeah I would like to think they'd have quite a few interesting stories to tell, thank Merlin they can't though. I'd be embarrassed if the snitch ever told anyone about the times I almost caught it but it just escape and I was left in the dust sad and disappointed." Lilith gave a nervous laugh, though she had been pleased with the catches she had made so far during practice, not too bad in her own humble opinion.

"Oh, please feel free to sit down if you want to, uh I don't know I might still read a little more just for fun. What are your books about?" The second year offered nervously but with a keen interest towards what the prefect might be looking for. Most likely something far more interesting than what she was here for herself.

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