Sneaking Out

Dominic Thatcher

Well-Known Member
12 inch, Eucalyptus, Essence of bunyip fang
Dom and Leah exited the library. The two had been hiding there until curfew, now they were sneaking out. Dom quietlly made his way outside. He strolled down to the lake, if he ran there would be more chance of getting spotted by somebody. There was a teacher out, but the teacher was down by the Quidditch Pitch, there was no way he would be able to see Dom from that far away. When he got to the edge of the lake he sat on the shore. The water reflected the stars, the lake was a magical place at night.
Leah exited the castle, and walked quickly across the grounds. She was unsure where Dominic would be so she looked around, trying to find him. Ah, there he is. He was sitting by the edge of the lake, and it was apparent he was waiting for her. "Hey." She greeted quietly, hoping not to scare him. "I wouldn't stick your feet in there, mer people will drag you down and drown you." She informed him seriously.
"Hello," Dom said. The comment about the mer people took him by surprise. Dom hadn't heard of the mer people thing and pulled his feet away from the edge. It was a shame, Dom was hoping to go swimming in there one day. Maybe if I had some of that gillyweed, Dom thought remembering a herbology lesson that he had a while ago. He quickly glanced at the moon, remembering back to that night when Alex and himself got attacked by werewolves. Luckily, it was only a quater moon on this night.
Dominic was very quiet. Leah inwardly shrugged, realizing that he was probably just a quiet person. The night was dark, only the moon gave off any light whatsoever. The moon was quarter this night, making Leah thankful that it was not a full moon. She had heard rumors of werewolves in the forbidden forest, and was quite content not exploring that part of Hogwarts on a full moon. "What would you like to do?" She asked Dom, crossing her arms and rubbing her upper arms to erase the chill.
Dom glanced his eyes over the lake. "Well, I don't know, but lets do something better than just sitting around," Dom said, jumping up and brushing the grass off his pants. Dom glanced over to see what teacher was out tonight, to his delight, it wasn't a teacher that Dom liked. "Lets freak out the teacher," Dom said, he wanted to get back at that particular teacher for giving him detention because he forgot to do the last question of the homework that they got last week. Dom jogged closer to the teacher, motioning for Leah to follow.
Leah looked at him questionably but followed anyway. She briefly wondered if the night would end in a professors office receiving a detention and possibly lines. "Whatever..I don't care." She said in a low voice to herself. I need to stop talking out loud. She thought, jogging to keep up with Dom. He was headed towards a teacher she didn't know. "What are we going to do?" She asked him in a low whisper so the teacher wouldn't hear.
Dom laughed as Leah talked to herself out loud, Dom seemed to do that alot aswell. "I don't know," Dom admitted, "but I want to give him a tatse of his own medicine." Dom racked his brains for some ideas, they had to be super original otherwise the teacher would know it was a trick. Something like howling would never work. "Got any ideas?" Dom asked Leah, he was usually great at coming up with ideas but tonight he just couldn't think of anything at all.
"What did he do to you?" Leah questioned curiously. Obviously this teacher had done something to offend Dom. Dominic was such a nice person it was probably rare that even a single sinister though would go through his head. She went through her head for ideas, and settled on one. "Hold on." She smirked, thinking about how many times she had freaked out her cousin Malynne by doing this. She picked up a pinecone and tossed it up ad down in her hand and finally threw it into a large bush near the teacher. It rustled slightly, making the teacher jump.
Dominic laughed at the way Leah asked what the teacher did. She made it seem like Dom really hated that teacher. "You know, I'm only doing this for fun, I would never want to hurt the teacher or put them in any danger," Dom explained, "but anyway, I got detention because I forgot to do one lousy question on my homework." Dom picked up a pine cone and threw it into a bush. The teacher was a little panicked now. Dom quickly pulled his jacket over his head so the teacher could not see it was a person. without any warning, he burst out of the bush, screaming. The teacher jumped and began to run, Dom chased, making sure he did not get to close to the teacher. he glanced around to see if Leah had decided to do the same.
It seemed like a reasonable revenge tactic. Leah, herself would have probably been tempted to do the same thing if she were in Dom's situation. Detention because of one unmarked question was ridiculus. She watched as he ran towards the teacher, stifled a laugh. "Good one." She told him as the teacher ran off and Dominic turned to look at her. "Do you sneak out often?" She had never seen him outside at night.
Dom laughed as the teacher ran away. "We will have to head back inside pretty soon," He informed, "the teachers will be out any minute to see what is going on." Dom walked back to where Leah was standing. "A few times," Dom admitted, "never been caught." So many times the teachers had told Dom, "You're a smart boy, don't waste your schooling like this." It's true, he was smart, but he just couldn't stand sitting in a classroom for an hour while the teachers babbled on about things. It annoyed him when people made the conception of Bad grades = Dumb kid.
Leah nodded, listening to him speak. "I understand. I'm getting sleepy too." She yawned out of habit, thinking to herself how talking about being sleepy usually made her yawn. "That's good. Yeah, I sneak out a couple of times a week. Or I usually just explore the castle. It's so peaceful at night. No one is around and you don't have to fight to get from point A to point B."
"Yeah," Dom agreed, wondering if they were the only people that actually snuck out at night, probably not. Dom noticed the doors open and a few teachers come out. "We have to go," He said, pointing out the obvious. He began to quietly make his way back to the lake where they could wait for a little bit and then head back to their common rooms without the teachers knowing a thing.
Leah followed Dom, walking quietly and discreetly as possible over to the lake. They hid for about fifteen minutes, and then the coast was clear. "Let's head back I suppose." She said. Leah began to make her way back to the castle happy to share an adventure with someone this time.
After the coast was clear, they decided that it was time to head back to each of their houses common rooms. "Bye," Dom wispered as him and Leah headed there seperate ways. He managed to make it all the way back to the common room without the teachers knowing a single thing.

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