Sneaking behind books

Isobel Montiez

Well-Known Member

If anyone saw Isobel here this would be the end of her bad streak reputation. It was already obvious that she was jealous of Laura getting into Ravenclaw, thankfully though she was the only one that knew of this information. Her so called friends the dark elite haven't discover this as well, so it was a triple plus for the Slytherin girl. She was actually here scouting for a chess partner, but not seeing anyone around who was worthy enough of wizard chess Isobel wander the aisles of endless books. She was looking for something she can sink her nose in, so whenever she wasn't taunting or bullying anyone, and left alone she had something good to read. Isobel looked up from the aisles of books, when her eyes settle upon a book that was a bit high for her reach. Slipping onto her toes she would attempt to reach it, no matter what. The book looked interesting from were she was standing.

Jason had had a very tiring first week of school. All the unpacking and all the making of new friends was really tiring for him. He had been invited to three 'Welcome' parties, and he was sure he was going to cry if he got invited for the fourth. Jason sighed, as he made his way to the library. He rarely had time for himself these days, and finally he could get away from the crowd a little. A cute smile appeared on his face when he walked in the school library. There wasn't anyone he recognized and that meant he wouldn't be disturbed.

Jason happily began to venture around the library for a good read, when he noticed a girl tip-toeing for a book which was on an upper shelf. Jason watched her for a while, and even after a minute or two, she was still striving to get the book. Jason laughed under his breath, as he walked towards her and helped grab the book for her.

"Here." he said a rather friendly tone, shaking his hair a little.
Isobel was startled when she hadn't heard the boy approaching. Stepping back with her eyes nearly popping out, she hadn't recognise him so that was a good thing. Her hands would automatically open, as her eyes began to ease away, still she wasn't so sure if she should thank him or not. Seeing as no one was around, she smiled slightly grabbing the book finally, pressing the hardcover against her chest. "Thanks, still don't know the charm to ah summon." she knew it was accio, but she played it off as she had no clue she never heard it before. The boy was actually kind of cute, but all Isobel could do was look down. Isobel wasn't very good at conversating but she did noticed he had cool looking sneakers on. "Hey nice shoes. D.C? Or?" she question the boy the looking up, with the book still covering her chest.

-lame sorry-
Jason nodded at the girl when she smiled at him. "No problem," he replied with a friendly smile. He glanced at the book's cover before adding, "I've read that book before. Totally recommendable.". Jason looked at the girl, realizing that she was looking down. He honestly found it weird that she was looking down, but decided to ignore that since she was probably really shy. "Gee thanks. And yeah D.C." he replied proudly, looking down at his sneakers. Jason smiled, she was the first student who noticed his newly bought shoes. "I'm Jason by the way." he continued, putting out his right hand for her to shake.
Isobel looked down at the book cover and realise it was Chronicles of Narniar. "Really, I don't think I've read this one before." it looked sort of interesting, Isobel made a face but decided to borrow it to read what's it all about. "I'm Isobel" she smiled looking up. "Normally you wouldn't find me here. So don't tell my friends.." she lied as she kept looking around to see if they would come out of nowhere. She would only be seen here during the night, when no one was allowed to be out and about. Of course that will only risk her of getting in trouble. But being an expert at sneaking out at night, she would just have to know the castles routes and short cuts. There was bond to be many, with such a enormous structure as this, Isobel looked back at Jason. "Getting away to?" she asked, studying his questionable features, wondering if he was tryna to escape from any pressure.
Lykke as usual had her little bag on one shoulder, and just as she was leaving the library she spotted a familiar face. She walked over, and realized she was talking to someone. Deciding to ignore him she continued. "Izzy, izzy, izzy" she sighed, leaning right in the middle of them, staring at her. "Since when had a Slytherin, esspecialy a slytherin like you, been caught reading?" she asked, taking the book out her hand, reading the title, and shoving it back in the shelf. "Reading's bad for your eyesight" she smiled, before turning to the boy she'd been talking to. "Well, nice one you've managed to catch here" she laughed. "better than anything i could have" she added, pretending to just be talking to Isobel. "Well you're certainly not a slytherin. Are you?" she asked, looking him straight in the eyes.
Jason smiled at the girl. "Nice to meet you too Isobel." he said with a kind smile. "Yeah okay, I promise." he answered, wondering why the hell her friends wouldn't be happy that she was in the library. Weren't friends supposed to be helping each other and motivating each other? "Just trying to hide from anyone who's thinking of inviting me to parties actually." he replied with a sigh, running his right hand through his silky smooth hair.

Jason was about to ask Isobel something, when another girl joined them. Jason watched her, sighing in relief that she wasn't someone he knew. He watched in surprise as the girl informed Isobel that reading was bad for Slytherins.

"No I'm not, but what does it matter?" he replied, staring back at the Isobel's friend.
"I found you!" Clyde exclaimed as he spotted Lykke at the library. Before talking, he tried to catch his breath first. He was not the athletic type and running a long way would really tire him. After a few moments, he looked up, somewhat surprised that Isobel was there too (along with a Hufflepuff guy) He looked at Lykke and flashed a smile that any girl would describe as perfect. (Though Clyde wasn't really aware of it) "Lykke, I think I need to apologize to you... About the incident in the common room."
"I found you!" Daryl said as looked at Clyde. He ignored that he was disturbing Clyde, so he just gave him a grin and walked away still laughing.
Izzy? So now Isobel had another nickname. She preferred Ish, but she guessed she was okay with Izzy since Lykke was leader of the Dark Elites. "Yes this is Jason." she smiled s little back at Jason, only to turn her attention back towards Lykke. "Actually I needed this book for a class I'm taking." whe shrugged and grabbed for the book again giving Lykke a fake smile. "But of course I know that Lykke, books are for nerds." she smirked as she looked at Jason. Ish was so good at pretending not to be interested, when very well she loved books just like Laura. If she wasn't in Slyherin, and if her parents had taken a like in both daughters, than maybe Ish would have been in Ravenclaw. But with Isobel being the one to be blame for everything, and being a tad rebellious she didn't blame the sorting hat for putting her in Slytherin. Isobel snapped out of her daze when another of the group member joined right in, Ish rolled her eyes as she held the book tight against her chest. "That was just plain idiotic of what happen in the common room." especially that stupid girl correcting her spanish. Isobel hated when someone corrected her spanish, but she had the finale word when she called the girl a b!tch. "Damn people couldn't mind their own business." Isobel huffed only to look at the other boy who popped up besides Clyde. Isobel giggled as she watched the boy walk away laughing, "Hey you?" she called after the boy, Isobel hoping he turn around.
"Shame" she said, looking Jason up and down. "You'll have to be added to.. the list" she said, before recognising a voice and turning to see Clyde coming towards them. "Hey" she gave a little nod. "It was a terrible first attempt i know, but we can always have another go" she said, her eyes flicking back to Jason. She ignored it when Isobel decided to keep the book, it might come in handy to have a nerd in the group anyway. "Where Elle and Terry? Oh and we have a new member by the way. Alyss Summers" she announced, now turning her back on the hufflepuff boy. They could talk to him later. When although first year, from Slytherin as she recognised him from the common room, walked passed, Lykke glared before shouting back at him, "Yeah we'll at least he has someone to find!" retard she muttered under her breath.
Clyde turned his gaze to follow Daryl Black, his room mate. The guy had always freaked Clyde out. "Well, that's why the word 'crazy' was invented." he muttered, shrugging. Looking back at the others, he noticed that Isobel was holding a book. Clyde doesn't necessarily hate books, though he only read books when he has nothing to do. "We can always get rid of the non-Slytherins, though I think we should somehow befriend the upperclass in our house or something. If we get their trust, then there won't be any trouble about the group." he said in a smile. Perfect manipulation, that was Clyde's forte.
Jason watched as Isobel talked to her friend. He didn't really understand what was going on, but decided to listen to their conversation. And before he knew it, another boy had joined them. Jason sighed, all he wanted was to get a book, not meet anymore people. The boy who had just joined them had started to apologize to Lykke. Jason watched Lykke. Isobel and the new boy were treating her like she was some leader or something. Jason then watched as another boy walked towards them before walking away. Jason looked at the kid, raising an eyebrow. That kid was definitely weird. Jason stood there silently, as the Isobel's friends began to talk of getting rid of non-slytherins. Jason looked at the Clyde boy in surprise.

"Ahem, still here?" he muttered, acknowledging them of his presence.
Ish was still laughing regardless of their comment about the boy. She turned back around and listen to what Clyde had to say. "Yeah you do realise your saying that in front of Jason." Isobel eyes turned back towards Jason, not that she had nothing to worried about. For some reason, Ish wasn't sure she was going to fit with the Dark Elites. Instantly that negative feeling went away, she didn't want anything to do with the upper classman, Isobel loathed the likes of any of them. "Why the heck should we give into them? That's the most brainless idea I ever heard." she shook her disagreeing. "Than they will think they can bully us around? Treat us like servants? Seriously." she frowned at Clyde.
Clyde listened to Isobel. And hearing her say things like that, Clyde couldn't help but sigh. He looked at the Hufflepuff boy for a very short moment, and then completely ignored him, looking back at Isobel. "'The word 'friend' and the word 'slave' is completely different, Isobel." he told her, feeling a bit annoyed by the fact that the girl understood his statement that way. "And getting annoyed by the one who corrected your Spanish is what I really call 'giving in'." He gave a mischievous grin to Isobel. Clyde didn't think she could be so irrational. He was glad Lykke understood the error the group made in the common room, and yet again Isobel is beginning to piss him off.
Well it sounded like her and Clyde will be getting along well. Isobel looked back at Lykke and flared her nose. Isobel got along with her leader but that didn't mean she had to get along with Clyde. She bit her tongue though, whatever they were up to Ish guess she was in. "So what's your plan on getting to befriend them?" anyone who had half of brain knew this plan would fail. Just like the first one. Upper classmen would know what Dark Elites up to, Isobel waited as she lean a little towards the book shelf. The book she was holding was still pressed against her chest.
"The plan is not to be stupid," Clyde quickly answered. He looked straight at Isobel, still wearing his smile. "The upperclass won't touch the Dark Elites if the Dark Elites wouldn't touch them. It's as simple as that." He then looked at Lykke, making sure she was listening. Well, Clyde doesn't have anything against Lykke being the leader. She was the learning type and Clyde thinks having someone like that as a leader wouldn't really be a bad idea. "Though I consider it more as common sense than a plan." As he was saying that, he looked back at Isobel, wondering if she was getting the hint.
Jason sighed as the students around him began to talk in their little own conversations, ignoring his presence. He barely understood what they all were talking about, and Jason couldn't stop but wonder what in the world was Dark Elites. "I'm outta here." he mumbled, walking away from the group. Whatever they were talking about wasn't his business anyway, and it was best that he left them alone to settle their matters, whatever it was.
Ish was getting annoyed by Clyde slide comments. She was flaring her nose a little, that it didn't came to her attention when Jason had crept away. When she finally notice he was half away across the library, Isobel called his name, "Hey Jason wait up!" she said loud enough for him to hear, but didn't move till he turned around. Ish turned her gaze back at Clyde narrowing her eyes, as she balled up her fist. "I know its common sense you dimwit. But your not going to go in there prancing like a little girl singing cheerio songs just for them to like you. I do have my own set of rules to go by, and one of them its not being faked." she said coying her lips to the obvious.
"Oh? Is that so?" Clyde asked with a mocking tone. Well now. Clyde was sure that Isobel was his complete opposite. Not being faked? How can she survive in this world without being fake? Clyde almost laughed at the idea of it. "Then go then and live by your rules. I'll be watching you as some upperclass men correct your Spanish." He said and smiled at her as though he was giving him a compliment rather than an insult.
"Idiotas como usted es la razón por la que cae mal‬." Isobel flipped her hair as she began to walk away. "Go ahead and be fake. Embicle. Lykke I'll catch you later." she shrugged not caring what the hell that boy had to say. Isobel was the type of chick, if something didn't sit right than she wasn't going down that road. If she don't like the upper-classmates than she wasn't going to worship the ground they walked on.
Clyde chuckled as Isobel walked away. "That girl sure has a short temper," he muttered to himself and turned back to Lykke. "So, I was apologizing before Isobel started talking." he said coolly, glancing at the two figures looming away from them. "Are we good then?" Clyde asked with a smile that seemed to make anyone not believe that he had just insulted someone a few moments ago.
Lykke had spent the last few moments just staring at Clyde and Isobel as they started to have an argument about whether or not they needed something. Lykke wasn't quite sure but got the jist of it. "Be seeing you" she said, as Jason left. Oh yes she would, although next time it wouldn't be so simple for him. As Isobel walked away Lykke raised her eyebrows at her. "I'll talk to you later" she added as she walked off. Turning back to Clyde she said, "You have some courage going up against a team member." although now that she said it, why did Isobel think they would get alone fine without faking something. "You know you're right don't you. Some things we do just have deal with, but ourselves. We are not getting any upperclass involved. Learn to trust no one. Esppecially older people. If they get on to what we're up to, trust me, they will break, us, down. It's just us, alright." She said, trying to make some things clear. "I don't need arguing in the group, save that for when you need it against the enemy. You know why you're here" she added. If Isobel was going to go all sweet-hearted and girly on them, she may not even be here. Unlike Clyde she didn't seem to have a tough common sence. She definatly had something, but if she was going to stay, she was going to have to show a bit more loyalty and acceptance to the group. There was no room for outcasts.

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