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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)


Firstly, I need a Slytherin, okay so, if you don't have a Slytherin, this isn't going to interest you. Seriously. lol, ♥ yous, but Slytherins only. It can be a girl or boy, but, I need them to be around Stefan's age. A year or two older, one year younger. So, anyway, what do I need them for you may be asking. Well, this is simple. Stefan has a lot of angst, and is currently very angry. And not really sure how to deal with his anger. It comes on quickly and he can hardly stop it. IE his inner Slytherin is emerging. So, he's going to be annoyed about his meeting with friends, and after spending a couple of days, just wandering around getting completely and utterly annoyed, he's going to go to the common room, and do a bit of anger management. Stupify everything he can see, a little bit of insane rambling to himself. I'll see where the mood takes me. lol.
Anyway, so I just need a slytherin, to come along and be like WTMF is going on here. Maybe be like, hey man, what are you doing? Hey man stop that. Basically I just need him, to get Stefan even more annoyed and make him feel like the world is against him. So, after the other person, lets call him/her, Mackenzie. So, after Mackenzie the Slytherin has a small shout/question session at Stefan, Stefan would feel the need to have it out with this person. IE fight him, but, Mackenzie the Slytherin wouldn't and nor would he. Or so I think that would happen. To be honest, I'm not that bothered what happens after they have a little angry conversation, I'm happy to go with any idea you may have/the flow of the RP. They'll hate each other after it.

So, to repeat, I just need a Slytherin, boy or girl, any age (preferable close to Stefan's). I'm open to possible ideas you may have. I also need you to be somewhat active, and While, I don't mind the size, preferably more than just one liners. So, anyway, post away please!
I can offer you Paul Gemstone, my first year Slytherin. He is very like your character, especially with anger issues.
I can offer Jake, he doesn't really like to fight etc and he stands behins his friends. So, maybe Jake and Stefan could do this? Jake's pretty calm and all but when he gets angry, he will let you know. What do you think? Get back to me if you're interested.
I can offer Fayt Aurelious, 1st year slytherin. He's a parselmouth, he had trust issues and is very blunt, speaking whatever it was that's on his mind without minding or thinking about the possible consequences.​
I can offer Aimee Darkhart, as you can see shes a fourth year.
She's had her own share of anger issues, with everything that's happened to her and as a result has quiet a temper on her.

Thanks to all of you, I now have the impossible task of picking one.
I'll be PMing the person I pick. Thank you, all of you for posting in this
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