Slytherin Vs. Gryffindor

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah sat down next to the lake and put her sketchbook on her knees, doing a quick drawing of her surroundings. She didn't know what it was but ever since she arrived she didn't seem to be able to draw as well as she did before. Her guess was that she was missing her dad.
As Shaylah finished her drawing, she put her sketchbook on the ground next to her and leant backwards so she was looking at the sky. She loved the outdoors so it was where she spent most of her time.
(( Sorry it took me so long to start!))

The past few months had been long ones for Cecily, what with starting a new school, living in a new country and the constant nagging from her snooty strict and wicked pureblood grandmother. For an eleven year old, Cec had alot on her plate. Lately she'd found hersel absentmindedly strolling around outside, just enjoying the scenery. It was beginning to get warmer here, which she still had trouble adjusting to, but at least she felt more at home. Completely lost in thought the young girl stared out at the shining lake, enjoying the way the sun was painting dancing pictures on the water. Her slow easy steps kept guiding her forward to some unkown location until, without any warning, she found herself sprawled in the dirt.

Confused, Cecily looked around and saw a girl around her age; suddenly things became clear. Jumping up she quickly dusted herself off saying, "Oh my gosh! I am so so sorry, your were laying down and I just didnt see you there and.... wow, I'm such a klutz. I'm sorry, really. Hope I didn't hurt you or ruin anything." She smiled tentatively at the other girl, a slight blush crawling across her pretty face as she walked over to see what damage she had caused and how she could fix it.
Shaylah sat up when she felt someone trip over her. She scowled at the girl and stood up. Shaylah had always been small so as always, she had to look up at the person annoying her. "Yeah, you are." She said angrily. Shay didn't like being disturbed, especially when she was thinking about her dad. "What are you, blind?? You're probably Gryffindor as well. Nobody else could be that stupid." She had always been completely against Gryffindors. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws weren't her favourite but they had exceptions. All Gryffindors seemed to be idiots who acted fearless when actually they were terrified of everything.
Shay picked up her sketchbook to make sure it hadn't been ruined. Luckily for this girl, it was still fine. "Next time, try using your eyes. Perhaps then you might be able to walk round instead of on." Shay carried on frowning.
Normally, Cecily was a kind hearted friendly girl, outgoing and open to friendships with everyone. She did, however, have a wicked temper, and this girl had just crossed the line. Cecily looked disdainfully down at the shorter girl, her eyes shining with anger and a cruel smirk spreading slowly across her features. "My my my, aren't we snippy today." Cecily took a step closer to the girl, crossing her arms and tossing back her silky black hair, acting every inch the superior pureblood her family always encouraged her to be. She usually wouldn't, but this girl had insulted both her and her house directly. No one would be allowed to get away with that while Cecily was around "Now, I'm going to assume that you're having a bad day and give you a chance to apologize, because if you don't, you just made a very big mistake snapping at me little Slytherin"
Shaylah laughed as she looked up at the Gryffindor. This was exactly Shaylah's point. She said one thing against the house and immediately it had to be Shay who ws having a bad day and no one else. As the girl stepped towards Shay, she did the same, not scared of fighting this girl. Shaylah put a hand on her hip and looked the girl up and down. Shaylah laughed. "I'm not having a bad day as today is exactly the same as every other day, I'm not going to apologise to filth like you because you're not worth it and I havent made a big mistake because I am obviously better than you. Seriousy, look at yourself. You look terrible. Really, just get a grip." Shay smirked as she looked up at the girl. She had always loved getting in fights with muggles and Gryffindors. They were all the same; filth. There was no point behind them. Slytherins, on the other hand, were the people who were most likely to lead everyone else to victory.
Cecily rolled her eyes at the shorter girls behavior. It seemed to her that this little brat just liked picking fights. Today, Cecily was happy to oblige. She needed to blow off some steam anyway and if she could take out some pent up energy on a girl who meant absolutely nothing to her, then so much the better. She let out a dark laugh and sarcasticaly replied, "Oh no, the big bad slytherin called me filth! Whatever shall I do! Oh, I know, I'll go run up to my tower and cry!" she took yet another step forward. "Never. Gunna. Happen. You know, the problem with people like you is that you're always judgeing people for petty differences when really, the same people you judge are sometimes those who are strongest. Let me guess... hmm... oh yeah, you're some common looking half blood idiot who has nothing great going for her, no looks, no smarts, and no sense. Daddy's a big bad death eater so you think that gives you the right to walk around like you're better than everyone else? Or, if he isn't, you think you're so awesome just because of the house you got placed in. Bet I'm right, you fools are all the same. Snakes shouldn't bite unless they have some venom behind it dear, or they'll wither away and be forgotten just like the filth they're always dragging thier bellies through. " Cecily cast a condescending look at the girl, "You aren't even worth my time, I've already wasted enough on you.If you weren't having a bad day then you really must be just a snappy little b*&%" With that, Cecily began to walk away, "Oh, and by the way, before you insult the way someone looks, make sure your prettier than them. Insults on looks lack impact when delivered by someone who looks like just about any other common girl I could find walking around. Ta now" and with that, Cecily once again rolled her eyes, flicked her hair over her shoulder, and began to walk away.
Shaylah stared up at the girl with fire in her eyes. Now this girl was was taking the biscuit. She had brought Shay's dad into the argument and called her half blood and both were always bad ideas. "I am not a, so called, common looking half blood because both my parents were purebloods making me a pureblood as well. Get your facts right. I obviously do have some great because I admit that I am not the smartest person around but when it comes to fighting I could kick you into oblivion. I do have the right to walk over people because there's people like you who need to be shown their place in the school and by that I mean not in the school. For your information, snakes don't need to bite-they can crush. " Shay had been in plenty of fights to have come bacs for basically anything that got thrown at her. "I am only a 'snappy b*&%' when it comes to Gryffindors. You're stupid little scum." Shaylah never listened to anyone about the way she looked. She liked it. It showed that she was totally in her own world and not plastic. As the Gryffindor girl started walking away, Shay picked up a ball of sloppy mud from a nearby puddle and chucked it at the girl. "That's right-I went there." She smirked. Bein a tomboy, she didn't care about mud. She had spent most rainy days in Scotland cmpletely covered in the stuff.
Cecily kept walking, not paying the slightest bit of attention to whatever it was the other girl was screaming after her. She did, however, stop when she felt a ball of mud hit her back. Turning around Cecily looked back to see the Slytherin girl standing and fuming with her hands covered in mud and a stupid self satisfied look on her face. She could no longer contain herself as she felt laughter make its way up her throat and burst out. She simply stood there laughing and looking at the little girl, gathering her senses about her before she spoke. "Mud? Seriously? The best you can do is throw mud at me? What the heck is that supposed to do?" With a role of her eyes Cecily turned and began to walk away, calling over her shoulder as she went, "Grow up little Slytherin, get your facts straight, and then maybe you'll be worthy of a real argument."

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