Slowly Drifting

Katherine McVanough

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Everything seemed to be going fine for Kath, she had passed her first year at Hogwarts without having to much trouble and up and till now her second year was going just fine as well. For some reason however she didn't feel that great at all, she felt rather lonely. Kath had never really minded being alone, but right now she could just really use some company. She carefully let her bag slip of her shoulder and sat down on the grass, her eyes gazing upon the lake. She hadn't spend a lot of time outside as she had wanted to last year and had decided that this year she would make up for that. So here she was, the Lakefront, one of her favourite places.

It was a peaceful place to be, a perfect spot for someone to sit and do nothing but enjoying the silence or getting lost in your thoughts. Kath looked around, scanning around her, noticing a few people a bit farther to her right who seemed to be quite enjoying themselves, some of them throwing their heads back in laughter. She started to think about how it would be to be surrounded by friends, to be hanging around the castle together all the time, to be part of a group. A small smile appeared on her face and she let her gaze fall upon the lake again, being lost in her own thoughts.
Rafael enjoyed walking the periphery of the school's lake. There were always interesting things to see at its shores and today the hopeful botanist was out looking for aquatic herbs, even feeling lucky that he could find some rare gillyweed and grant him the ability to breath underwater. Whenever he was near the lake, he was wondering what could be residing at its depths. The surface was usually calm but unexpected ripples were giving away that life was thriving in these dark waters. Although he was feeling convinced he was going to find some gillyweed, he only came across some lilly pads and some water lillies coming up about 3 inches from the top of the water. It was also rewarding that during his stroll he also found midst of the lilly pads a log where a turtle was basking under the warm sun. As his walk of the round of the lake was coming to an end, he spotted students in the distance sitting at the shore, socializing close to the waters. He wished he was more often surrounded by friends and having the great time the seemed to have. There was also a girl there, sitting alone separated by the rest of the groups. Putting himself in her shoes, as he had been sitting alone there a lot of times before, he decided to talk to her and walked towards her. "Hello." He greeted with a friendly smile, hoping he hadn't startled her. "Mind if I join you?" He asked if she wanted some company.

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