Open Skipping the Dance

Zaros Lodowick

Serious- Closed Off- Loner
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 18 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang venom Core
14 (11/11/2049)
Zaros was never really one for dances. There were just so many people, and so much noise. He'd decided that instead, he would just spend some time on his own, and after a bit of wandering he found a nice window to curl up in. He was just watching the stars, imagining that he could hear some soft music drifting up. Though he knew he was far too high up in the castle to hear that. He started just humming to himself, watching the clouds drifting across the night sky outside.

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