Skipping Stones

Peyton Wright

musician | do what you love
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2030 (25)
Peyton had been happier than ever since arriving at Hogwarts. Being an only child she had always gotten a whole lot of attention from her parents, but having no siblings had often caused her to feel a bit lonely. That's why Hogwarts was so great for her, there were so many people to meet, things to do and places to explore that she couldn't imagine ever getting bored at the school. Happily making her way over to the lake fron the eleven year old was determined to investigate the stories of creatures in the lake. She wasn't sure if she had read something about it or heard someone talk about it but somehow somewhere she had picked up something about the lake being inhabited by something. Or perhaps even multiple things. Picking up a few stones on her way towards the lake Peyton was trying to think of a way to get the creatures attention, if there even were any, but the only thing she could think of was to break the surface of the water. Coming up to the lake the first year looked for good spot to stand, before she took one of the flat rocks she had found and started skipping it on the water. It was already quite late in the afternoon and she figured that if she wanted to see something it couldn't take too long because she most certainly wasn't going to miss dinner.​
The Lake was quickly becoming Aaron's favourite place to spend time. He loved the Gryffindor common room but after his first trip to the Lake with his sister, Maddie, and her best friend, Charlotte, something just resonated with him and kept bringing him back to the waterfront. He decided that after he had finished his classes he would visit the Lake before dinner because the only thing Aaron loved more than exploring and adventuring was food.

However, once he reached the Lake he realised that somebody else had the same idea as him but was throwing stones in the water. He walked towards the figure and realised it was a girl, a girl who looked around his age and appeared to be in Ravenclaw. "Whatcha dooooing?" he sang to the girl kicking the dirt as he got closer to her.
Although she wasn't someone to give up very quickly today had been an exception for Peyton. After skipping a couple of stones she had already given up on the idea of something inhabiting the lake and she was having way too much fun in seeing how many times she could get the stones to skip. The first year had taken some time to collect some stones and she was now stood in front of the lake again, a small of pebbles resting at her feet. The lake and its surroundings were peacefull and so the sudden sound of a voice startled Peyton, causing her to jump and throw the stone she was about to skip right up in the air, causing it to land in the water with a splash. Turning around to see what had to be another first year she let out a small sigh, before she started to chuckle. "Jeez, you scared me!" The eleven year old Ravenclaw exclaimed, before taking up two of the pebbles and offering one of them to the boy. "I'm skipping stones. Wanna join me? We can see who can get them to skip most times that'll be fun!" Peyton smiled at him. Doing things with others was often more fun than doing it alone right?
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Aaron laughed "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he said as he reached the girl by the edge of the lake. He smiled at her when she offered him one of the stones "cheers" he replied as he took one of them in his hand. He flipped it over as he listened to the girl explain what she was doing there. He grinned at her when she suggested a little competition of who could skip the stones the most times. He nodded at her "Sure, that sounds fun!" he replied. "Do you want to go first?" he asked. He followed her lead and tossed the first stone into the water, barely producing any skips at all. He chuckled to himself "I'm not too sure i'm good at this" he stated as he picked up another stone. "What's your name anyway?" he asked the Ravenclaw girl, he thought he recognised her from some of his classes but the two had never spoken.
Peyton smiled at the boy in front of her as he accepted the stone she had offered him. She used to skip stones all the time when she was little, but she hadn't for a long time and she had actually forgotten how much fun it could be, even though it might look a bit boring. The most important trick was to find suitable rocks, bu since she had already collected quite a couple that wouldn't be a problem for the first years. "Sure." Peyton nodded when he asked her if she wanted to go first. After taking a good position and turning the stone in her hand a few times she threw the stone towards the water surface with a flick of her wrist. It hadn't been very effective though. The stone touched the surface something like three times, before it disappeared into the water completely. "Seems like I might have lost my talent in this as well." The first year Ravenclaw chuckled, before picking up another stone from the small pile at her feet herself. "I'm Peyton." She smiled at the boy. "What about you?"​
Aaron grinned at the girl "you're still better than me" he joked as he picked up another smooth stone. He took a strong stance and flicked his wrist and the stone flew out of his hand and skipped the water a few times. "Yessss" he muttered under his breath. "It's good to meet you, Peyton" he said by throwing another stone that sank to the bottom instantly. "I'm Aaron" he said, introducing himself. "We seem to be lacking on the perfect stones" he commented as he looked around for a smooth one that he could toss in the water. "I bet there are some good ones in there..." he said pointing to the water, his eyes shining.
Peyton shrugged her shoulders when the boy told her she was still better at this than he was. "We'll see about that." She chuckled after he had now made his second stone skip at least a couple of times. She had never understood how people were able to get stones to skip more than ten times. Ten would probably be a record for her, if it ever were to happen at all. The eleven year old smiled at Aaron after he introduced himself. She had always loved meeting new people and figuring them out, seeing what they were like. "Yeah, I tried my hardest but these were the best I could fine around here." She replied to him, looking down at the couple of stones that were left at her feet. When the boy pointed at the water she frowned for a second, before a small smirk appeared on her face. "There might be." Peyton chuckled, looking at the water and then turning back to Aaron. "So I suggest you go check it out and try not to get eaten by anything that lives in there." She smiled, wondering whether he'd do it or not.​
Aaron kicked around a couple of stones that surrounded him but he couldn't find a particularly good one. Peyton was right, she probably had found all of the good ones round here. A large grin emerged on Aaron's face when she agreed with the idea that he had proposed. He shrugged his shoulders as she told him to look into the Lake for some more stones "I mean... If I have toooooo" he sang as he took his shoes and socks off. He flashed Peyton a mischevious grin and ran down to the waters edge. "Ah!" he shouted as he dipped a toe into the water, it was absolutely freezing. He waded into the Lake a little deeper, until the water came up to his calves. "Why don't you join me? The waters fine! It's like a bath" he shouted to the Ravenclaw girl, trying not to show that he was shivering.
Peyton pursed her lips together, trying not to laugh as the boy took off his socks and shoes and made his way towards the water. She hadn't expected him to actually go, or well go on his own, because in the end it had been his own idea. As he shouted for her to come the first year Ravenclaw needed to think for a second, before sighing at her own decision. She knew it wasn't a good one, but she figured she could at least have some fun. "I don't know why I'm doing this." She shouted back at him as she took off her own socks and shoes and made her way towards the water as well. "Also, I have absolutely no trust in what you're saying, I'm pretty sure you're lying!" She continued, now reaching the edge of the water. Looking at Aaron she shook her head, before stepping into the water. As soon as the water touched her skin the cold send shivers down her entire body. "S-see, I knew you were lying, the water's freezing!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to stop herself from shivering. "So, f-found any stones yet?"​
Aaron grinned when Peyton decided to follow him into the water. He thought that she might not for a second, she seemed to have more common sense than he did but he guessed her desire for fun had taken over. He laughed when she stepped into the water and shouted at him for lying "S..sorry" he said between gasps of laughter "you wouldn't have joined me if I had told you the truth, would you?" he asked, cheekily. "You kind of get used to it after a while anyway" he said, shrugging his shoulders and grinning at the Ravenclaw girl. "Oh yeah! Stones! I completely forgot. Hmm... lets see" he said while looking around him. He shoved his hand under the water and grabbed, what felt like, a smooth stone. "How about this?" he asked, bringing his hand up out of the water.
Peyton shook her head as Aaron apologized to her. She wasn't stupid, she knew he had been lying about the water being totally fine, but she wasn't going to let him have all the fun on his own. "I probably would." She chuckled, moving around a bit in an attempt to stop herself from shivering. "I mean, you're not a very convincing liar and yet here I am." The first year Ravenclaw teased, before looking down at the water to see if there were any stones within her reach. She noticed quite a couple, but they weren't all good for use. Looking back up at Aaron as he took up one of the stones she smiled. "Seems like a good one, but I don't think you're gonna win with just one." Peyton stated, sticking her own arm into the water and picking up some stones, examining them in her hand to see if they were any good.​
Aaron laughed "hey! I'm a perfectly adequate liar I think you'll find" he said, winking. In truth, Maddie and Benji were the best liars in the Walden family. Aaron could never keep up the lie for long enough to be taken seriously. "Either way, we're both shivering in this freezing cold lake" he chuckled. This probably wasn't one of his best ideas but he would make the most of it nonetheless. "You're probably right" he shrugged as he looked around for more flat stones. He began to wade through the water backwards to get a better look for more stones around him but he missed his footing and fell backwards into the lake creating an almighty crash in the water as he did so. He soon resurfaced while gasping for air, it was one of the more embarrassing moments of his young life. "Well... er" he said, clearing his throat "at least I found a few more stones" he said, grinning, holding out a handful of round stones.
"Yeah, sure." Peyton chuckled after basically calling Aaron a bad liar and him not agreeing with her. Not that she was any good at lying herself, oh no, she was absolutely terrible. She wasn't going to admit that though, not unless it was necessary. And it wasn't. Still shivering the eleven year old nodded in agreement at the fact that they were both freezing. Focussing her gaze back on the water she moved a bit forward, reaching for some stones when suddenly there was the sound of a huge splash. Looking back up Peyton noticed Aaron seemed to be gone, only for him to resurface a couple of seconds later, followed by the girl bursting out in laughter at the sight of Aaron, completely soaked. Placing her hand in front of her mouth she tried not to laugh as hard as she did, but it didn't really work. "I'm sorry," Peyton laughed, "But you look hilarious!" She finished, before looking at the stones in his hand and realizing she had dropped her own in her outburst of laughter. "Well now I've got zero, but I guess you'd rather get inside now than stay out here freezing like that?"​
Aaron shook his head "it's f-f-fine. You can laugh P-P-Peyton" he said trying not to laugh himself. "It would be a shame if someone were to..." and before he finished his sentence he sent a splash of water over to Peyton. "That's for laughing at me" he joked. In truth, he didn't mind the Ravenclaw girl laughing at him. What he did was hilarious and stupid and he liked making people laugh. He flicked his hair out of his eyes and nodded "that's probably for the best" he agreed, grimacing from the cold. "H-H-Here, have a couple of these" he said handing her a couple of the rocks that he held in his hand "f-f-for next time" he grinned as he pocketed the rest of them.

sorry it's so short!
Peyton just kept on laughing. She didn't even know why it had been so funny to her in the first place and for some reason she just wasn't able to control herself at the moment. That was untill she got hit by a splash of water. "Hey!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air and getting a strand of, now wet, hair out of her face as soon as she lowered them. "Okay, I guess that's fair." The first year shrugged, still smiling. She didn't think anything could get her out of her good mood today. "Thanks, I'll make sure not to lose them." Peyton chuckled, taking the stones from Aaron and putting them safely into her pocket. Turning towards the edge of the lake the eleven year old started to make her way back to the shore, which took some effort. Having taken a few steps already she looked around to see if Aaron was following, before she started grinning. "You coming? Or do you enjoy getting frozen?"​

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