Sixth Years, Lesson One

James knew the faces sitting in front of him and it was his first time in that position, he felt much more relaxed teaching students he had already taught and over a couple of years that would become a much more regular occurrence. Hopefully they found him less rambley then he had been when he took their first fifth year class the previous year. The door to the classroom stood open inviting the students in and once they had all done so and taken their seats James waved his wand to close it.

"Welcome back to Defence Against the Dark Arts," James began. "My name is Professor James Cade, James is fine or sir if you must," It would be a hard year as all years were from fifth onward so James would attempt to make it as enjoyable for them as he could. "This year we will be covering more advanced spells, both offensive, defensive and we will be attempting to perform spells non-verbally, that will be a nice new challenge for you," He knew from teaching seventh years the previous semester that not everyone would make it through the year having mastered non-verbal spells. "Non-verbal spells are difficult, it is completely different to how you have been taught magic so far so don't be too down if you can't do it right off the bat, it will take time, patience, and practice," James rattled off the words as if it was a well practiced speech rather than something he had thought of on the spot. "If throughout the year you find yourself struggling to keep up my door is open and I will be able to help you, but for now class dismissed," James wordless waved his wand to open the classroom door and allowed the students to leave.

Assignment: RP the lesson. Attendance post for full marks.
Savannah had a lot on in the immediacy of the semester beginning, she knew she had quidditch soon and was spending a good amount of time, focused on that. But she also had the duelling tournament, she was getting the right professors to help her, organising the pairings and trying to resist the urge to rig it in her favour. She was getting herself together grabbing books and notes ahead of her classes, knowing that while all the extra stuff was important, what was more important was doing well in her exams.

Savannah walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved towards the professor at the front of the class as the man got started. He introduced himself and then told them that they would be covering non-verbal spells, which she could admit she was pretty keen to do. The lesson wasn’t too much longer than that and Savannah was able too pack up her things and then head out of the room.
The Christmas holidays were... strange, memorable in a lot of ways and unexpected in others. He almost wishes that he could go back and replay it, try different things to see if the outcome would be any different, though he doesn't think there is much about it that he wants to change, given everything. Kael has surprised him, moreso than he cares to think about. There is little more he can do than to just be happy in the circumstance, but, honestly, he's surprised how it's all turned out - after all, he has been convinced for years that Mikael hates him, and now it's turned out not to be true and to be the opposite, he barely knows what to do with that.

He sits back in his chair glad as Professor Cade finally dismisses the lesson. Since things with Bailey, he feels like maybe their relationship is a little strained, though he supposes that makes sense given everything. Still, he would like to think that his Head of House isn't out to get him and whilst he doesn't think he is out to get him, he also doesn't really know where he stands with the man. He wasn't expecting a speech right off the bat, but he can tell the man has put a lot of thought into it - maybe even rehearsed it a little. Probably in front of a mirror with different facial expressions and everything. As the other students file out, Elio takes a moment to process the lesson. Honestly he's probably the most excited for non-verbal spells. That seems like it would be the most interesting part of all of this and he can't deny the spark of excitement that wells inside him at the thought of the challenge. He feels like it's been such a long time since he's felt challenged whilst learning, after all his mum's education was only slightly higher than his own. Pushing himself up, he tosses a grin back at the professor before heading out, his mind spinning at the endless possibilities.

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