Sixth Years: Lesson One

Another year, another headache, Angel thought dryly, eying the host of Screechsnaps set about the greenhouse. At least his sixth years were quickly arriving so they wouldn't be his problem for much longer. Mostly, he thought, eying a few of the sleepier ones who were still clearly on their holiday sleep schedule. “Right, let’s get right into it, shall we? I think I recognize most of you from last year, well done surviving, but just in case, I'm Professor Castillo, and welcome to 6th Year Herbology,” he said, once everyone was settled.

I know you're used to taking today easy, but we are getting right into things I'm afraid. You may have noticed the Screechsnaps on the benches in front of you. Screechsnaps are semi-sentient and quite vocal plants, which can be a blessing and a curse considering, they’ll definitely let you know if they need something.” As if sensing Angel’s attention on them, a few of the screechsnaps nearby let out a string of disgruntled chatter, causing Angel to wince at the noise. “We’ll have you lot be taking care of one for the rest of the semester, starting now, so hopefully come exam time you’ll be able to recognize exactly what your screechsnap is trying to tell you when it starts well, screeching.

For whatever reason, Screechsnaps never seemed to like him, and Angel wasn’t able to get very close to many of them before they broke out into some manner of ruckus. At least it made a good excuse to get his students to put in some practical time with some of the plants now. “We’ll just be repotting them today, so please pick a plant and get to it. Make sure you give them a good balance of water and fertilizer, they’ll let you know if mess up so keep an eye out for any writhing or vocalizations in particular.” As he passed, one of the nearby screechsnaps blew a raspberry and Angel was unable to repress the urge to return one of his own. He'd definitely been spending too much time with his daughters.

Once everyone seemed to have successfully wrangled their screechsnap, Angel gave the class a quick wave, gathering their attention before they packed up for the day. “This year is going to be vital groundwork in order to progress to your NEWTs next year, and I will require at least an A in this class if you wish to take Herbology next year, so no slacking, alright?” Satisfied that the kids were well and truly lectured and warned for the upcoming year, he leant back against his desk again, taking a quick glance at his pocket watch. “And in the spirit of hard work and not slacking, let’s call the lesson there. Feel free to come and chat if you’ve any questions. Otherwise get out of here, enjoy your first week back,” he said, dismissing the class with an tired wave.

RP repotting your screechsnap, feel free to have some fun with how yours reacts or behaves as you do.
Elio made his way into the greenhouse for his first class of Herbology, he was determined to get this done correctly. He had come in with what he considered to be a severe disadvantage since he was new and he had no real previous experience with much of any of the lessons he was now required to do. His mother had done her best as his primary tutor of course, but she wasn't perfect. She couldn't be. As he entered, he tucked his wand securely in his pocket. He wasn't sure he was going to need it. He took in the sight of the Screechsnaps—small, vocal plants that seemed to squirm and grumble in anticipation. He couldn’t help but feel a bit of excitement; he had always been intrigued by these plants’ peculiar behavior. He slowly approached one of the plants, carefully selecting a Screechsnap that seemed relatively calm compared to the others. It was a bit like choosing a pet: he wanted one that wouldn’t bite his fingers off at the first opportunity.

“Alright, little guy,” Elio muttered, giving the plant a reassuring smile. “Let’s see if we can make this work". The Screechsnap wiggled in its pot, its small leaves rustling in what Elio could only interpret as a form of protest. He gently eased it out of its current container, paying close attention to its reactions. As he started to repot the plant, he could hear a soft, grumbling sound emanating from it, which seemed to be a mix of displeasure and annoyance. Elio worked quickly but carefully, using a balanced mixture of water and fertiliser. He could feel the plant’s resistance; it seemed to be giving him an attitude, as if it knew it was being moved against its will. As he sprinkled the fertiliser, the Screechsnap let out a particularly loud screech, causing Elio to jump slightly. “Oh, I see you’re not a fan of this,” Elio said, trying to keep his voice calm. “Just a bit more, and you’ll be all set.”

Despite his attempts to calm it, the plant continued its vocal protest. Elio found himself chuckling at its antics, even though he was trying to maintain focus. The Screechsnap seemed to appreciate the humor; its screeching subsided into what Elio interpreted as a more resigned hum. As he finished repotting, he gave the plant a gentle pat, hoping it would settle down. The Screechsnap seemed to accept its new home, though it still made occasional grumbling noises as if to remind Elio that it was watching him. He packed up his things and stood back, taking a moment to appreciate his work. The Screechsnap, while not entirely happy, seemed to be settling in. With a satisfied nod, Elio glanced around the greenhouse, seeing other students managing their own Screechsnaps with varying degrees of success.

As Professor Castillo called for the end of the lesson, Elio grabbed his bag and prepared to leave. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of how this practical experience would come in handy for the upcoming exams. Plus, he had a feeling that his Screechsnap might turn out to be quite the character by the end of the year.

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