🌹 Rose Giving Sister from another mister

Tessaria Carter

youngest carter | a perfect angel
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Chestnut Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
April 2055
The day was almost over and Tessaria still hadn't found everyone on her list. The amount of Slytherins she had to deliver to was astounding. She didn't realise that they were all so into Valentine's Day. The next person on her list she had heard of before, or maybe she had just heard the surname before, but she wasn't sure where. She walked up and down the corridors in a desperate attempt to find her by calling out her name to everyone she saw. When she saw a Slytherin girl hurrying in the opposite direction, she stopped her. "Winnie Calida? Do you know who she is?" she asked a little desperately.

@Winnie Calida
Winnie glanced up as she heard someone asking for her and immediately recognised the girl as someone to whom she had delivered a rose to. "Oh that's me," she said approaching, "I gave you a rose not like a couple of hours ago."

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