Singing To Myself... Not Anymore!

Amanda Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Amanda walked to the windowsill of the North Tower. It was deserted, and she wanted to see the view. She looked out the window. "Wow," she whispered. The view was amazing. She could see most of the Hogwarts ground. A bird flew up in front of the window, still ascending through the air. I'm lucky I'm not a bird, she thought. I would be a bit too afraid to be up in the air this high, my strength the only thing keeping me suspended.

She started to sing to herself. It was one of the ones that she always listened to when she was back in the U.S.A. She still listened to them over the summer. But because electronic devices went haywire around her school, she couldn't for the rest of the year. She smiled. Of course, the iPod in her brain couldn't be stopped.

Knowing that nobody would hear her, she sang a little louder. Then she started to dance around. As she spun, her smile faded and her face turned pink. She saw her friend, Shiloh. "Um, how much of that did you hear or see?" she asked.
Shiloh sighed as she got out of the Common room. She was bored now that she didn't have classes. It hadn't ever accured to her that magic school could at times be just as boring as any normal school could. Which was weird as one would think you would never run out of anything to do. She headed to wards the Northern Tower. She had an owl there and she had decided that she would visit it. Maybe give it a few treats. As she headed towards the Owlery however she heard someone singing. It wasn't that bad either. She walked closer to the room it was coming from and stood at the entrance when she saw her friend Amanda. She was singing loudly, and dancing around like a fool. Shiloh couldn't help but to laugh.

When Amanda asked how much she had seen or heard, the young blonde laughed. She had seen enough to know that Amanda was maybe one banana short of a bunch. She grinned. "Oh, I think I saw enough" She said walking into the room to stand infront of her. "You seem to be one fruitloop short of a bowl" She said as she covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. SHe thought it was pretty funny that Amanda would let loose like that. "Its alright, Ive done the same thing" She said doubling over from the sheer funniness of it.
Amanda's face turned a bit more pink before she shook her head to try to make it normal again. I really should have stuck to looking out the window, she thought. On the other hand, it wasn't so bad. It was one of her friends. Friends are allowed to tease other friends and laugh at each other. It could have been someone mean who walked in on her dancing. "Hey, I was taught to dance by myself, what did you expect?" she asked, smiling."And I sort of have an iPod in my head. I don't just randomly start dancing."

Amanda decided to change the subject, just in case her face hadn't gone back to its normal color. "So... what brings you up here?" she asked.
Shiloh smirked at Amanda’s comment. “Well, I can believe that, I mean it was terrible” she laughed. “Jokes, I was kidding, it actually wasn’t that bad” She reassured her smiling inwardly. “An IPod in your head? Ive never heard that one before, very original Amanda” She said laughing. She smiled and sat on the bench near the wall. She really wasn’t sure why she had come up here... Boredom maybe? “Well, I was kind of bored, so Id decided to give my owl a pet treat so I could write a letter to my family, because as you know Im muggle born, and they like to know whats going on in my life” She said shrugging.
Amanda laughed a little. "Well, of course if the part where I listen to it a lot in other ways counts as downloading it, it pretty much is like an iPod." She nodded as Shiloh talked about sending letters to her family. "Yeah, I send letters to my family too. They both went to Hogwarts, but in America. But when I got accepted here, they got really nervous about me being so far away from home, so we moved to New Zealand before I started going to school here."
Shiloh nodded as she mentioned downloading. "It seems pretty reasonable. I often listen to pop rock music, well I used to before I came here, now I have to rely on my memory. Its not as good as if I was actually listening to it though... Do you have any favourite artists? I quite like muggle singers, for obvious reasons. I haven't had a chance to listen to any magical bands yet, so for now, its Nickleback, Pink and Adam Lambert for me" She said laughing slightly. She liked that she could easily talk to Amanda it was a nice change from other people.

"Oh really? Your parents moved here? Thats nice, mine are still back in England as my Grandmother doesn't know about magic and we would like to keep it that way. She would go nutts if she found out that I am actually magical." She said shaking her head. Shiloh still wasn't sure where her magic had come from, but they knew it was her mum's side of the family somewhere. It had to be.
Amanda nodded. "I prefer muggle artists," she said. "For me, it's mostly the ones you mentioned, Black-Eyed Peas, and Lady Gaga." She went back to listening as Shiloh went on to talk about her grandmother. "So, do you know where your magic came from? I mean, my family is mostly mixed so..." She wondered if she was talking a bit too much. Hey, she thought. It's better than not talking at all, right? Amanda remembered when she used to be shy and quiet. That part was buried deep down inside when she moved to New Zealand. It was a new start for her.
Shiloh smiled when she mentioned the muggle artists. She too liked them but the ones she mentioned were definitely her favourite. “Yes, I like them too, though Lady Gaga is a bit weird, she’s cool all the same” She said laughing. Then she thought about what Amanda said. But she wasn’t sure of the answer. They’d never really talked about it much. “Well, were not entirely sure, you see, but we are positive that it came from my mother’s side. My mum seems to think that maybe my Great-grandmother was a squib and that would explain why my grandmother didn’t have magic, because if we trace my father’s side, we find no inconsistencies.” She said thinking. “But on my mother’s side, there are something’s that are not explained. Like, my Great-grandaunt was misplaced for seven years of her life, so maybe that says that she was at a magic school?” She wondered aloud. Her Great-grand mothers name had been Cindy, but they didn’t really know anything about the sister. She sort of dropped off the face of the earth after she turned eighteen and Cindy never spoke about her.

OOCOut of Character:
I didn't know what Amanda's Great-grandmothers name was so I improvised ;)
Amanda nodded as Shiloh spoke about Lady Gaga. Then the conversation was all about family. "My great-grandaunt was named Cindy," she said. She knew it was mostly Shiloh who was talking about her family, but she had an odd feeling. "She went to magic school. And I think- yeah, her sister was named Cindy..."

OOCOut of Character:
Yayz for improvising! And if I didn't make sense (I'm tired), then sorry.
Shiloh looked at Amanda as she mentioned that her Greatgrand Aunts name was Cindy. It couldn't be her Cindy could it? And her Great granmother went to a magic school. This was too surreal. "Amanda, you don't think we could be related do you?" She asked as she looked down at her nails that were painted a lovely shade of black. She was sure that if her Grandmother saw her she would go nutts. She didn't believe in painting ones self. It was unlady like in her opinon. "Because if what you say is true, were cousins" She said suddenly getting excited.
Amanda got a little excited. She always wanted to be related to one of her friends. That would be great. "I didn't really see much of my family," she said. "I mean besides grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins that lived in the area. And obviously my brother and my parents. So it is possible that we're related." It could be a coincidence. But Amanda hoped it wasn't. It would be so cool to have a friend as a cousin.
Shiloh smiled "Amanda this is so cool, and it would explain so much" She said grinning. "Maybe that is why we get along so well?" she suggested as she almost jumped up and down. "I mean I don't really see any of my cousins, so yeah" She said laughing. It really was very possible. Her Great-grandmother wasn't English, she had been american but moved to England after losing track of her sister, so it was quite possible. "This is so cool, I have no doubt in my mind that we are cousins, and maybe in the next school holidays when i see my grandmother I will be able to confirm what her aunts name was and things, because I really would like to know for sure" She said as she smiled.
Amanda nodded. "I was a little surprised that we became instant friends," she said. "I mean, usually I have to meet people a few times to really become friends with them." She couldn't wait for the break so she could ask her parents. "And I'll ask my family members too. I can't believe the thought never occurred to me before today. I think I've heard your last name before when I was little."
Shiloh nodded. "I swear this is really cool. I never expected to meet family here, I mean Karah isn't magical so she didn't come here, so I never expected to learn that I would have a cousin in school" She said as she hugged Amanda. It was going to be so cool now. She was just like other people, except she had a cousin and not a sibling at the school. "mmm, so next year we can come back and confirm it, this is going to be so awesome. If it turns out to be true. I'll have some-one to visit in our Brightstone weekend breaks" She said as she laughed.
Amanda hugged Shiloh back. "Well, if it is true that we're related, I'm just going to have to start calling you 'cuz," she said. "That might take a while to get used to." She smiled a little wider. "So, besides that, how were you for the rest of your time before you came to Hogwarts? And how do you like being in Gryffindor?"
Shiloh laughed. "I think I might do the same" She said as she laughed. "And to think we had no incling at all" She said laughing. "But anyway, moving on, I didn't really do much until school started. I was mostly just staying at the Hogwarts half way house, just until school started" She told her friend-who-might-really-be-her-cousin. "And then when I was sorted into Gryffindor I was like 'What, How'd that happen' But Im sure i'll figure it out soon, I mean the hat has never made a mistake before so yeah" She said shrugging. "And you? Same question"
Amanda listened to Shiloh answering the question she asked. "Well, I met a few other people during the summer that turned out to be coming here," she said. "And I visited my brother in France, he goes to Beauxbatons. And then when I was sorted in to Ravenclaw, I was so excited. It was the house I was hoping for. But I could have just as easily been a Hufflepuff. Or maybe Gryffindor. But I'm not ambitious like a Slytherin. They aren't all bad, you know. I have a friend in Slytherin and she's nice." Amanda meant Kiara, the girl she had met during the summer.
Shiloh nodded at Amanda a she mentioned how she felt about Ravenclaw. That was how she had felt about Gryffindor, but she hadn't really understood how she could be in Gryffindor. "OOh you have a brother in France? Do you remember Grace? that girl that played the violin at the park? she can speak French, and I think about three others." She said rolling her eyes. She was really glad she was having this chat. "Yeah, I haven't met any Slytherins yet, so I really wouldn't know either way" She said shrugging.
Amanda nodded. "Yeah, he had been taking care of himself really well before he went off to magic school, so we didn't have to move for him," she said. She listened to Shiloh speak about how Grace spoke French, and some other people did. "That's pretty cool. I only really know English. I mean sure, I know how to say hello in quite a few languages but I can't have a conversation in them." Amanda shrugged. "Just don't judge any books by their covers. Basic nice person rule."

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