Closed Since when do Potters follow the rules?

Asher Styx-Potter

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 11 Inch Unyielding Wenge Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Sep 3, 2050
Since when did a Potter, any of them, ever follow the rules? Even Asher Styx-Potter had little to no regard for the rules. That was why he was up by the cliffs. He would have been roaming the forest, but he did not know enough spells for that. He even invited his cousin up with him. William Cade-Potter. Or was it Potter-Cade? It was hard to keep up with those hyphen names. He wished that he did not have one, but his mother insisted. It had something to do with his heritage. He did not need to have that bloody name over his shoulders and back. As if Styx was not bad enough, just add the legendary Potter to it too! Asher bent down and picked up a rock, and hurled it over the side of the cliffs, to watch it fall below. Asher was smart enough to keep his distance though. He did not want to have any sort of accidents.

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