Simon Fields

Simon Fields

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OOC First Name

The Basics
Character's Name:Simon Fields
Character's Birthdate:28th April 2012
Hometown: Kent, United Kingdom
Current Residence: Scotland
Blood Status:Mixed blood
Educated At:Hogwarts Scotland

Hair:Black, long and straight
Eyes:blackish brown.
Style:He usually likes wearing long t-shirts or shirts of light colors. He likes keeping his hair messy in such a way that it always obscures his vision. Many times wears black hoods and has two piercings, one at his eyebrow and other in his belly button.
Other Distinguishing Features: Has a tattoo that has been carved on his chest. The drawing is of a serpent and it has been engrossed into his skin by his father because it a family symbol.

Simon is friendly, good looking and a real charmer. He can easily spread his charm around girls and is a major flirt. That is what he considers his pass time activities because in school he mostly concentrates on his work as he is a true Ravenclaw.

Angelina Fields was seventeen and Raymond Fields was twenty one years old when they got married and had a child in the same year.Simon was born in April 2012 in Kent, United Kingdom in the house of his grandfather from his father's side.Raymond Fields and Angelina Fields were his parents to whom he was the first and only child. Simon's childhood was a blur and he can remember only a few events of that time. His father Raymond was very cruel person. He was a Death Eater and a true evil Slytherin who tortured his wife and son for fun. Angelina had become used to the torture however she could not see her husband torturing the poor child.

Simon had been given all the toys and luxuries he wanted as a child and up to now. At the age of five, Angelina passed away in a rare disease. The shock was too much for Simon and Raymond sent him to live with his aunt for a year. When he came back he was the old happy Simon again. Simon had been intelligent and clever from the beginning.

Simon became friends with Ashton Winters but for some reason Raymond did not approve of their friendship. He wanted Simon to be alone and lonely and beat him on regular basis threatening him. Same continued during his first and second year at Hogwarts Scotland.

His father has stopped bothering in his business and Simon is allowed to do as he pleases.Simon is a rich, clever, handsome boy who had both Slytherin and Ravenclaw blood in him. Simon gets good grades and when at school pays much attention to his studies and Qudditch. He plays as Keeper for the Ravenclaw team.

Name:Ryamond Fields
Occupation:Department of Mysteries,Scotland & Death Eater.
Blood Status:Mixed blood.
Age:34 Years

Name:Angelina Fields
Age at Death:22 Years

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