Similar Scene, Different Situation

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida walked through Brightstone with Scarlet in the pram infront of her, her long brown hair laying freely around her shoulders. It was Spring and the day was fresh so she had decided to take Scarlet and Perseus away from the House and into the town instead of their own back yard.
Kida sighed and turned back to Perseus and scarled 'Perseus stop dragging your feet and hurry up' she said as she watched him stop and look at everything, Sure the Magical world was new to Perseus but he didn't have to stop and stare at every bit of Magic he saw, he would take forever to learn anything at school!

The Young witched sighed as Perseus caught up with her and she shook her head, Scarlet Cooed joyfully and watched everything wide eyed. Kida smiled and laughed lightly before turning off into the Park, last time she was here was without Scarlet and she was approached by a young girl asking her if she was a Quidditch player.
Kida pushed the pram up to a seat and sat down facing Scarlet next to her, she could see many other Kids around Perseus' age or older running around and she smiled at Perseus 'Go talk to some one Perseus' she said with a smile.
Perseus had seen magic before, Kida his sister's house was practically alive with Magic, as if it breathed from all the magic contained inside it, but Perseus hadn't seen so much magic before. He stopped and looked at a Quidditch broom in a window, not as Impressive as Kida's Broom closet but it was still cool. He shuffeled along to keep up and stopped again when he saw Animals and clothes in different shops, he couldn't take his eyes off them. Kida called his name and he picked up his pace to keep up with Kida and his neice. He looked at Scarlet who seemed to be enjoying her drive by view of the magical world and he felt a pang of Jealously, She would grow up surrounded by Magic but he didn't. He shook the Jealousy out and followed Kida into the Park, he could hear kids screaming and laughing but kept with Kida, he was rather shy still.

The Young boy looked at Scarlet and she waved her hands at him and then pulled up a face 'Uhhh Kida..' he said as he looked at Scarlets face 'I think she needs a clean' he added as he covered his nose 'Augh Gross' he said as he backed away 'I'm out of here, she stinks' he said and he turned around to run away before he could be asked to help.
Perseus Enjoyed Running, he could go outside and run when ever he wanted but for some reason this was different, the ground was flat but there were still some tree's and other people around. Perseus picked up his pace when Ka-Thwack he was face first on the ground, he had tripped over someone. Perseus groaned and pulled his arms out from under his chest and sat up 'Sorry' he mumbeled as he rubbed his head 'My Fault' he added as he stood up and held out his hand to the person he tripped over.
The day was nothing but ordinary for Victoria Alice Chase, who was currently waiting on the front steps of the manor back in Manhattan. She sat there, her knees drawn to her chest with her lips frowning slightly. Her time was being wasted by none other than her mother, Isabela, who was just taking her time inside the manor. The living room was again, clean and orderly with the sight of the fireplace calming Victoria. Vicky stood up, dusted her black leggings before opening her lips to yell for her impatience. "Mum! Where are you?!" Victoria called out, only to be luckily rewarded by Isabela giving her a small brownie to munch on before they leave. Her mother was beautiful, even though she was dressed simply. Vicky watched with big sea green eyes as Isabela checked her purse that contained galleons, wondering what was that sound crashing with one another. The warm hand of her mother found her small one, and quickly, they apparated to Brightstone Village, where the park that was famous for witches and wizards was located in. Victoria quickly got the message of her mother; That is to just relax and have some fun in the park. Her mother led her over to the bench and sat down and let go of her hand. Victoria glanced at her mother again to make sure she was there and walked away freely.

A walk for the trees was wonderful and the breeze was just lovely. There were people who walked on the same path as Victoria but did not pay any mind to her. Her emerald eyes stared at the trees around her that similarly appeared like the ones in the woods, back in Manhattan. Sure, she was out of that damn and silent place but the manor was what she remembered. Victoria looked at them, and her brain willed her legs to walk towards one to just sit near it and relax. The adults that passed her just walked by but she was immediately startled. Confusion hit her mind as a quick stretch of pain surged over her shoulder. She stumbled back but her legs betrayed her quickly. Her butt hit the ground with the thud and her hands went to her shoulder to ease the pain. It was not bad but she could tell that the person who went for her way was clumsy or perhaps it was just her that was the klutz. "Owww, hey don't run. . ." Victoria moaned, her green eyes showing the pain. With a final rub of her shoulder, she helped herself up with the hand that was offered, not even looking at the face of that person who bumped then helped her. The eight-year-old slowly looked up with a face of confusion, her face a bit dazed too. Victoria's eyes bulged slightly, showing her shock as she faced the exact features of a boy that she knew. Her dark hair blew with the wind but she kept steady before even stepping back tentatively, waiting for his reaction to occur.
Perseus looked at the girl, she told him not to run and he smirked 'Its a Park, You're meant to run' he said to the girl, he looked at her for a moment and then it clicked and he realised who she was 'You're That girl' he said her name escaping him when he needed it most, he stared at her as if she was some strange animal he had never seen before 'What are you doing here, this isn't a place for muggles' he said curiously, he could have sworn she was a muggle, or atleas thats what he had made himself believe. 'Muggle Borns, yes but not Muggles, what are you doing here' he asked again trying to figure it out, she didn't seem like anything special when they met in he forest that time.
Perseus wished he had a wand, for some reason she felt poisonus now that she probably knew who he was since she was one aswell, the young boy wanted to get a long stick and poke her. He raised an eyebrow before shaking his head and shutting his mouth which had been sitting open for quite a while now.

The Young Boy took a step back 'How did you get here' he asked.
With a rub, Victoria closed her eyes for a brief moment. The pain that surged through her shoulder was almost gone and she steadied herself from actually screaming at the bastard in front of her. His voice was incredibly familiar but Victoria did not look up as she focused herself on the feeling of her shoulder. She groaned softly, her small lips opening to let it out. The people around them looked at them as if they were some strange aliens that appeared out of nowhere. Victoria was somewhere near the verge of uttering something foul but she controlled her emotions. Her legs were already standing still thankfully, supporting her as she stood up in front of him. "Ugh, whatever. You can also walk if you don't wanna run." Victoria mumbled, her green eyes looking at her feet to see if any dirt was plastered to it. Her legs were still the same with not much dirt. Running was something she was damn good at and she could bet that she would beat him. She was a good runner but she was never good in carrying something not suitable for her weight and height. Dark, sea green eyes looked up to those pair of irises that were utterly familiar, making her gasp in shock. Victoria chose not to respond to him as he blurted something out. "Well, you're that boy. . ." Victoria thought to herself and willed to herself to never say that aloud. Her memory flashed all the things that happened between them. The time when she was reading, when somebody chased her, when they fought and when he even had a wound on his toe. The name of this boy was Perseus Frost and he was still ever the same. Merlin, he looked like a boy who loved to venture anywhere.

Victoria stayed silent, looking at him with big wide green eyes as he asked why her full presence was present at the park. She tilted her head, wondering what were muggles. They really made no sense to her when her father would tell her mum that he came across some muggle. What was that? What were muggles? She knew that her father, Arthur Chase, loathed people with no magic. Were those the ones called "muggles" as quoted from Percy? People with no magic at all? Victoria wasn't dumb but she was outdated so much. Victoria shrugged innocently as she looked at him, sensing that he really did not like her. She honestly did not care but it was bad to lose a friend. He was the one who started their "fight" anyways, so there was no chance in hell that she would apologize for anything. Her shoulders jerked upwards then fell downwards and she bit her lower lip to look innocent. "I just wanted to play. Mum also told me that I spend to much time in the woods so badly." Victoria said casually before looking at him stare at her. He was actually funny when he stared at her as if she was actual venom or something hideous. Victoria let out an amused look as her green eyes searched his, immobilized just looking at her. Was she really that bad just talking to him? Victoria had the personality of someone being sensitive but she found this somewhat amusing. As he took a step back, Victoria smugly smiled at him as if she was the one that loved to be poison. "Mum apparated us. How did you get here?" Victoria said as she took a small step closer, challenging him to be the brave lion he used to be back when he was wounded. Her outfit was quite disheveled, but Victoria managed to slip in her petite hands into the snugly pocket, located near her waist and waited for the answer of Percy.
Perseus watched her curiously when she started chatting away as if she had known all along that he was a Wizard, a stick seemed like a good idea right now. Perseus pursed his lips and raised his eyebrow 'I walked here with my sister, we live on the hill just outside of Brightstone' he said not taking his eyes off her incase she changed into some sort of beast. Perseus knew a little bit about magic but not alot, he knew about the different blood types since his sister has tried to explain to him all the different types since she was a muggleborn and he was a half blood, it took him a few days to finally wrap his head around the situation, he didn't understand how two Muggleborns could have a kid but it might not be magical, or how he had a sister who was a muggle born but he was a half blood, but then Kida explained that she was his Half sister and it made some more sense.. once he learned what a half sister was.
Perseus looked at the girl 'My Sister just wanted to get out of the house, its a big house and all but a change of scene is needed she says' perseus said not really taking notice of the people around him anymore. 'and my Neice just did something gross and i didn't want to see or smell it so i ran off to play somewhere else' he added just to make it clear that he wasn't crazy even though he wasn't helping his case with the staring.

Perseus snapped out of the stare and ran his hands through his hair, 'So you're..' he begun slowly before he tilted his head 'A Witch?' he asked, there could be a change she was a Squid or what ever his sister called it which meant she was born in a magical family, knew about magic but wasn't magical, but he didn't know how that could happen, it was amazing enough that Kida could be a Muggle born with two Half Blood Half Brothers.
Perseus shoved his hands in his jeans, his hands were filthy allready and he washed up to go out not that long ago.
A stray rock was set near Victoria, and she kicked again to a random direction. Her head was tilted and it now faced downwards. Her thoughts told her not to worry about what he was now thinking about her. Was she really bad? Did Victoria even utter something rude to him? Since when did she actually be someone like a monster? Victoria inhaled in some fresh air, willing her sensitive thoughts to go away before they even drove her crazy. Since when did she become really curious about someone? The way he was looking at her bothered her, as if she was something that was bad to look at in the eye. She was curious anyways ever since the day that she turned one year old. All the things around her, she yearned to know more about them. Victoria loved staying with people who were patient enough to answer her questions. Victoria nodded silently, her green eyes still looking down on the ground. She looked up to face the boy who seemed to tell himself to stay put. Victoria cocked her head to the side, her expression curious once more. "Are you scared? Do you even remember me?" Victoria inquired at once, her head spinning again to the memories that they had before. She thought about his bloody toe and wanted to ask how it was right now. It's been almost two weeks since they've seen each other and not to mention, she still had a small spot in her that still despised him. Almost two weeks ever since he even made the wrong decision to follow her. She even remembered what the forest was still like that time, her decision to fun away from the strange thud that occurred near her reading spot. Even the page of her book, she remembered! That day was one weird occurrence and she survived it without telling Isabela, Arthur and Benjamin. "Because you know what, I can tell you my name again!" Victoria smiled slightly at him and laughed with what she said. Her laugh was carefree and she hoped that he would help her break the ice. Victoria wasn't normally talkative but a boy that was almost her age was right in front of her. It was a thing that was worth talking for especially when a boy in front of her was actually just staring at her, his eyes showing a small spark of terror and confusion. It amused her for the situation was just hilarious.

Victoria nodded, immediately understanding why his sister wanted this. The indoors were already getting on her nerves, making her slightly irritated when somebody would ask or tell her something. Victoria knew that her mother was tired of her strange indoor attitude and let her play to loosen up her nerves a bit. She knew that they would stay in the park for more than an hour, since her mother would still spend time on her own somewhere. Victoria trusted her mother to come back for her. But right now, she was dealing with an encounter she would have never imagined. The big house that Percy was telling her made her wonder if they also lived in a house like hers, in someplace where almost everything was fragile and vulnerable. Where only Pure Bloods could see their only home in the Americas. Although Percy was already talking up a bit, Victoria knew that she was still the one talking and blabbing about stuff that she really did not know she even knew. Again, she opened her lips to respond with a conversational starter. "You have a niece?! You look too young to have one!" Exclaimed the eight year old eagerly, her curiosity leading to another subject for Percy to do the explaining. She giggled slightly, forming a small smile on her lips to remind Percy to keep talking. Was he traumatized because of her? Heavens, she did not even know what she did to keep him scared from her! She left her hands at her back and wondered what kept them in the middle of everywhere. Slowly, she looked at him expectantly as if she told him to follow her and she walked to the side so that they can speak freely with no one giving them strange looks. "Maybe," Victoria said playfully as she smiled at him. "Just watch out for signs and maybe you'll know." Victoria told him casually as she sat down near the tree, encouraging him to do the same. Victoria noted herself that she wouldn't tolerate his attitude if he treated her like someone below him. Vicky patted the space near her as her green eyes looked up to him to sit down. She really wasn't comfortable speaking to him if he chose to stood up. That would mean more ouchies in her neck the next day.
'You're Vicky' Perseus said calling her Vicky instead of Victoria, he didn't know why but Vicky seemed more fun, he watched her when she said that he was too young to have a neice he shooked his head 'I'm the youngest, my Sister is the oldest, she's Twennyone' Perseus said, still saying numbers funny even at eight. 'Then my Brother is the middle, he's nineteen and i'm the youngest and i'm eight' he said even though it was probably obvious, Perseus lost himself in the converstation and at down next to her and started ripping up grass as if it was going to kill him if it was left in the ground. Perseus shook his head 'You're in the Magical part of the world, You're a Witch' he said plainly as he picked up the bundle of grass and threw it away.

The Young Boy shook his head letting his ever growing hair fall infront of his face before he huffed it out of the way, probably looking a bit stupid but he didn't care 'How long have you know that you were a Witch?' he asked curiously, still in his own little world almost forgetting about their last encounter, Percy felt a bit desperate for friends now, he was in normal school but people thought he was weird, he couldn't talk about magical stuff either and he didn't like it.
Perseus looked at Victoria and stared at her waiting for an Answer. His focus changed and he continued to rip grass out of the ground but this time he started to pile it on her knee.
<COLOR color="#000"> It was a beautiful day yet Victoria never expected to find a surprise waiting for her in New Zealand. She knew that this park was perfect but regardless, their way of traveling to their destination was uncomfortable. Apparating, or so her mother called it, was the way that they would always use to go to anywhere. Victoria never did it often with her parents because of the sickening feeling she refused to welcome. It was frightening, the way the invisible force would pull at her navel and suck her in these tubes that would suffocate her. The thing that disturbed her too was that Perseus Frost, that boy whom she has met weeks ago was standing in front of her. It made her sigh when she recalled the past events of them together but regardless, she refused herself to be noticed as a person who is princessy just like what he thought of her. Victoria silently pulled herself together with confidence just so she would be able to speak to the boy correctly without any arguments. Her brother, Benjamin, was usually the opposite of what she wanted to do. He was the one who was superior and would soon be the lord of the manor. Victoria stood up straightly, her chin held high with a hint of confidence blazing from her. She always wanted to be like Benjamin, minus the laziness in him. "I'm eight too. Do you go to school?" Victoria queried lightly with no sense of direction for the conversation. She did not usually dwell on one topic throughout the whole dialogue. She reached out too to those other things that were plainly said yet never really explained. Victoria was always the socialite of the family besides from her mother who would talk to any adult she would see on the pathway.

Victoria set a small smile when he sat down next to her. Now they were like innocent children that were sitting next to a garden that was nearby. Victoria never really liked floral sceneries but she adored the scent that was emitted from it. It was like heaven on earth, but as an eight year old, she was still shallow with what to think off. "Yeah so maybe I really am." Mumbled the young witch, her eagerness vanishing in almost a second. Perhaps she was not only eager to play this guessing game that she decided to start off but she wanted to be coy about this. However, the dryness of Percy led it to nothing. Victoria shrugged as her deep sea green eyes faced his, not quite comprehending what his eye colour was. She faced him with an expression that told him that he was ridiculous before continuing with steadiness. "Maybe when I was three. Or two. I don't remember." Learning that she had magical blood was not difficult to handle. Her mother was magical and so was her father. Both of them even contained the purest of all bloodlines. They were Pure Bloods and nothing else filthier. She soon heard a light scraping on the ground, only to find that Percy was tugging the grass of fiercely. She watched him with curious sea coloured eyes and then gasped softly. The plant was now piled on her knee and it ticked slightly. She too tugged a small amount of grass gently, whilst throwing it nearby them, allowing Percy to pile it on her knee.
Perseus continued to pile the grass on the girls knee 'I go to Primary school untill i'm old enough to go to Hogwarts' he said blindly, Perseus heard Scarlet scream with laugher but pretended not to notice, she was far enough away to be ignored luckily. Perseus found a small daisy and plucked it out of the grount and stood it up in the pile of grass on the girls knee before he started ripping up more grass and throwing it away even though there seemed to a infinate amount of grass infront of him it had to be thrown away. Perseus smirked 'You're a Witch' he said since Victoria refused to admit it to him, she was weird when they first met not she was even more weirder.

The young boy sighed and shook his head 'Lucky, i didn't find out untill last year' he said as he leaned forward and grabbed a stick which had obviously fallen from the tree, he carefully pulled the bark off the stick untill it was smooth before stabbing it into thr ground a few times 'My Mum doesn't like Magic, she keeps on trying to get away from it but all of her kids have been magical so soon as she found out my dad was a Wizard she dumped me with my sister and didn't tell him where i was and found a non magical person' perseus said as he started to dig a hole with the stick, occasionally wiping the stick on the grass.

Perseus looked at the girl 'You have both your parents right?' he asked not sure if it was going to be a sensitive topic with her.
The amount of grass on Victoria's knee made her skin a bit itchy with the particles of soil tickling onto her skin. The roots of the grass contained the brown stuff which made Victoria softly wrinkle her nose in disgust. She reached out one of the plants that had soil on it, and gently tapped the roots for the soil to fall down. "Ick, I don't like the soil." Whined the eight year old, her green eyes looking at Perseus hand if ever he would put more soil on her. Victoria only favoured the grass and its soft leaves near the roots. Perseus was carelessly piling it on her, making her baby skin a bit itchy. It was nice to know though, that the boy was opening up to her already. There were different noises in the background; mothers with their daughters, children playing on the playground, couples whispering words of love to one another and so on. Victoria just wondered, whether he wanted to talk to her here or play on the playground. Both were amusing, but Vicky preferred the second idea. However, when Perseus did not even make a move to go there, she decided to just stay still and watch him rip the grass from the ground. "Yes. That's why I was asking you in the forest if you knew about wizards!" Victoria pipped up, a bit annoyed that he figured out her real identity. She wanted to keep it a secret, but the boy managed to squeeze out some information from her. "You just ruined the fun!" She thought with an exasperated sigh coming out from her lips.

Curiosity filled out the young witch as her companion said something she did not expect. Knowing that she had magical blood was not difficult for her to cope up with. Both of her parents used magic daily, making her grow bored with it. Only the owl post excited her. "Lucky?" Victoria's sea green eyes were filled with emotion as she looked at Perseus oddly. What was so lucky about him that he only found out about it last year. Poor him, he probably did not even understand what this magic was all about! Victoria leaned onto the trunk of the tree, listening intently to what Perseus had to say. He spoke to fast, but fortunately for the girl, she understood it quiet well. "Is it hard without a dad? And a mum?" Victoria spoke with sympathy to the boy, watching as he furiously dug the soil with all his might. It was an innocent question for her to ask, not to mention that she had her parents all along ever since birth.

A question silently hung on the air as Victoria thought about it. She easily answered with a small nod at him for assurance. "Yup. My mum is there. You wanna see her?" Victoria said with a small excited look on her green eyes. She was a little ecstatic about the idea. Victoria knew that her mum was sweet and gentle when it came to little kids like her. Unlike her father who was always cautious on whom to trust and all. She tugged on his arm gently, a little grin forming on her small and pink lips. Victoria loved her mum, and she knew that the woman would make Perseus feel welcome. Maybe some questions would come in his way, but that did not really matter. "Oh come on!" She said playfully, a small glint of mischief coming in her sparkling sea green eyes.
Perseus looked at the girl strangely when she said she didn’t like soil, he didn't understand, without soil those pretty flowers girls all love wouldn't grow, she was weird but he didn't question it, half of him was desperate for a friend, he liked Vicky but she still was a little different. Perseus shook his head at the girl who seemed to think he was stupid for not telling her in the forest that he was a Wizard, that was a non magical Forest, if he told, and she wasn't a witch he would have gotten in big trouble, Kida told him so and to keep his mouth shut unless he is in a magical world. Truthfully Perseus couldn’t tell the difference between the two places apart from things floated here then in the “Non Magical world”.
Perseus stopped piling dirt and grass onto her knee as she seemed not to like is, he shook his brown hair out of his eyes, he was going to need a hair cut soon, his school didn't like messy hair, unfortunately his sister had enrolled him at a Private school so he had to wear a uncomfortable uniform and be neat and tidy, something he hated.

Perseus shook his head 'I didn't ruin any fun, I was just being careful, don't you know you can't tell people that you're different' he said trying to seem more mature than he was, Vicky seemed quite a bit older than she was, she was intelligent, Perseus thought Smart people were Ravenclaws, or that's what his sister had said, he wanted to be a Lion or a Snake, they seemed cool not a bird or a badger. Percy dug his stick into the ground once more and started to wiggle it into the earth trying to make it sink. Perseus heard Vicky question that she was lucky then she asked him a question he dreaded to hear, she asked him if it was hard without a dad and a mum.

'Yes' he said stopping digging his stick in, his mother abandoned him and left his father because he was a Wizard, and so was his dad. He had no one or so he thought and he didn't know who his father was, he was still ‘Dad’ to him, he had no real name. Perseus shook his head again trying to fight back the thought 'It's really hard, but I have a Half-Sister and a Half-Brother who are nice to me, I don’t think I'll ever know who my dad is and I will never see my mum again.' Perseus quickly tried to change the subject but Victoria mentioned meeting her mum a-d he looked at her slightly concerned, his sister was a muggle born so she understood him not knowing about magic, but what he could guess Vicky's mum had been around Magic all her life, what would she think of him.

Perseus watched Vicky and stood up awkwardly, she pulled him along and he followed, atleast he would be moving again. Perseus snickered and ran ahead of her not sure where he was going, A million thoughts were racing through his mind but he shut them down and tried to focus on just one thing. Being Normal.
Victoria caught the way Percy looked at her, an odd expression on his features. She wasn't so sure why he looked at her like that, just because she didn't like the dirt on her skin. It was itchy, too itchy in fact. Victoria looked back at Percy, mimicking his expression as well, her eyes asking him why the hell was he even looking at her like that. She was uncomfortable with the soil piled on her baby skin, let alone put some weeds and plants on it. She looked at Percy briefly, searching for his eyes and it looked like he decided to stop piling the dirt on her, which she thanked him with a sigh. Victoria shoved the dirt away from her knee gently, wiping a few particles away that was stuck on her skin. How she hated the dirt on her own skin. Victoria did not care at all when it was on her garments. Her mother cleaned it with her wand, which was amazing to watch all the time. Victoria looked at Percy disbelievingly, once he spoke out his opinion. She didn't believe him and she knew that she was correct. "But why can I? Mum allows it." Victoria answered, her green eyes narrowing in doubt. Why was he telling her this? He seemed to know everything around them, which irritated Victoria a bit. To her, he was almost a know-it-all for that five seconds only. She watched him silently as he dug deeper, wondering why was it bad to tell other people that her blood had magic. Little did she know that she grew up in a community of wizards and witches, all of them containing magic. Victoria was just the same as them; and it rare that her mother brought her to a place filled with muggles who were indifferent about magic. She asked him out of the blue, "What's your blood anyways? They say that it has types so I guess, you have one too?" She asked with a small raise of her eyebrows.

She wasn't surprised at all when her companion said that it was indeed difficult to have a life without parents. She frowned, giving him all the sympathy she can muster and looked at him gently. Her parents would never leave her and she knew that. Both of them were committed to one another because of the blood they both have. Even Lucas, the youngest member of their family didn't need to worry about that. "That's so sad." Victoria tucked in a stray hair from her face whilst still frowning at him with big green eyes. She didn't like his life at all, thinking that it would be difficult for her to cope up without her mother. Isabela was always there, wherever she went, except when she was around the grounds of the manor. Her mother ran the estate along with her father yet she rarely told Victoria that she was too busy. Although whilst thinking about it, she cocked her head to the side, confused. "What's a half brother? And a half sister?" She questioned so softly, that she felt her cheeks flame up with the question. Victoria hoped that Percy didn't think she was too dumb to not know. Her family never had a half brothers or half sisters. They were simply siblings. No halves and several extensions.

Victoria grinned even more when Percy stood up with her and whilst he tugged on him, she sensed that the boy had something in mind. A snicker came out from him, which she returned with a confused expression. "Wha- " Victoria asked but then, Percy took off running, seeming to declare a race. She looked at him in surprise and regained her senses. Her legs took off as well, running to his side until she was a few feet behind him. He definitely did not know the way and with this, Victoria smirked playfully and stopped, letting him run ahead of her again. She just hoped that he sensed a missing presence behind him since her loud footsteps died whilst he still ran. "Hey! Come back! That's the wrong way!" She said, laughing at his weirdness. It's a been a whilst since she had ever ran like that with a companion that was her age. Victoria giggled harder and ceased it with a bite on her lower lip. She motioned for Percy to follow her whilst she stood patiently, still grinning madly. She waited with a smile for Perseus to reach her side.
Perseus continued to pull his dumbfounded look, he half the time didn't realise that he was doing it but he continued to stare blankly at the girl like she was crazy. 'Because Non Magical folk aren't allowed to know of the Magical world' he said, this girl had been around magic her entire life but she had no idea about the rules, Perseus guessed it was because her mother must have only interacted with Magical people so it wasn't a bother. Percy wondered what would happen if Vicky went into the real world, he was slightly confused. 'Do you know any Muggles?' he asked curiously wondering if his thoughts were true.
Percy was slightly taken aback with Vicky's question about his blood type, he wasn't sure if he should tell her, It wasn't anything to be afraid of but it just wasn't a common Question 'I'm Half Blood' he said 'It means one of my parents is a Muggle and the other is a Witch or Wizard, My Mum is a Muggle and my Dad is a Wizard' he said explaining incase the girl didn't understand the different types of blood, Kida had informed Percy a while ago, some Death Eaters or Pure Bloods could sense when Muggleborns where around and one time an old bat of a woman spat at his sister and he didn't know why, Kida explained it was because, Unlike him Both of her Parents were Muggles. Percy wasn't sure if the girl was Muggle, Mixed, Half or Pure, Her mother could be Muggle and had another Magical Child and brought them up engrossed in Magic or anything like that 'What's you're Status? ' he asked curiously, if she was Pure Percy might need to keep her away from Kida in case she started spitting aswell.

Percy looked down when Vicky stated the obvious of his life, it was sad, Neglected by his parents, atleast he was lucky to by his mother ditching him, he discovered his Half Sister and Brother, He would have never had known, and he was happy they were so nice.

Vicky asked Percy what a Half Brother and Half sister was and he felt like slapping his forehead, she read all these books and was so smart but some of the easiest things were second nature to him she was stumped by, he wasn't sure how she was brought up but he was pretty certain her life was perfect. 'Uhmm, Half Sisters and Half Brothers are when you all have the same parents but one is different.. uhmm' he was trying to figure out a way to say it and sound smart to Impress her but it was difficult 'So like, Me, Kida and my Half Brother Ashton all have the same Mum' he said then realised that he still hadn't given enough information 'Our Dads are different though' he added with a nod and a grin on his face like he just won some prize. He didn't know if he had any more siblings, but Kida said that she only knows of Ashton and Ashton only knows of Kida and now Him so they weren't sure if they have any more siblings, or if they were going to get any more but they mentioned that their mother had probably dried up by now.. what ever that meant.

Percy could hear Vicky catching up to him but he sped off again, No one could catch him. He thought he was doing great before Vicky shouted that he was going the wrong way and he realised that she was right, he halted and turned around, almost tripping over his own feet as he ran back to meet up with her, Percy skidded to a halt next to Vicky and waited for her to give him the new direction to go.
<COLOR color="#000"> Victoria stared at Perseus as well, biting her lip softly to stop herself from cracking a smile. He looked silly as his eyes met hers, with his eyes looking at her with oddness. She felt herself pulling the corner of her lips upward slowly and continued to stare. His eyes seemed to tell her that she was weird to him, but she ignored that feeling and decided to just show a grin to him, enjoying the stare he was giving her. Victoria waved a hand in front of his face briefly and giggled softly whilst her green eyes twinkled with amusement. It was rare that she saw someone stare at her like that, except for when she would share some insane ideas with Benjamin. "Muggles." She mumbled so softly, that she didn't know if Perseus even heard her. It was clear to her now, why Perseus was staring at her oddly. But never in her life did her parents ever tell her to shut up at certain places and stay silent about the magic running in her veins. Anywhere they went, it was usually common for a person to whip out their wand and do magic. Victoria was so used to it already, and she just stared at the owls that occasionally flew by, whenever she was window shopping. "I know what a halfblood means!" She defended herself, her nose scrunching up whilst she frowned deeply at the boy. She felt that he was somehow challenging her wits which she did not appreciate for a very young age. She barely knew anything but words, numbers and simple incantations but not histories and complicated potions. Victoria expected Percy to snigger and she waited for his reaction with a scowl.

Blood statuses weren't exactly important for the young pureblood. She thought of it millions of times and wondered why would she ever need to despise muggles and muggle borns. It was because of their blood, but at a very young age of eight, she did not understand their difference. Arthur said that it was dirty and they weren't worthy of the magic that they received. As for Perseus' blood, she thought of it as something pleasant and at least she did would not have to stay away from the boy. Victoria was not exactly comfortable in the muggle areas as well as she itched to see magic just to convince herself that magic was indeed her reality. "Doesn't matter," Victoria waved a hand as if to dismiss the subject she brought up herself, "it's not even important right?" Her sea green eyes looked up to match his, giving him a questioning stare to know if his views were the same as hers. She willed herself to value the attitude of a person, rather than judging them based on some red liquid that gave life. She patted his shoulder whilst he looked down with a downcast expression. She did not want him to dwell on how his life was previously. He must have thought that her life was so perfect which wasn't part of her actual reality.

Her cheeks flamed, which had a small shade of pink circles on her cream coloured skin. She fought the urge to look down and instead, she faced him with a high chin. The heat slowly faded, as she grew interested to what kind of a family Perseus had. It was interesting to know about and it was her first time to be aware of half brothers and sisters alike. She felt as if he was trying to look for the right words to explain it to her and yet the pureblood waited patiently. She nodded along the way whilst she tried to comprehend what kind of a situation was Perseus' family in. "Really? I don't have any half brothers or sisters. Just plain brothers. And I'm the middle kid!" Victoria shared eagerly. She thought of how Benjamin was a good brother to her, but he always held a cold demeanor unto others. He was the silent type and at the same time, arrogant as well. It confused her, how he did not exactly like making conversations. Lucas in the meanwhile, just walked and blabbed about nonsense on the dining table. Both brothers were different yet Vicky had a feeling that Lucas would grow like Benjamin and Arthur. "Who's the oldest? You, your sister or your brother?" Vicky pleasantly asked whilst she felt the wind on her face, letting her hair fly back from her face. Getting to know Perseus was something nice to her.

Watching Perseus come back to her was somewhat funny, since he almost tripped on the way. She muffled the giggles she wanted to let out, showing off a curvy grin anyways. She was surprisingly a fast sprinter for a female. Victoria grasped Perseus' arm when he reached her and dragged him to the direction of her mother. She knew that she Isabela would be still on that bench where Victoria left her. She finally stopped at the place where the swings were located and children were squealing with delight. Victoria approached her mother, still dragging Perseus behind her. She abruptly let go of the boy's arm and looked at him softly. "There's my mum." She said softly whilst she looked at Percy. Isabela was sitting on the bench, reading a novel of some sort. A dress clung to the woman that reached until the knee level. Victoria approached her mother quietly and tapped her knee to interrupt her reading. "Hi mum. What're you reading?" She asked conversationally, whilst looking at the opened book. The words were small and they were printed in black. Victoria watched as her mum snapped the book shut softly, and the woman smiled at her daughter fondly. Victoria smiled back as well and motioned to the direction of Perseus. Isabela stood up to her full height and observed the Perseus, her bright blue eyes blazing with seriousness. "Hello sweetheart. A new friend for my daughter hmm?" She asked, her tone motherly but her gaze filled with protectiveness for Victoria. Victoria stood beside her mother and watched as Isabela crouched down femininely until she was looking at Perseus, eye to eye.

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