Silus Hollister

Silus Hollister

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Self Hatred
9 1/2 Straight Elm, Dragon Heartstring

Silus Dale Hollister


Am I what I seem to be
people say I'm crazy
but I say I'm just being me​


The Rundown

Silus Dale Hollister

Silus | Latin | Forest Dweller
Dale | Norse | Lives in the valley
Hollister | English Surname

October 31st, 2027 | Halloween

Auckland, New Zealand

Blood Status
|Presumably Half-Blood|
Biological Father > Unknown
Biological mother > Witch

& Appearance

His current wand is a straight ,9 1/2 Inch, Unyielding Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core, though he plans to purchase a new one in the near future -- hoping to run into Lyra Potter.

<I>Details of Wand
- Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.

- Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?

- Wood: A complex wand capable of the most advanced magic, Elm does not often make a mistake or fuddle a spell - it is highly dependable to a well matched master.

- Core: This wand core is popular with the dark wizards, but useful for all as wands of this nature seem to learn spells with more ease than other wands do. A wand with dragon heartstring will contain a great deal of power, so it is advised that the wand caster know how to handle such power.

-Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

Hair: Silus has a very thick dark hair, which he lets grow long on the rop, but keeps it fairly shorter on the sides.

Eyes: Silus has icey blue eyes -- likely to be a hit with the girls later on.

Voice: Exeedingly low, and has a sensual gravel to it.

Height: Silus is extremely tall. As of 16 he stands at 6'4.

Style: Silus prefers to wear his school clothes aa they are the nicest he has. His usual clothing is usually stolen and worn, but he prefers clothing that isn't very colorful and likes to wear jackets and boots.

Other Distinguishing Features: Silus has very bright ice-blue eyes, chiseled cheeks, and a sharp jaw. He usually sports a lip ring, nose ring, and ear piercings, and has numerous arm tattoos.


| Loyal | Doesn't give up easily | Selfless | Meticulous |

| Quick Temper | Doesn't respect authority | Mean spirited | Easily despaired | Callous |
Hogwarts House

Simple Likes
- Cats
- Herbology
- Knives
- Leather
- Caramel

Simple Dislikes
- Nervous or shy people
- Braggarts
- Hot weather
- Hot Chocolate
- James Cade

In Depth

Silus tends to be a private and reserved person when it comes to the personal, but his everyday actions are the very opposite. He says what he thinks, regardless of how you'll interpret it. Silus constantly makes bold and daring moves, and he never pauses to gauge the outcome of things. He lives mostly on impulse, always following the thoughts in his head. While callous and uncaring most the time, of you gain his trust he will bend over backwards for you without a second thought. When Silus does in fact make a bond with someone, it tends to stand the test of time, even if the other person fails to reciprocate later on.
<SIZE size="100">
<FONT font="fantasy"><COLOR color="black">- He is double jointed.
- Almost never misses with a knife.
- Can realistically imitate anything in a drawing.
- The tips of his ears turn red instead of his cheeks when embarrassed.
- Silus never learned how to swim.

<FONT font="fantasy">"Lovely" Details​


First Kiss
Lyra Potter

First Love
Lyra Potter

Not gone.

<COLOR color="slategrey">Physical On
| Brunettes | Long hair | Petite frame |

Character On
| Caring | Mischeivous | Feisty | Care-free |

Physical Off
| Masculinity | Blondes | Tall | Stick skinny |

Character Off
| Complainers | Violent | Cruel | Silly | Shy | Nervous | Self-Rightous |

<B>||Yearly Summaries||​

First Year
Second Year​
Third Year
Fourth Year​
Fifth Year
Sixth Year​
Seventh Year

List Of Roleplays with Links Coming

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