Silent as a Mouse

Drew Hanson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kingswood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
The moon was beautiful tonight, Drew Ryley Handler could see it from the Hufflepuff Common room, it was quiet and cosy in the Hufflepuff Common room and he turned the page of his book. The peace that hung in the air was comforting for the pacifest, as he much preferred to read in silence and in the comfort of the indoors rather than outside. But when a group of roudy Hufflepuff came bursting into the room, running aorund like they'd lost their heads. Drew closed his book and stood up, grabbing his wand, he sighed. Was peace too much to ask these days? Classes were difficult for the Muggle-born, he still wasn't understanding everything about the Magical world, but he was trying. It was just some jokes and actions confused him. Still he needed to brush up on his Arithmancy before the class started, he had nearly forgotten everything related to the subject, he needed to rbush up badly, so instead of joining the crazy Hufflepuffs as they danced around the Common room being crazy and carefree, Drew took his leave, with his book and wand, ready to find somewhere else to sit and read, even if that meant going outside in the dark and using lumos. It was night and most were asleep, which meant it was a good time for some much wanted peace, the castle was basically asleep and Drew was grateful, but as he wandered through the halls, with his wand alight in a strong lumos, he soon realised that no where within the walls was suitable. A frown crossed his face. It was time to leave the inside of the castle and go outside, it was against school rules, but it was only going to be for a little while. Drew had been out of the Common room after curfew before with Fayt, so doing it this once wasn't going to be the end of him, surely. With a sigh, Drew decided to just wonder around and see where his feet led him, perhaps he would stumble upon a place that would be perfect for reading and relaxing.

Drew soon found himself by the lake, he had no idea why he came here, he did not have any wish to go swimming, but it was very pretty here, Drew was calmed by the simple fact that the water was calm and sparkly, looked majestic as the light from his wand relfected off its smooth surface. He sat down quietly and sat his book in his lap. He could see very clearly from his lumos, so he wasn't worried about damaging his sight or anything. When a light breeze blew, he smirked, it felt good to have the wind blow through his hair, sometimes he felt like a massive ermit, he rarley got out anymore and when he did, it was at night so he would rarely be disturbed. He was sure no-one even knew of his existence, he seemed to blend into the walls, no-one ever spoke to him or acknowledged him, not that he minded too much, it enabled him to think, and when he was lonely, he'd talk to Camille, she was always there for him, or he'd send an owl to Hannah or his step-parents, they were always happy to reply to him, but mostly he would read, to try and help get his mind around magic. When he heard something behind him, he looked up and closed his Arithmancy book, then looked behind him, hoping to spot his approacher.

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